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Lemon Ginger Chicken Salad

Pickup days will be

Monday and Tuesday

Oliveda Drop in!

October 23


North Hills Club Board Room

Yadkin Drive 27608

Open Invite Here!!!!

PLease RSVP if you plan to come!


Be Your Own Shero Conference

It's a great honor to speak again this year at this conference.

January 25,20245

Vlick the link above for details and/or to Register!

The Nourished Network

If you know of anyone in the Little Washington area that might enjoy this event, pass along the above information!

November 7, 2024


Church of the Good Shepherd

2425 North Market Street

Washington, NC 27889

Take a Breath

Busy, busy, busy! We are always so busy. We feel driven by the urgency of everyone else's needs and demands, from our children to our families to our jobs. Take time today to push pause. Ask yourself, what things in my life can I replace with time for me in order to recharge and breathe. The greatest gift you can give to yourself, your family and to those you work with is a healthy you. How do you take time to recharge your batteries: Physical, Mental,Spiritual, Relational, Mental? We are multifaceted, complex creations. When one area of our life is out of balance, it affects all of the others.


One of my favorite ways to recharge is to read a good book. I sit in a comfy chair, usually with Archie curled by my side, and disappear into a world of fiction.

I also enjoy daily me time on long walks where I pray, reflect, create work content in my head, listen to music or podcasts… It is a spring board that propels my into my day with good energy and mental clarity.

Being disciplined to set aside time for yourself is very challenging. But you are worth it!

How about you? How do you recharge?

Fullscript Supplements

This Week's Recipes

Carne Picada

A delicious Mexican recipe you will come to love!

Acorn Squash

with maple baked apples

Makes a delicious side dish or a sweet treat!

Pesto Chicken and Tomatoes over Quinoa

Cashew Chocolate Fudge with Maple Almond Butter

Book a free 20 minute consult

Favorite Kitchen Tool

Breville Immersion Blender

I use mine all the time! Great for soups, sauces, homemade mayo, smoothies, pureeing, whipping cream, make salad dressings and marinades, baby food, jams and more!

Looking for some help with achieving
Optimal Health and Wellness?
My areas of deep study and experience are
Diet, Gut Health, and Hormonal Health

What I am reading this week...

The Heirloomed Kitchen

by Dr. Jashley Schoenith

Made from scratch recipes to gather around for generations. Can't say the recipes are all exactly "healthy" however, there are quite a few. With holidays rapidly approaching indulge in a few of these recipes to satisfy your comfort food craving and to adorn your special occasion table!

Thought for this Week...

Jump! and you will figure out how to unfold your wings as you fall. ~ Ray Bradbury

Did you know that I offer a
A great gift for a college graduate, a bride to be, anyone seeking help creating meals to fit their lifestyle and health needs/desires.
for more information.

Click HERE for more information and/or to Register
(On Demand & Self Guided)

Join my Private

Where we discuss and share
All things Health and Wellness! 

Check in often for resources, workshop info,stress management tools, recipes, health tips and so much more!

order e-gift cards


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