Take a Breath
Busy, busy, busy! We are always so busy. We feel driven by the urgency of everyone else's needs and demands, from our children to our families to our jobs. Take time today to push pause. Ask yourself, what things in my life can I replace with time for me in order to recharge and breathe. The greatest gift you can give to yourself, your family and to those you work with is a healthy you. How do you take time to recharge your batteries: Physical, Mental,Spiritual, Relational, Mental? We are multifaceted, complex creations. When one area of our life is out of balance, it affects all of the others.
One of my favorite ways to recharge is to read a good book. I sit in a comfy chair, usually with Archie curled by my side, and disappear into a world of fiction.
I also enjoy daily me time on long walks where I pray, reflect, create work content in my head, listen to music or podcasts… It is a spring board that propels my into my day with good energy and mental clarity.
Being disciplined to set aside time for yourself is very challenging. But you are worth it!
How about you? How do you recharge?