Mindful Eating during the Holidays
There’s nothing better than a warm bowl of
homemade soup on a cold winter’s day,
wouldn’t you agree? We have an innate desire to
eat hot, hearty meals during the cold winter
months to achieve balance. Infusing mindfulness
into your daily routine will help you stay balanced
and avoid overeating this season and beyond.
Since so much of the holiday festivities revolve around large meals, practicing mindfulness will equip you with the tools to help you succeed in staying on track with your health goals while still enjoying your favorite holiday treats.
Know your triggers
If you stop and think about when and where you find yourself mindlessly eating beyond when you are hungry, what comes up? If you can pinpoint what these triggers are, you can find the answers to put a stop to them.
Do you reach for the tub of ice-cream when you're stressed out or upset? If something is within arms reach, will you mindlessly munch on it even if you don't necessarily even want it?
Think about these triggers and brainstorm some ways to avoid them. What can you do to turn these around? If you are tempted to eat the whole bowl of popcorn if it's in front
of you, portion some out in a small bowl and enjoy that slowly. What will you choose to do when you're stressed out instead of reaching for the cookie dough?