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Dear JWUMC Family,

It's with great sadness that we inform you that Steve Harper passed from this life into life eternal this weekend.

We know you will join us in praying for Cheryl, their children, the many grandchildren, and their entire extended family and dear friends during their time of grief.

Cheryl said that she appreciates all of the people who have reached out to her. There are not plans yet in place for a memorial service but we will let you know as soon as we have any information about that. Cards can be sent to:

The Harper Family

3147 Baffin Drive

Hamilton, OH 45011

Please join us in this prayer, and lift your own prayers to the Lord:

Heavenly Father we know and believe that our times are in Your hands, but Lord it's so often such a shock to us when we are faced with the loss of a loved one. Lord, we bring before You today the family and friends of Steve Harper. We pray that You keep close to everyone mourning his loss. Uphold them we pray and ask that You draw very close to them ... raise up we pray, the right people to minister to them and to be a genuine comfort and support at this time. Finally, we lift up to you the life and memory of Steve.  He was a blessing to many and brought so much love and laughter. Please be with us all as we celebrate Steve and the difference he has made in our lives. Amen

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