Websites:  and  Feb 18, 2020
For previous editions of Jefferson Park newsletters  CLICK HERE.
Leading the nominating committe e
Visiting with Neighbors
Suzanne Trappman
Working on Oral Histories
Reviewing Plans for the Linear Park
Jefferson Park has lost one of its greatest advocates. Long time resident Suzanne Trappman passed away February 15, losing her battle with pancreatic cancer. We fondly remember her no-nonsense personality and warm heart. Every successful working group needs someone who keeps all on task, and that person was Suzanne.

Suzanne was a member of the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association Board for many years and a President of the Friends of Jefferson Park for eight years. We waited for her silver head and blue eyes before every meeting, and she was rarely late. She helped edit the neighborhood publications, worked on obtaining the historic nomination in 2007, gathered oral histories, led the nominating committee, and made sure we all followed the by-laws.

Neighbors and friends remember well her holiday homemade Eggnog parties. Her hard work and deep friendship will be missed. Our thoughts and sympathy go out to Suzanne's two daughters and son and their extended family. They have lost a wonderful mom and our neighborhood has lost a neighbor and good friend.
(Joan Daniels, Joanne Osuna)
Attending meetings
Talking with Council members
Area Representatives

Area #1 - Mary Worthen 

Area #2 - Jon Heine

Area #3 - Laurel-Heather Milden

Area #5 - Joanne Osuna

Area #6 - Lisa Jones
Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"
Neighborhood Resources:
Recommended service Providers

TPD Lead Officer for our area: Sgt. Eric Evans, 420-405-2070, email:  [email protected] .
On Duty: Sat- Tues, 5pm -3am

non-emergency crime: 
emergency crime:   911

See the latest crimes in Jeff Park:

See code violations in Jeff Park:  

Report an issue with Banner: 
Emergency 24/7 (520) 268-9575
Helicopter Noise/ Banner Hospital contact BUMC Security at 694-6533. 

Report an issue with the U of A: 
24/7 available (520) 282-3649

Report an unruly gathering: Call 911   CLICK HERE   to see Flow Chart 

See historic photos of Jefferson Park:
1510 E Grant*  [email protected]

Ward III, See Paul's e-news at:

Ward VI, Steve K's newsletter:
Paul Durham, Ward III
Get on the List Serve! To sign up for the neighborhood list serve, send a blank email to  [email protected]  
or send a request for an invitation to  [email protected]

Facebook: Jefferson Park Pet Lost animals , found animals etc  

Facebook: Jefferson Park: Interactive communications and neighborhood friendly posts

Report Transportation Concerns : Is there a pothole you'd like to see fixed? Is a street sign missing? Is a tree limb hanging too close over a roadway or sidewalk?You can report these issues to the  Tucson Department of Transportation  (TDOT), (520) 791-3154, or email the exact location to  [email protected]

What is a code violation ?And whom do I call? Download  an information sheet approved by the City Code Enforcement Division
Editors' Note: This Constant Contact is sent only upon request and with permission. The editors, Joan Daniels, Erin Posthumus, and Joanne Osuna invite your comments.
Thanks to the editors and co-editors who check and recheck the information we send out to our neighbors. If you see an error or have an addition, let one of us know.