Sea Hag Marina
OPEN: Sun-Thurs 6am-6pm
Fri.-Sat. 6am-7pm
N 29' 40.295  W 83' 23.636 
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This Week 04-29-20 at Sea Hag Marina
Taylor County & Dixie County public boat ramps (excluding Horseshoe Beach, Suwanee & Shired Island) are closed to the public.  River Haven Marina is continuing to launch boats off trailers with their hoist and Good Times Marina has a private boat ramp open to the public. Our commissioners will be meeting May 4th to discuss reopening the boat ramps.
In Need of Vitamin "SEA"- Hag!
Melissa Kitty McCaulley spent the day reeling in redfish with her daughter!
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Lily McCaulley got her fishing skills from her mom, Melissa!

Blackened Redfish Tacos yum! Click the link below to see the 10 best ways to cook a redfish!

Heath Reed of Steinhatchee, FL, reeled in an awesome over-slot redfish!
Cousins, Austin Kaye & Abigail Hall from Melrose, FL, are holding up a dinner-sized redfish they caught together!

Sea Hag Marina is supporting Jody DeVane for Taylor County Commissioner 
Although there are a lot of fantastic
people running for this position, we feel that Jody DeVane is the most qualified, has a proven record, and can work strongly with the other commissioners.

Capt. Steve & Cindy Graham had a blast fishing with River Mashburn from Ring Gold, GA!
River Mashburn hooked up on a gorgeous redfish!
Max Leatherwood & his crew caught a nice limit of trout & redfish along with some flounder, Spanish mackerel & rabbitfish!

Austin Osborne caught this gorgeous redfish on the Rapala Skitterwalk-Hot Chartreuse!
Nick Chesser, a Sea Hag dockhand, turned 16 yesterday and caught a nice redfish!
Capt. Scott Peters' crew had a blast catching their limit of trout & redfish!

Michael Neu fished the creeks and hooked up on a perfect-size redfish!
Nat & Timothy Tuten went fishing in the sunset!
Maggie Murdoch bought a Penn Fierce III LE from Sea Hag and caught her biggest trout yet on the 2nd cast at Hagens Cove!
Alexia & Lillian Vance, Tyler Back & Maverick Roberts tore the fish up with Connor McKinnon!
Eric Griffis celebrated his birthday this week fishing! He & his redfish did the same pose for the camera! LOL

Do YOU have an opinion on the Taylor County BOAT RAMPS? 
Please feel free to contact the Taylor County Commissioners. 

E MAILS:,,,,,

LaWanda Pemberton (850) 838-3500 Ext. 106
Malcolm Page (850) 584-9489
Jim Moody (850) 838-6528
Sean Murphy (850) 295-3763 Steinhatchee and Keaton Boat Ramp District
Pam Feagle (850) 838-6861 Chairman
Thomas Demps (850)584-3681

  Every voice deserves to be heard!
Click HERE to sign the "Open Taylor County Boat Ramps" petition! 
Every signature counts! It is currently at 700 signatures & growing.

Garrett Molloy is holding up two 27in redfish!
Dustin Johnson caught this hefty trout in Keaton Beach!
Stephanie Moon & Capt. Scott Peters caught a huge redfish!
Niecey Mitchell reeled in a nice over-slot redfish!

Brittany English hooked up a big ol' redfish on the flats!
The Butler family went fishing with Capt. Kyle Skipper and brought back a nice haul of trout, redfish, bluefish & rabbitfish!
Heath Reed caught multiple redfish over the weekend!
Emma Chupp from Greensboro, GA, caught her first 20" trout with her daddy!
As listed under the orders from Governor Ron DeSantis, fishing is deemed an essential activity.
Sea Hag will remain open as an essential business providing marine hardware, safety equipment, food, ice, fuel, as well as fishing equipment. We encourage all who enter Steinhatchee to practice safe distancing and cleanliness. We are taking every precaution recommended by our government to prevent the spread of the virus: cleaning & sanitizing our facility hourly, not allowing groups larger than 10 to be at our facility at one time and we've added a hand sanitizer station at the door for you to use. We look forward to providing a pleasant and safe experience at our store. 

If you come to our town, we ask that you bring all necessities with you to prevent depletion of our local markets. Please minimize your contact with others & enjoy a day on the boat with your family.  
Our local restaurants need support now more than ever!
 Every restaurant in Steinhatchee is OPEN for take-out. If you are able, please consider ordering food or purchasing giftcards to use at a later date to help keep our Steinhatchee restaurants afloat during this difficult time! So much of Steinhatchee relies on our locals restaurants.
Below are the restaurants & their phone numbers. Click HERE to view all menus!




Temporarily Closed till further notice. 

Temporarily Closed till further notice.



The Sea Hag men's restroom got a well-needed facelift this week! Employee, Chaeli Norwood painted some artwork on the walls!
Submit your photos to to be featured on our newsletter.
Taylor County Commissioner District 3 

Sea Hag Marina is supporting Jody DeVane for Taylor County Commissioner 
Although there are a lot of fantastic  people running for this position, we feel that Jody DeVane is the most qualified, has a proven record, and can work strongly with the other commissioners.
2020 Tournament List:

May 23   Hooked on Heroes Fundraiser Tournament

May 30   Steinhatchee Community Fishing Tournament

*POSTPONED date TBD* Taking the Crown Kingfish Tournament & Concert

June 13  Optimist Club Fishing Tournament

July 1  - October 4  CCA Star Fishing Tournament

July 25 The Logun Fishing Tournament

September 12 Lady Raiders Inshore Slam Fishing Tournament

September 19 Sea Hag Marina Trash Tournament

October 3 Hooked on Heroes - Taking Veterans Fishing

October 10 Nauti-Girls Fishing Tournament

November 6 & 7 Power-Pole Pro Fishing Tournament

December 12 Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament

Click the link below to shop all the new Heart of Hatchee items!

Heart of Hatchee is an online clothing boutique started by two college women that also work at Sea Hag Marina. They have their items online as well as in the front of Sea Hag Marina! Stop by & shop or order online!
DOWNLOAD  the app, iANGLER on your smart phone and log your fishing trips!

Help us contribute helpful STEINHATCHEE information to Florida's fisheries scientists!

This information will help FWC scientists determine  accurate  regulations for our area!