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June 2, 2022

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In this Issue:

  • Produce Safety Training - Registration Now Open!
  • Summer Growing Tips
  • Watch and Learn
  • Podcast Section
  • Share Grounds Update
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Who should attend:

Anyone who grows, harvests, packs and handles fresh fruits and vegetables.

Why you should attend:

On-farm food safety practices are vital in the produce industry. Many farms are now required to comply with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. This training will educate growers on the Produce Safety Rule.

What you receive:

Upon completion of this training, participants receive a certificate satisfying the requirement 112.22(c) in the Produce Safety Rule.

Registration Now Open!

Summer Growing Tips

 Growing Tomatoes in Arkansas


Do you grow tomatoes? We have research-based information about planting tomatoes and disease management. Click the link below to watch videos, read tips, and see fact sheets developed by UADA.

Tomato Tips and Tricks

Squash Gardening - Tips for Planting, Maintaining & Harvesting

Check out our website below for information on the history of squash, different summer squash cultivars, the differences in winter and summer squash, how to prepare for planting, diseases and pest to look out for, and harvesting tips and tricks.

Squash Resources Here

Watch and Learn

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In this video from the National Young Farmers Coalition you will be able to hear from several farmers about how FSMA has impacted their operations and ways they have prioritized food safety before and after the rule.

Watch Here

Ever wondered what a Produce Inspection from the FDA looks like? This 38 minute video walks you through what a Regulator would look for during an inspection and gives insight on things to be prepared for!

Learn Here

Podcast Section

"Getting to know each of our farmers, we look back at how they got here. Are they a first-generation farmer, learning the ropes? Or a fifth-generation rancher carrying the weight of legacy? This episode will set the stage. We will also speak with Arkansas Agriculture Wes Ward about the state of farming in Arkansas." -Arkansas PBS

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Listen Here!

In this episode, they speak with Dr. Keith Schneider, Professor and Extension Specialist in the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department at the University of Florida, about the FSMA Agricultural Water Rule and the proposed changes that farmers need to be aware of.  

Listen Here!

Useful Links

Share Grounds Update

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Sign’s up! Recently, the Share Grounds location in Woodruff County (McCrory) received a beautiful new promotional sign, so now all those passing by the fairgrounds will know what’s happening here.

Thanks to U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Southern Risk Management Education Center, and Three County Fair Arkansas for their support of this upgrade to our facility.

For more information about the Share Grounds including how to become a client, email sharegrounds@uada.edu.
