We are optimistic about the growing number of vaccinations country wide and the steady decline in positive cases in our larger community.
As you all know, over the past fifteen months (15 months!), we have worked persistently to stay afloat during this unprecedented time. Thank you seems insufficient, but we truly are grateful to every single one of you for your support, patience and enthusiasm this past year. We even had a good time!
On May 29th, Governor Baker lifted all capacity and mask mandates, but we need to be honest with you. As much as we want to, we are not ready to get back to business-as-usual pre-pandemic. Given the logistical, personnel, and health considerations for a return to a bustling in-person studio, we must approach our path back systematically, with a healthy degree of caution, and strategically ramp up our offerings to ensure we can get our business back to 2019 levels.
From parents with young children unable to be vaccinated, to members and staff who are immune compromised, we work with a diverse community, with an array of needs. For the time being, we will
maintain our current mask and social distancing protocols while adding the opportunity for more than one session to take place at the same time in the main studio.
In preparation for mask free opportunities in studio, please send a copy of your vaccination card to
frontdesk@everybodypilates.com. If you prefer, you may mail a copy, of both sides, to our address below.
Mask free sessions will be available only when all in-studio participants have been vaccinated. Once we have collected all in-person clients' vaccination status, we can establish when it is appropriate for occupants to remove their mask in-session. Our goal is to be able to offer mask free sessions by July 6th, to allow time for all members to share their cards with us. We will send out further notification of how to attend mask free sessions once we have completed this process.
Regardless of the circumstances, we are confident in our ability to deliver our outstanding instruction for both our virtual and in-person sessions so you can seamlessly continue your practice. Your whole-hearted support is much appreciated as we navigate our steady return to more in-person opportunities.
Kirstin & the Team at Every Body Pilates