ה' עוז לעמו יתן

Dear Fellow Yid,

As Klal Yisroel has just experienced a tremendous blow with the events in Meron that took the lives of so many holy Neshamos, and left many more in need of Rachamei Shomayim, it is incumbent on us all to respond to Hashem's message appropriately.

We cannot fathom the hidden ways of Hashem, and we cannot know why He does things. We do, however, know that when we experience Midas Hadin, we must strengthen ourselves in Torah, Tefilah, Ma'asim Tovim and our interactions with one another, as a response to Hashem's message.

Some suggestions that have been given by Gedolei Yisroel, in response to tragedy include:

* Lighting Shabbos candles 5-10 minutes earlier than usual. By accepting the Kedusha of Shabbos early, it brings with it powerful Kedusha and Zechuyos for all of Am Yisroel.

* Make at least one bracha per day with extra Kavana. Understanding the meaning of the words, understanding to whom we are directing the bracha, and understanding that all happenings in the world are in Hashem's hands, without exception, is a tremendous zechus for Heavenly protection.

* Arrive to davening a few minutes early , or at least commit to not being late, as the way we approach the King of Kings elevates the Tefilos we say to Him. Clearing the mind for a moment or two before beginning to daven all but ensures that our Tefios will be holier.

* Commit to improve and refine our speech, as the Talmud (Shabbos 33a) states terrible things about those who speak Nivul Peh, inappropriate speech, including how 70 years of good decrees can be overturned R"L for speaking Nivul Peh. Conversely, committing to eradicate Nivul Peh from our lives can overturn many terrible decrees against Klal Yisroel and turn them into positive heavenly blessings! (Midah Tova Merubah...).
The fact that many of the victims of the Meron tragedy were young Bachurim, is also frightening, as the Talmud (ibid.) specifically mentions the passing of bachurim ...

Every individual should do some introspection, and commit to elevating themselves in a meaningful way. Making this commitment is what matters.

Do it for yourself. Do it for your family. Do it for Klal Yisroel. Do it for Hashem!

In the merit of our collective Torah, Tefilah and increasing of our Ma'asim Tovim, may all Cholei Yisroel merit a Refuah Shelaima, may all the families who are suffering merit Heavenly strength during their difficult time, andmost of all, may we all merit the Geulah Shelaima in time for Matan Torah!

והוא יגאלנו שנית וישמיענו ברחמיו לעיני כל חי לאמור: הן
גאלתי אתכם אחרית כראשית להיות לכם לאלוקים

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