Monthly Soul Matters Theme:


Click here to download this month's Soul Matters materials packet

Love In Action

September 7, 2023

All events are open and drop-ins are welcome, unless otherwise stated. If no contact person is listed, call 317-545-6005 or email the office at with questions.

Upcoming Service: Sunday at 10:00am

Join us this coming Sunday!

There is no hell except for what we humans create here on earth. What hell fires are licking at your heels? When do we need some spiritual dynamite? How about some soothing Holy water? Tune in to this service with Rev. Katie Romano Griffin, Crystal Francis, and the All Souls Musicians in person and online. Bring your joy, your energy and your readiness to engage.

  • Stream our service live on Youtube
  • View last week's recorded service here
  • Give to All Souls here.

What's Next in Faith Formation!

September 10 (11:30 - 12:30pm)

  • What would you like to see from children's faith formation? Open discussion. Makerspace
  • White Supremacy Culture Discussion. Beattie Room
  • Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity, and Power in Ministry book discussion. Library

Upcoming Small Group Gatherings

  • Sept.16 Soul Sisters, 10:00 a.m. Contact Barb Howe at for this month's location.
  • Sept.16 Brunch Brothers, 10:00 a.m. by Zoom. Contact Ollie Howe at for link.

Please reference our COVID policy for our guidelines. Inclement Weather policy can be found here.

How to Submit to In The Know! Do you have a submission you want to publicize in In The Know? We collect all submissions via google form. Click here to submit your info. 

All Souls Indy is on Social Media! Follow our Facebook page here & our Instagram @allsoulsindy. Read our Blogs here and keep up on events at our homepage.


Indiana’s Environmental Legislative Forecast: 2024

On Saturday, September 9, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., All Souls Indianapolis is hosting the Eastside Care Creation Network (ECCN) meeting and have secured IN State Representative Sue Errington (D-34) and Legislative Advocate, Dr. Indra Frank, Director of Environmental Health and Water Policy for the Hoosier Environmental Council to share what is on their agenda and radar for the upcoming 2024 Indiana State Legislative Session concerning environmental issues. They will provide their candid insight as to what might be debated and voted on next Spring by the Indiana State Legislature.

Please arrive at 8:30 a.m. for a light breakfast; the meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. in Harris Hall with the presentation starting around 9:15 a.m. Come with your questions and ideas and leave knowing that you are not alone in the fight for Environmental Justice. At the conclusion of the presentation, the ECCN will conduct its business meeting. All are welcome to stay. 

More info including speaker bios can be found here.

Organizing Training through Faith In Indiana This Saturday

It is not too late to sign up for Faith in IN's Indy Metro Organizing Training taking place on Saturday, September 9th at Allisonville Christian Church! Learn how to effectively add your voice in supporting social justice issues with congregations throughout the city - and the state. The training will begin at 12:00 with a nice lunch and opportunity to meet individuals from other congregations. If you don't get an opportunity to register for the event - no problem, join us anyway! We'll make room! Register at:

Families, What Possibilities Do You Want to See in Children's Faith Formation?

What possibilities would you like to see take shape in a church community? As faith formation transitions, we want to hear from families about children’s faith formation! Please join us for a gathering of families where we can hear from each other, share concerns and questions and begin to brainstorm new possibilities of coming together for children, youth and their families. This meeting will take place on Sunday, September 10 from 11:30-12:45 in Classroom 4, the Spirit Play Room. Childcare will be provided during this time in the Makerspace. If you are planning on attending or have any questions, please email either Nancy Olson ( or Susie Offen (

Volunteer at the UU Booth at the Festival of Faiths on September 10th

Center for Interfaith Cooperation's Festival of Faiths is quickly approaching! Festival of Faiths will take place on September 10 from 1-5PM at University Park in Downtown Indianapolis. All Souls will be sharing a booth with UUI. We are looking for volunteers to help run the booth. Whether you're available all afternoon or just for 30 minutes, we would love to see you there! Interested in volunteering? Fill out this survey:

Book Discussion Group Forming

This new book discussion group will be led by Jenny Yumibe and Judy Lumbert. We'll be reading Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity, and Power in Ministry, edited by Mitra Rahnema, starting on Sept. 10th, 11:30 to 12:30 in the library after Sunday service (and some coffee!). We will also meet the following eight Sundays. NOTE: It is not necessary to attend all 8 Sundays to participate in this group. If you are interested in reading the book but can only attend some of the discussion sessions, you are encouraged to sign up!

Please sign up by texting or emailing Judy Lumbert at 317-823-7302 or Copies of the book will be provided if you are interested.

"The All Souls Board of Trustees all read "Centering" over the summer to be able to better support our lay and professional leaders of color. I've done a lot of anti-racism work, and this book was eye-opening for me--I didn't know what I didn't know. We keep asking ourselves what we are doing wrong, why do people of color leave? This book answers those questions. I highly encourage everyone in our congregation to read this enlightening book." --Jean Miller, Board President

What Are Microagressions Anyway?

Have you been wondering what micro aggressions are? What about the characteristics of White Supremacy Culture? This very approachable link shares a few examples of micro aggressions and why they are painful and this link talks about White Supremacy Culture: Want to learn more? Email

Free Weekly Meditation Via Zoom Beginning September 14th

UUMFE (Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth) invites you a free weekly meditation via zoom. Starting Thursday Sept. 14, join UUMFE for a weekly, online, live meditation for 30 minutes (including community sharing).

Leaders include: Rev. Kelly Dignan, UUMFE’s Co-director focused on programs; Rev. Karen Van Fossan; Rev. Erin Gingrich; Rev. Cindy Pincus/ Rev. Kristen Psaki

Join Zoom:

Come Join Us for a Brainstorming Fest!

Our Fall Fest will be here before we know it! Do you have ideas on what that should look like? On Saturday, September 16 from 12-2pm, we will have a brainstorming session for ideas. A light lunch will be provided. No commitment is required, just come share your ideas with us! All ages are welcome!

All Souls Humanist Discussion Groups are Hosting a Salad Bar Potluck on Saturday, September 16, 5:00 p.m. in Harris Hall.

All who are interested in or curious about adult programming and gatherings centered around Humanistic views of life, are invited and encouraged to join us. Feel free to bring items to add to the salad bar, including bread or dessert. Attendance is not dependent on bringing an item to share! Basic salad, chicken, and drinks will be provided. This promises to be a fun and interesting event! Questions? Contact Nancy Baney,

Come Sing With Us

There's a new choir starting at All Souls, the "All Voices Ensemble"! As its name suggests, it's for ALL voices: multi-generational, so children are welcome, and no singing experience necessary. The music we sing will be accessible to everyone, and suggestions will be welcomed!

The commitment is minimal. We will practice after church from 11:30am to 12:30pm on the first and third Sundays of the month. We will perform in church one Sunday a month, and rehearse before church that morning. Our first rehearsal is Sunday, September 17th.

Any questions please contact either: Gabe Perkins-Barbieri, our Director of Music, at, or Annie Rayhill at 978.512.9873.

Not For Ourselves Alone Chalice Circle Forming

Beginning Tuesday, September 19th at 10:00 a.m., Alan Schmidt and Margi Heckley will lead a new Chalice Circle based on Not For Ourselves Alone: Theological Essays on Relationship, edited by Burton D. Carley and Laurel Hallman and published by Skinner House Books.

The group will meet every other Tuesday through early February. Space is limited to 8 participants. Please register at

Heart to Heart Chalice Circle Forming

Dianna Houston and Mike O’Rourke will be leading a Chalice Circle on Zoom beginning Wednesday evening September 20 from 7:00 to 8:30pm. We will meet every other Wednesday for 14 sessions, finishing March 20, 2024. We are using the book “Heart to Heart: Fourteen Gatherings for Reflection and Sharing.” Participants are responsible for acquiring their own copy of the book. Since this will be via Zoom, people outside of Indianapolis can participate in this Chalice Circle. If you are interested please email Mike at or Dianna at

Fundraising Task Force Seeking Members!

The Board has created a Fundraising Task Force to think creatively about how we can build additional income streams which could include events, grants, and cash flowing our space in a missional way. If you have experience in fundraising, event planning, or just love creative and strategic thinking we'd love to have you join the team! Please contact Jean Miller at

Consider Donating Your Gently Used Jewelry

Attention All Souls Members and Friends: the Jewelry Sale Fundraising Committee is now accepting your gently used jewelry. We accept necklaces (packaged in individual bags to avoid tangling) rings, earrings (pairs only), pins and brooches. Please DO NOT donate broken items. If you have small boxes or necklace boxes we are happy to have those as well. Please remember that after the sale, all unsold items will be donated. If you want your item(s) returned, it is your responsibility to reclaim the item after the sale. PLEASE PLACE YOUR DONATION(S) in the basket on the coatrack marked JEWELRY SALE. Donations will be accepted until 10/1/23. If you have questions please contact Babette Miller by email

Do You Have Ideas for New Small Groups or Chalice Circles?

We are working to bring new small groups during the coming year to help members connect. If you have an idea for a new small group, please email Crystal Francis at

Do you have a specific interest in a group based on Deism and/or Theism? If so, please let Crystal know.

Let's Go Solar Together!

Join the Indianapolis solar and EV Charger Co-op. Attend a Solar 101 to learn more!

September 12 at 6:00 pm at the Indianapolis Public Library (College Avenue Branch)

September 18 at 6:30 pm (Webinar) RSVP to receive meeting link

Learn more & RSVP at:

Adult Faith Formation with Rev. Katie on October 23rd (new date)

Have you been in the process of downsizing? Are you asking questions about whether you should age in place or check out a Continuing Care Resource Center or Adult Living community? Wondering what do do and what next steps might be? Join Rev. Katie for Faith Formation at 11:30 am on September 17th in the Beattie Room!

Joys & Sorrows - In Our Hearts, Thoughts, and Prayers

Prayers for Mona Clayton

Please keep Mona Clayton in your heart as she meets sizeable obstacles in her journey of Life.

Keep Faith Long and her Nephew in Your Heart

Please keep Faith Long in your heart and light a candle for her nephew who is experiencing kidney failure at the age of 49.

How to Submit to In The Know! Do you have a submission you want to publicize in In The Know? We collect all submissions via google form. Click here to submit your info. 

If you have a joy or concern to share with the community, please email

If you need Pastoral Care, please call 317-210-0124.

100 years of All Souls
Visit our website
Room Request
Publication Deadlines

For events happening in the next 7-10 days, submit your notice for the In the Know E-mail Blast by Sunday 5pm using this link .

For announcements and events happening in the current month, submit your notice for the Sunday's OOS Insert by Tuesday. 12pm to this link.