Monthly Soul Matters Theme:


Soul Matters Packets: Adult/Small Group | Families

Love In Action

February 8, 2024

All events are open and drop-ins are welcome, unless otherwise stated. If no contact person is listed, call 317-545-6005 or email the office at [email protected] with questions.

Upcoming Service: Sunday at 10:00am

Join us this coming Sunday!

Love is transcendent, transformative, and not always chocolate and roses. There are also many types of love, what type do you need?  How do you tap into the power of love all year round? Let us explore love together in this service with the Rev. Katie Romano Griffin, Annie Rayhill, Nancy Baney, Nancy Olson, Gabe Perbieri and the All Souls Choir.

  • Stream our service live on Youtube
  • View last week's recorded service here
  • Give to All Souls here.

What's Next in Faith Formation

February 11

Kids RE - Soul Matters/Spirit Play


  • Adult Forum: Social Justice and All Souls. The Social Justice Team wants to hear from you! Let's discuss your concerns about social Justice in our community. Whether your interest is to express yourself, to get involved, or somewhere in between, the Social Justice Team wants to hear from you! (Beattie Room)
  • Starting Point is a Soul Matters class that dives into the history and theology of UUism and what brings us here. (Library)
  • All Souls Missional Space Meeting (Atrium)
  • Multigen Makerspace

February 18

Kids RE - Makerspace


  • All Voices Ensemble Rehearsal (Music Room)
  • Soul Matters Discussion (Library)

Sign up to sponsor Sunday sanctuary flowers here.

You can view our Inclement Weather Policy here.

Please reference our COVID policy for our guidelines. How to Submit to In The Know! Do you have a submission you want to publicize in In The Know? We collect all submissions via google form. Click here to submit your info. 

All Souls Indy is on Social Media! Follow our Facebook page here & our Instagram @allsoulsindy. Read our Blogs here and keep up on events at our homepage.

Upcoming Events At All Souls

TONIGHT! Join Tonight's Zoom Meeting to Learn About Serving on the All Souls Board of Trustees

This congregation has remarkable lay leaders! Who would you nominate to serve a 1-3 year term on the Board of Trustees? We’re seeking new officers and at-large members for board terms beginning July 1.

Learn more at this evening's Board Member Information Session. We will meet at 7pm via Zoom. You can access the Zoom Meeting here.

Why might someone join the Board of Trustees? This is a critical group spearheading the direction and success of our church. Board members are skilled and passionate individuals working together in shared ministry. Several board members have mentioned how much more they’ve learned about the work of the church by being involved in this way. People in all stages of life appreciate using their talents and developing new skills on the board.

If you have any questions about board leadership or would like to nominate yourself or someone else, please join our meeting this evening and/or contact Rich Atwater, Leadership and Nominations Chair, at [email protected] by March 1. Attending an upcoming board meeting (February 19, March 18) is also highly recommended!

Multigen Game Night! - Sat, Feb 10, 5:30-8 pm, Beattie Room and RE Spaces.

Join others of all ages for an evening of fun and food. We will begin with some community building games (ala Beanie Baby Toss), enjoy pizza and salads, and move into board games. Bring your favorite salad or dessert and board game. All Souls will provide the pizza. Questions? Contact Nancy, [email protected].

Starting Point Class on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of February

Are you new to Unitarian Universalism? Have you been around awhile and want a refresher? Or do you just want to connect with others about what makes UUism what it is? We have a class for all of that! Starting Point is a Soul Matters class that dives into the history and theology of UUism and what brings us here. The class will meet during Faith Formation on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of January and February. This is a two hour class.

All Souls Purpose Driven Space Meeting February 11 at 11:30 in Atrium

Join Cece Russell-Jayne and Virginia Snell as we consider ways that we can make our environment (atrium, entrance, etc) more visually welcoming, reflective of our values, and informative to visitors and each other. We'll present some ideas and look for your input too. We hope you can join us as we envision our future!

All Souls Vegetable Garden and Seed Share - Feb 11

Bring your gardening selves to Harris Hall after the service on Feb 11. We will have seeds to share, info on gardening and opportunities to be involved with our vegetable garden at All Souls.

Indiana Renewable Energy Day 2024

February 13 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm EST

Indiana Statehouse (200 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, Indiana 46204), 2nd floor, North Atrium

Full event schedule

• 9:00 am ET – Interfaith opening & renewable energy fair kick-off

• 9:30 am ET – Express grassroots renewable energy training

• 10:30 am ET – Sponsor organization highlights on the stage

• 11:00 am ET – Lunch served

• Noon ET – Press conference rally

• Legislator meetings & renewable energy fair continue throughout the day

Come show support to All Soul’s members IN Representative Carey Hamilton and HEC state lobbyist, Indra Frank and join the annual DAY of ACTION to demand a renewable energy future in Indiana!

Registering is highly recommended. You can do so here.

We Refuse to Be Enemies Event at the Jewish Community Center - February 13

On Tuesday, February 13th at 7 pm, the Jewish Community Center will be welcoming authors and community leaders Sabeeha Rehman and Walter Ruby, co-authors of the book We Refuse to be Enemies: How Muslims and Jews Can Make Peace, One Friendship at a Time. We Refuse to be Enemies is a manifesto by two American citizens concerned with the rise of intolerance and bigotry in our country. Sabeeha, a Muslim, and Walter, a Jew, have learned that, through face -to-face encounters, people of all backgrounds can come to know the Other as a fellow human being and turn them into a trusted friend.

Register here!

February 19 Board of Trustees Meeting

6:30 - 8:30 pm via Zoom

Members and friends are welcome to attend the public board meeting. Agendas for board meetings can be found HERE.

For future planning, the All Souls Board of Trustees will be meeting on the 3rd Monday of each month from 6:30 - 8:30 pm for the 2023-24 church year, with the exception of June (when we will meet the 2nd Monday due to General Assembly). Our next Congregational Meeting will be held on May 5, 2024. 

Guiding Vision of Ministry:

Together we create transformative experiences each week that fuel people forward into their lives in the community, and then they come back for more.


Creating Clear Paths of Connection & Belonging to Strengthen and Facilitate Fierce Commitment to Social Justice and Multigenerational Engagement

Radical Hospitality & Inclusion

Create a Culture of Healthy Conflict

Theist Discussion Group Will Meet Monday, February 19th

All are welcome to this spiritual based discussion group for the theists (and for any others who want to come) in our congregation! Join us as we explore the diversity of spirituality from a theist perspective. We meet twice a month and are self-led, following the basic practices of UU small groups. Next meeting: Mon, Feb 19, 6:30-8 pm, All Souls Library.

We are in the forming stages of our group, so join in as we create this new opportunity at All Souls! Questions? Contact Sheri Jordan at [email protected] or Ellen Mathia at [email protected].

Happy Birthday Virginia!

Please mark your calendars for February 25th! Virginia Deforneaux wants to celebrate her 102nd birthday with her cherished All Souls family. No gifts, but cards would be welcome. And of course there will be cake! Join in as we sing and celebrate with Ginny right after church in Harris Hall.

Intentionally Erased Film Viewing, Feb 29th

Intentionally Erased is a documentary film from A Call to Men - an organization that has mobilized thousands of men and male-identifying individuals to become aspiring allies to women and girls around the world. This film spotlights Black trans women in conversation with Black cisgender men in a series of honest, heart-wrenching interactions that uplift the experiences, challenges and humanity of Black trans women in the US.

Join the Welcoming Congregation Team for a congregation viewing of the 60 minute film with facilitated reflection and conversation following. Thurs, February 29, 6:30-9 pm in Harris Hall.

Spiritual Growth and Community Workshop - March 2

Dr. Elías Ortega, President of Meadville Lombard Theological School will be joining All Souls members and friends as well as friends from UUI on Saturday March 2nd from 9-3pm in Harris Hall as we hold an all day workshop focused on Spiritual Growth and Community. Food and childcare will be provided! The description of the event is as follows: Growing our spiritual life is an individual and communal practice. It is a deeply personal experience in which we strive to enrich and deepen our self-understanding. But spiritual growth is not only a personal endeavor; it also has a communal dimension. Our internal work equips us to engage with others and in the world fueled by the lessons of compassion, self-love, and ethical clarity we gain in our spiritual journey. In this workshop, we will explore how cultivating spiritual growth calls us into action. We will reflect on how our spiritual lives connect to areas of membership engagement, stewardship, and community outreach.

Spiritual growth is a fundamental aspect of our individual and communal lives. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-understanding that enriches us personally and equips us to engage with others compassionately and ethically. This workshop will explore the personal and communal dimensions of spiritual growth and how they intersect with our congregational mission. Through a dynamic and engaging approach featuring interactive discussions and practical exercises, we will investigate the connections between our spiritual growth, community involvement, and ability to take action in areas such as membership engagement, stewardship, and community outreach.

Additionally, we will examine how our volunteer work and financial contributions play a vital role in creating a culture of philanthropy (congregational stewardship) that is essential for sustaining the congregational mission and creating meaningful

New Poetry Group Forming - First Meeting is March 5th

Beginning March 5, a poetry group hosted by Kathy Toney and Crystal Francis will meet in person on the first and third Tuesdays of the month for six weeks at 10:00 a.m. until noon.

Good Poems, edited by Garrison Keillor, will be the primary source material.

Please sign up by contacting [email protected] or [email protected].

Labyrinth Making Workshop, Sat, March 9

Join us from 9am- 4pm on Saturday, March 9. As part of our Mental Health Grant, Nathan Wiles from Innate Creations will be guiding us in creating our own, 24x24 portable canvas labyrinth. Registration details to follow soon.

Save the Date! - March 30

Our 2nd Annual Community Egg Hunt - and now Spring Fest, too - is on the books for Saturday, March 30th! Questions? Thoughts? Ideas? Contact [email protected].

Check Out All Our February Programs Here


Have You Seen the Winter Activities Book Display?

Winter Activities Book Display Have you visited our Winter Book Display in the Atrium? There are still some weeks of winter left for this season. Check out the book display and take home a few more ideas for winter activities.

Orders of Celebration Will Be Going Digital

As part of our commitment to be net carbon zero by 2040, All Souls will be transitioning to a digital Order of Celebration. We will begin this process in March by going digital only on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. We will switch over to all digital in April. Order of Celebrations will be available through a QR code that will be displayed in several locations and a handful remain as printed for accessibility purposes. You will also be able to find the digital link in the Sunday emails. This switch to digital will save trees and help keep printing costs down. Digital Order of Celebrations are available now through the QR code outside of the sanctuary if you would like to get a head start on going digital!

It's Time to Update Your Realm Profiles

We are going to make Realm profiles public on 2/14. Please review your information on Realm for accuracy and upload a picture while you are in there! If you want your information to stay private, update your privacy settings in Realm or contact Mariah - [email protected].

Realm primarily serves the administrative needs of our staff, but it also offers some exciting opportunities to support the way you are involved in our church. Not only will this improve work life for our ministry staff, it will make it easier for our church family to connect with each other, keep up with what’s going on, and grow as a connected community of believers.

Click here to view a tutorial on using Realm.

A Message From Helen Dwyer

I am going to Regional Assembly in Madison Wisconsin April 19-20. I am looking for any interested party in sharing driving and gas expenses contact me at [email protected] with Assembly Travel in the subject line. Thank you.

(Read more about the MidAmerica Regional Assembly below.)

Save the Date: MidAmerica Regional Assembly April 19 & 20


The MidAmerica Region is coming together - both online and at the First Unitarian Society of Madison, WI on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20 of 2024 for a multiplatform Regional Assembly! Our Keynote address will be given by the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, and Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson, General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ. There will be workshops, the Annual Business Meeting of the MidAmerica Region, and opportunities to meet many UU Leaders from across our faith tradition. For those who are in person, there will even be opportunities to tour this historic church designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. But most importantly, it is a time for us to come together as Unitarian Universalists from across the MidAmerica Region. 

Register today at

Toddler Story Hour

Toddler Story Hour has picked back up again. Led by congregants and staff, Story Hour take place each Thursday from 10am - 11am at All Souls in the nursery. We provide story book reading, activities, fun and community for children and caregivers!

Joys & Sorrows - In Our Hearts, Thoughts, and Prayers

Meal Train for the Mancinis

Elaine Mancini has pneumonia and she and Alan could really use some help with meals. You can sign up here. Cards are also welcome.

Holding the Ellsmore Family in Our Hearts

We hold in our hearts Jay, Liz, Colin and Arthur Ellsmore as they navigate the loss of Jay's father, Fred Jay Ellsmore on January 26th. Cards are appreciated.

Mickey Hughes and Rex Alexander Welcome a New Grandson

We have a new grandson! Finley “Finn” Paul Phelps made his debut on 1/31. He is already so loved!

If you have a joy or concern to share with the community, please use this link.

If you need Pastoral Care, please call 317-210-0124.

Volunteer Corner

Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers to help with coffee hour for 2024 dates. Helping with the coffee hour is a great way to connect with fellow congregants and to help make Sundays a great experience for visitors. Sign up here.

Volunteers Needed

Do you have availability during the week to help cover childcare? We're currently searching for people to cover childcare during a variety of activities at All Souls during January and February. One of the regular events we need childcare coverage for is Choir practice from 6:30-8:30 on Wednesdays. Are you able to help out? If you can, please contact Amanda Giorgianni at [email protected]. Thanks!

Social Justice Corner

February 25, Adult Forum Will Host Rabbi Aaron Spiegel to Discuss "Indiana's Eviction Crisis"

During this past December, Faith in Indiana announced that based on the one-to-one conversations of member congregations, affordable housing was selected as the number one concern that the organization will focus on during 2024/2025. Various research action presentations supporting Faith in Indiana’s efforts to formulate a housing-solutions plan of action will take place over the next year.

On Sunday, February 25th, at 11:30am, All Soul’s Adult Forum will host Rabbi Aaron Spiegel from the Greater Indianapolis Multifaith Alliance (GIMA) who will discuss “Indiana’s Eviction Crisis.” This presentation is important in helping our congregation better understand the multifaceted problems Indiana faces in providing justice-based affordable housing for Hoosiers.

Prior to Rabbi Spiegel’s presentation, also please check out the GIMA website at which will offer additional details on Indiana’s abysmal eviction record.


2024 UU General Assembly - Registration is Open

The 2024 UU General Assembly meeting slated for June 20 - 24th will be entirely virtual, and registration is already open! Here is the link so you can go ahead and enjoy early registration savings.

List of All Souls Groups and Contacts

Check out this list of All Souls Groups! A hard copy of this list was shared at the Congregational Meeting last Sunday. It is available to help you get connected. Getting connected may mean knowing the right person to ask questions of or offer suggestions to. Or it may mean finding an activity that you want to get involved in. Either way, this is a handy resource for staying connected at All Souls.

How to Submit to In The Know! Do you have a submission you want to publicize in In The Know? We collect all submissions via google form. Click here to submit your info. 

100 years of All Souls
Visit our website
Room Request

Publication Deadlines

For announcements, joys and sorrows, and events happening in the next 3-4 weeks, submit your notice for the In the Know E-mail Blast by Monday 5pm using this link .


Items submitted for In The Know will be added as space allows in Sunday Orders of Service. Priority for inclusion in the OOS is given to soonest upcoming and to congregational matters.