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Care of the Newborn Foal

What transpires in the first 24 to 48 hours of a foal’s life is critical to his health and well-being from early life and up through weaning. As a foaling attendant there are several “milestones” to keep in mind as you watch the behavior of both the baby and the mare post-foaling. In this article we discuss the milestones they both should make within the few hours after the foal’s arrival into his new world. The care delivered, attention to detail, and respect for the

nature of the horse will help set up your

foal up for a healthier adolescence.

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The Abnormal Foaling...What Can Go Wrong?

You bred your mare almost a year ago, 340 days to be exact, and have been waiting patiently. You have given her all of her pre-foaling vaccinations, adjusted her diet, and prepared a warm, well bedded stall. Everything is just right! So what can possibly go wrong? Well, most likely nothing. Mares foal uneventfully about 90% of the time, but when things do go south, they do so very quickly. So every mare owner needs to be prepared for the potential circumstance when things do go wrong.

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Quick Tip Videos about Equine Frozen Semen

Six "Quick Tip" videos about equine frozen semen were produced as a follow up to the “Frozen Semen for Mare Owners” four-part video series created by Select Breeders Services (SBS) and the Dutch Warmblood Studbook in North America (KWPN-NA). Click below for links to the six videos which cover topics such as motility, dose size, extenders and more! Each informational video is less

than five minutes long.

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2023 SBS Foal Photo Contest - Now Accepting Entries!

The 2023 SBS Foal Photo Contest is now accepting entries! We are as excited as you are to see the end result of all of your hard work these past many months. Combing through pedigrees, watching stallion videos, executing breeding contracts, scheduling vet visits and those long nights of foal watching are all done. So, what are you waiting for? Pull out your cameras and start snapping those precious moments between mare and foal, action shots of them playing in the pasture, taking a peaceful nap in the meadow, performing their usual shenanigans, etc.! Then, send us a photo for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card. Click on the link below for the contest details.

Contest Rules and Information

The SBS Mission is to develop a lasting organization that has a significant
positive influence on the horse industry and advances the science of equine reproduction so that breeders can realize the full benefits of technology.
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