Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

Turbulence in our lives? Turbulence in our nations? Absolutely! It's no surprise; His Word says He will shake all that can be shaken (Hebrews 12:26). Those walking in darkness need to be shaken awake and, if necessary, as my friend Kathleen prays below, " stumble in their darkness and be terrified of the experience of it, so that they may cry out to You and repent."

In the same way that you and I put on an oxygen mask when the plane goes into turbulence, you and I are today invited to use His Spiritual Oxygen Mask, Repentance, to remove old fear and other sin patterns as we face the turbulence in our lives.

Today is the right day to hear the Risen Christ knocking on the door of your heart and mind, wishing to bless you. Open the door, invite Him in to dine with you, to support you in removing old sin patterns, so that you will become an overcomer to sit with Him on His throne, as He overcame and sat on His Abba Father's throne (Revelation 3:20-21). As a suggestion, include the sin of fear of man. We are to fear God, not man.

The more you and I remove old sin patterns, including fear of man and the enemy, the more we are filled with His Holy Spirit. Like Paul in Ephesians 6:19-20, we can be BOLD for Christ. With that BOLDNESS we can acknowledge the ploys of the enemy exposed in the prayers below. With that BOLDNESS from the process of repentance we can TRUST in the Lord's love and power to protect and bless us. We can then minister that trust to others who need our faith more than ever.

The rebellious authorities have announced that they are now, intentionally, coming for our children … to indoctrinate and to convert them to their false standards of love, and to their social mandates; dictating norms that contradict Your holy law. The rebellious intentionally seduce our little ones into rebellion against Your assigned authority and sovereignty; decrying You and rejecting Your laws to fulfill their laws of the flesh. They threaten to remove our little ones from our biblical influence and foundations altogether. They are promising to punish all those, who maintain Your standards, and who speak of them to others. Intervene, on our behalf, mighty YHVH! Intervene, and send a warning to those, who might yet be turned away from living/acting according to satan’s agendas. You blinded the citizens of Sodom; causing them to stumble in the darkness of their wicked sexual perversions, as a warning, before destruction came upon them.  Cause the people walking in darkness to stumble in their darkness and be terrified by the experience of it, so that they may cry out to You and repent. 

Please, wherever possible, quickly open the eyes of the deceived, in this day, to see/recognize Your warnings. Allow them to catch a glimpse of what awaits them in eternity, if they do not turn away from their sin and from all rebellion against Your authority and law. Convict the lukewarm/accommodating Christians, and the tolerant Jews, who have wrongly embraced the standards of fleshly entitlement, and soulish, perverse, “love” in any form, which are an affront to You, and which are violations of Your holy law. Shake them awake, and allow them to see the demons, who possess and oppress them; those beings, who are leading Your children into the pit of destruction. Cause them to clearly see the level, and the sources of evil, which are directing their narratives. Cause these compromised spiritual leaders to understand that they are blessing, teaching, and promoting accommodations of rebellion set against You. The price will be high. Warn them that the fire is coming.

Cause us, Your righteous Remnant, to become radical lovers of You, and of Your human creation … ones living as obedient servants, who love Your truth to the point of laying down our lives, so that others might come to know true Love. Conform us into Your character, so that we will better reflect Your glory. Embed Your law within our hearts as treasure, which we will never surrender for any reason. Make us one in You, and one voice of unity for Your Kingdom.

Now, Father, come down upon our world in heavy footfalls, and in obvious manifestations of Your power. Vindicate Your servants, and quickly course-correct our nations, before we reach the point of no return. Set Your children free from these heavy yokes of false authority that are seeking to rule over us. Shatter and burn these unholy yokes. Deal, according to Your most holy wisdom, with those, who set these unholy yokes upon the shoulders of our nations. And Father, give us righteous leaders … wise and God-fearing servants, who will reject these evil agendas … who will successfully drive back this advance of evil, which seeks to swallow our nations, and to rob them of both soul and of Your divine blessings. We look to you Holy One. We trust in Your love and in Your power. Hear us, and send help from Your holy mountain. 

B’shem Yeshua, Ha Mashiach AMEN


To preserve our Liberty in Christ you and I have to put His Word into practice. The purpose of our latest NDR repentance project is to do just that: to follow His Word so that He will apply His Solution in 2 Chronicles 7: 13-14 to the catastrophic drought in the Western USA. Following His Word, He has allowed that catastrophe so that we will repent and return to Him.
NDR has expanded its Ending Drought God's Way project to cover five States: California, Nevada, Oregon, Arizona and New Mexico. You can join as an intercessor even if you're not a resident of those States. Of the 57 milliion residents we're seeking initially 570 believers in His Solution. Are you one of them???? Please join us:

God bless you.

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
"The Gift of Repentance" a half hour TV program can be seen on Saturday mornings 9:30 Pacific. This was a recent show:

Do you see repentance as vital for our times? To our knowledge National Day of Repentance is the only Christian ministry focusing solely on personal and national repentance in every nation and applying it in our lives.

No church, no denomination supports us, only YOU! Though we work as volunteers, costs and requests for food pour in each day far beyond our capacity to fulfill these requests. Currently, six people support us monthly. Would you consider being the seventh? Our goal is to reach 100, even if it's only $10 per month. That would cover our costs.

Would you please pray for us? And then give from a cheerful heart as the Lord leads? THANK YOU--whatever the amount you give, you'll receive a blessing--- 2 Corinthians 8: 2-4 and Luke 8:3--- and Fruit that will abound to your spiritual account, Philippians 4:17.
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