September, 2023

Message from Lisa

Can you believe summer is over? At Lanier Law Group, we are spread out in offices all over North Carolina. We like to come together at least twice a year. We celebrate the holidays with an annual party in early December and we have a summer gathering that includes families of employees. We almost did not make it this year. We managed to squeeze in a Sunday afternoon of bowling and lots of great food. The folks at Spare Time in Greensboro did a fantastic job. It was so good to be with everyone. We are a big family and I am so appreciative of all the loyalty and hard work everyone has given over the years. I wanted to take a minute to say thank you and recognize the service of many of our old timers. Thank you to all of these who have been here for so long: 

Lillian Ray, Controller, 22 years

Brenda Forsyth, Sr. Insurance Adjuster, 22 years - Retired

Angel Wyer, Business Office Manager, 22 years

Etta Heard, Receptionist, 22 years - Retired

Shea Wilkins, Sr. Insurance Adjuster, 20 years

Brandi Martin, Statewide Practice Manager, 19 years

Amy Williams, Insurance Adjuster, 18 years

Jason Moody, Case Manager, 17 years

Fernando Cardoso, Insurance Adjuster, 17 years

Robin Petty-Franks, Switchboard, 17 years

~ Lisa

LLG End of Summer Family Bowling Bash

Our Areas of Practice

Personal Injury
Car Accident Injuries
Sex Abuse 
Medical Malpractice
Social Security Disability
Workers Compensation
Wrongful Death
Products Liability 

Radio Spotlight with Lisa Lanier

Man Sets Fire to Neighbor's Donald Trump Lawn Sign

Listen to Lisa explain on Lawyer Up with Two Guys Named Chris on Rock 92 why the neighbor who set the sign on fire won't be charged with arson. Listen Here

Drew Barrymore Rushed Off Stage After Approached By Stalker

Lisa chats with Jared & Katie on 107.5 KZL about the stalker who rushed the stage in pursuit of Drew Barrymore as she interviewed actress Renee Rapp. Listen Here

Lisa's Lunch Box Secrets

It is back to school time. A little known thing about me is that I have a super power, making great lunches for my kids. I take great care to pack them great lunches. Now their school is offering a hot lunch order for the first time – and they are in high school now. My kids are so disappointed. They want my packed lunches even though the school is ordering from top notch restaurants like California Pizza Kitchen. It is quite a compliment to have them begging for my packed lunches. So I thought I would share a few of my secrets. 

Give them something hot in a thermos. I am a huge fan of these little lunch thermos jars from Iron Flask and you can get them on Amazon for 12.99. They keep food hot for hours. My kids tell me the food is too hot to eat when they first open it. I like to fill the thermos with pasta, ramen noodles, soup, etc. It is also a great way to stretch out leftovers like pot roast, chicken pie, lasagna, etc. I like to add some bread and fruit and then bam, great lunch! 

Kids also love a bento box. Sometimes I fill it with Japanese items like vegetarian sushi, inari, edamame, and egg rolls. Other times I fill the box with charcuterie items such as slice chees, salami, grapes, and crackers.

Another little treat I throw into the lunch is a favorite beverage like kombucha or flavored sparking water. I wrap a hugger/koozie around the drink to help it stay cold. 

Last but not least – add a little love note. I had to stop this in middle school but it was a good run until then. 

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