Highlights from October 2018
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Wrap-Up: Recognizing API Advocates
Dear Friends,
As Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2018 draws to a close, we want to thank every one of you for being a part of this movement to end violence. In our partnerships with training providers, researchers, and community-based organizations, we have been inspired by your efforts to lift up the stories of survivors and support them in the path towards healing. This work is not easy, and sometimes it seems that every day's news brings something to hang our heads over, but your courage, strength, and resilience in the face of each challenge inspire us.
We hope that in turn, our work has supported yours, and that you will continue to let us know how we can help. To request training or consultation, to ask a question, or simply to say hello, please contact us at info@api-gbv.org for general inquiries, or visit our
staff directory for our individual emails.
Thank you, from all of us at API-GBV, for being an inspiration in this movement!
21-55% of Asian women have experienced physical and/or sexual abuse by an intimate partner
Get more of the facts. Our resources on domestic violence in API communities include:
- Facts and Stats Report on prevalence of abuse, types of violence, attitudes towards DV, help seeking behavior, & more
- Ethnic-Specific Factsheets on abuse in Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Muslim, Pacific Islander, South Asian, and Vietnamese communities
- DV Dynamics Brief describes unique dynamics of abuse in API homes
While there is still a long way to go to de-normalize violence, to shift the shame from survivors to batterers, and to realize communities free from abuse, culturally-specific API agencies have made tremendous strides:
Our Directory of API DV programs lists over 160 agencies across the U.S. and territories that work to end violence through services, advocacy, and community engagement. We encourage you to use our Directory, updated frequently and available in PDF or as an online database, to find services for a survivor to fit his/her support needs, language preference, and more.
If you work at or know of a culturally-specific agency that we should add to the Directory, please let us know!
This month, we spotlighted four amazing API agencies doing transformative work in their communities. We hope that their stories inspire you as they do us!
Proposed "Public Charge" policy changes could penalize immigrant survivors seeking services like food and healthcare.
Missed our webinar on Evidence-Informed Practices for API domestic violence survivors?
On October 30, we were proud to be part of a Facebook Live conversation, hosted by NRCDV, and with guests Little girl speak and NIWRC, on using the #1Thing campaign beyond DVAM
October is also Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Visit
NNEDV's Tech Safety website to learn about best practices for protecting yourself and survivors from technology abuse
This month, we asked you to share #1Thing to support DV advocates. Thank you for tagging us in your messages, and keep them coming to share support beyond DVAM!
News and Updates from the Field:
- Dreams Deferred: A Survey on the Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on Survivors' Education, Careers, and Economic Security (Institute for Women's Policy Research) finds that 73% of IPV survivors stay in or return to an abusive relationship because of economic reasons
- Effects of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting on the Lower Urinary Tract System (Sahiyo) Part 6 of a 7 part series, this article finds that 73% of FGM/C survivors have at least one bothersome urinary symptom as a result of being cut
- How #MeToo is Taking on a Life of Its Own in Asia (Time): The reckoning over sexual assault in the U.S. has helped reignite long-simmering movements in South Korea, China and beyond. But speaking out comes with huge risks
- Legal Systems Toolkit: Understanding & Investigating Technology Misuse (NNEDV Tech Safety) helps law enforcement, attorneys, court personnel, and other legal system stakeholders identify what technology is relevant to a case and how to use technology evidence to hold offenders accountable.
- The Rise of #MeToo in India (Vox): "All these women were waiting to tell their stories, waiting to be heard, to be seen, to feel like a human being"
- Special Collection on Immigrant Women and Domestic Violence (VAWnet) explores the complex experiences of immigrant survivors and includes resources to support their path to safety and justice.
Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence