Saturday, April 9, 2022
In the Eyes of the Father
Today's gospels (yes, there are two!) present an amazing contrast of emotions.

We open with Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem where the crowds welcome him with palm branches and shouts of 'hosanna' (save us). The Son of David enters his capital city in peace, riding on the back of a young donkey to the adulation of the people. Just a little later, we hear of the drastic reversal that happened just five days later. Jesus is betrayed, arrested, tried, executed, and buried.

There are many people mentioned in the Scriptures during Jesus' last hours: the Pharisees and members of the Sanhedrin, plotting to destroy Jesus and His influence with the people, Judas who betrays Jesus, and His closest followers who scatter when He is arrested. Later, Peter will appear in the courtyard, three times denying he ever knew Jesus. Also Pilate, who bows under pressure to do something he really doesn't want to do, convicting an innocent man to death anyway to placate the crowds. There is Herod, curious to meet the Man who he has heard so much about, but not finding Who he expected and turning Him away. There are the soldiers who do the actual act of crucifying Jesus and the two others, torturing and mocking Him before they take him to the hill. We know of Simon of Cyrene who helped carry the cross. Finally, there are the women who followed Him and stood at a distance, watching all of this with horror. Among them are St. John, the beloved disciple, who stood with Mary at the foot of the cross when the sword of sorrow pierced her soul.

But there is one Person Who we rarely think of in this story: God the Father. When I discovered the drawing St. John of the Cross had made of the crucifixion with the Father's perspective watching from above (see image above), and the painting Salvador Dali made when he was inspired by this simple drawing, it opened a whole different way for me to look at the crucifixion. Thinking about the Father, receiving the sacrifice of the Son for our sake, watching as His Only Begotten Son dies on the cross emphasizes not only the love the Son has for us, but also the Father's immense love for us as well. Abraham stayed sacrificing his only son on the wood of the altar at the angel's command, but the Father loved us so much, He let His Son offer His life for us!

But this is not the end. Jesus doesn't remain in the tomb, for on Easter, Jesus rose to new life again, conquering death and sin.

This Holy week, join Him on this journey to new life; experience how much God loves you!

-Deacon Mike Powers
Grow Your Faith!
Virtual Children's Liturgy of the Word

Jesus enters Jerusalem

Click here for the video and then color the activity on this page. The activity is a Palm Leaf that the kids can color and cut out. There are different people to pray for on each part of the leaf. They can choose a different person each day this week to pray for.
Eucharistic Adoration
Monday-Friday: 2pm-12am
Life is busy. All the more reason to retreat to our Lord for rest, strength and to intercede/pray for others.
Come spend time with Jesus, truly present in the Eucharist.

Lent is a great time to spend with Jesus.
“God will bless us if we just show up and sit passively before him, but there is so much more available to us than a general blessing from God.”
-Encountering Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration
Adorers are in great need for Thursdays, 10:00pm and Fridays, 11:00pm as well as prayer partners for Fridays 2:00pm and 8:00pm.
Contact Barb Kleiter at 651-774-1172.

In observance of Holy Week and Easter, adoration will be closed beginning Thursday, April 14th at 5:00pm through Easter Monday, April 18th and will resume on Tuesday, April 19th from 2:00pm to Midnight for the remainder of the week.
Homebound Communion Ministers Needed

We are hoping to start up our Homebound Communion Ministry again, but can only do it with your help. We have many parishioners who are homebound and/or shut-in and have requested to receive the Eucharist.
The beautiful responsibility of Our Homebound Communion Ministry is to bring Jesus to our homebound regularly, through the Eucharist and by spending some time with them in conversation.
For more information please contact Kay Mottaz at [email protected] or call 651.842.6022. Training will be provided.
Sunday of Divine Mercy

April 24th, the Second Sunday of Easter, will be a day of celebration, prayer, and reflection on the gift of mercy the Lord has given to us freely and heartily. All are invited to join the celebration at St. Jerome's Day of Mercy from 1:30-5:30pm. Our own Father Peter will be giving a reflection at 1:45pm. It will be an afternoon to reflect on, give praise to, avail with the sacrament of reconciliation, and gather to celebrate the Eucharist.

Let us celebrate the gift of mercy!

Upcoming Events
Join us for Ham Bingo in the Presentation of Mary School Gym tonight! The School Advisory Commission (SAC) will have hot dogs, popcorn, chips, candy, and beverages available for purchase beginning at 6pm, and the Presentation of Mary Men's Club will be providing 12 hams to be given away as door prizes throughout the evening. Come try your luck at winning your Easter ham!

Food: 6-7pm | Bingo 7-10pm

Want a coupon for a couple extra bingo cards? Visit

Would you like to volunteer to help? Click here to view the opportunities.
Please join us for the All-School Mass tomorrow, April 10th and then head to Kenney Hall afterwards for a delicious Pancake Breakfast!
Please join us on Saturday, May 21st to complete some needed tasks around campus. All skill levels welcome. This is a great family activity - we can find a job for everyone! Stay for an hour or the whole day. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Rick Bidwell at [email protected] or 651-260-7032.
Holy Week Schedule

Holy Thursday, April 14
8:00am Prayer Service
5:00pm Reconciliation
7:00pm Mass of the Lord's Supper Good
Friday, April 15
8:00am Morning Prayer Service
3:00pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion
7:00pm Living Stations
Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil
8:00am Morning Prayer Service
11:30am Drive-Thru Easter Food Blessing
8:00pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday, April 17
9:30am Easter Mass
Day of Fasting: On Good Friday, for those able, ages 18-59, are permitted to eat one full meatless meal and two smaller meatless snacks that together do not equal
a full meal.
Living Stations of the Cross
The Servants of the Cross group will re-enact the Passion of the Lord on Good Friday, April 15 at noon at the Church of St Peter (2600 N. Margaret St.), at 3:30pm at St. Jude of the Lake (700 Mahtomedi Ave.), and at 7:00pm here at Presentation of Mary. If you are homebound or unable to attend please join us via our YouTube presentation. Free-will offerings accepted.
For more information visit
Drive-Thru Easter Food Blessing

On Saturday, April 16th from 11:30am-12:00pm, pull up to the north/handicap entrance of church and Fr Peter will bless the food for your Easter feast! 
55 Club Lunch

The next Presentation 55 Club Luncheon is Tuesday, April 19 at noon at Blessed Sacrament Church. The menu is beef ravioli, salad, Italian bread and butter, and cake for dessert. Catered by Little Oven. Our entertainment will be Bingo! Reservations should be made by Friday, April 15 by calling Teri Garrity at 651-303-2145.
Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 14th for the next American Red Cross blood drive. It will run from 8:00am—1:00pm in Kenney Hall. Registration for appointments is already open! Please join our lifesaving mission and schedule yours today at or call Barb Swanson at
651-395-0453. Appointments only. No walk-ins.
Important Information
Easter Environment

If you would like to make a donation toward our Easter environment, please place your contribution in an envelope marked "Easter Decorations" and indicate if this donation is in memory of a family member or loved one and list their name(s). Envelopes can be sent to the parish office or dropped in the Sunday collection baskets.
Reconciliation Hours
Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:00-5:45pm
Saturdays from 4:00- 4:45pm
Also available by appointment.
Work at Presentation of Mary!

We are hiring!

Collection for Father Greg

The CCW is taking up a collection through Sunday, April 10th for the Venezuelan Mission to support Fr. Greg Schaffer. Collection baskets for items will be at the Parish Center and church entrances labeled CCW (make sure not to put them in the HEO baskets). Needed items include: Toothpaste Tubes (variety of sizes), Toothbrushes, Irish Spring Soap Bars, Acetaminophen (Tylenol or other), Ibuprofen (Advil or other), Shampoo, Vitamins, Chocolate (any kind - special treat), Gummy candies, Sour Gummy Candies, Lotions, & Microwave Popcorn.
Panther News
Lenten Service Project

Each year our whole school commits to a Lenten Service Project. This year, students and families donated snacks and beverages to make snack packs for children struggling with food insecurity. Students created snack bags and decorated them with messages of kindness and love, then filled the bags with snack items. All of the bags will be delivered to Merrick Community Services to be distributed to children in need.
Summer Care Registration

Ms. Nikki and Mr. David will be leading our Summer Care Program this year and are excited to have a great time with the kids! It is offered to children that will be entering kindergarten for the 2022-23 school year and older. Please click here to learn more and reserve a spot for your child(ren).

Do you know a family that needs summer care for their child? Send them our way, we love welcoming new friends into our community!
VIP (Very Important Princess/Young Lady) Dance

Please join us for an evening celebrating your special girl
(ages preschool-8th grade). You do not need to be a Presentation of Mary student to attend - all are welcome!
Admission: $20 (for 1 adult and 1 child, each additional child is $5)
Cost Includes: Wrist corsage for the princess, photo booth, dessert station, beverages, and music for dancing will be provided.

RSVP is REQUIRED by May 6th (wrist corsage order is due by that date)
Please RSVP here with the number of
adults & children attending.

When: 6:30pm – 8:30pm, Saturday, May 14th
Where: Presentation Gym, 1695 Kennard St., Maplewood, MN
Click the image to see the latest pics and posts on the school Facebook page.
Click the image to read the latest Panther Post School Newsletter.
In the Community
The Presentation of Mary Men's Softball team is looking for new players. Click here to learn more!
Looking for the perfect getaway? Let God meet you at a beautiful retreat location in Lake Elmo, MN. Join us for a Men's Silent Retreat at the Demontreville Jesuit Retreat House Wednesday April 13 - Saturday, April 16. The retreat begins Wednesday evening and ends Saturday evening. Free will donations are accepted. For more information call Demontreville at 651-777-1311 or check out the website Other retreat days are also available. 
We're Here for You
Come to the Drive-In!
Park your car, come in the church and head to the Reconciliation Room with the lit candle.
Tues & Thurs: 5:00-5:45pm
Sat: 4:00-4:45pm
Or make an appointment: [email protected]
Pastoral Care

Presentation of Mary is here for you!
Conversation, prayer requests, resources...? Please ask.

All information will remain confidential.
Contact the Parish Office at
651-777-8116 or [email protected].

Prayer, Participation, and Generosity
The Toilers are back!
Join us on the 4th Thursday of each month from 5:30PM – 8:30PM.
Meet in the upper parking lot.
Dress appropriately for the weather as there could be some outside work.
Let Rick Bidwell know if you can make it!
651-260-7032 | [email protected]
Amidst this pandemic, I have been very edified by the generous outpouring of love and support from our community. Thank you!
If you would like to switch over to e-giving, click on the image to sign up.
Questions? Please contact the parish:
651.777.8116 or [email protected]
Loaves & Fishes
Our beloved ministry serving meals to those who have none still continues during this pandemic. Your donations are greatly appreciated.

Pontifical Good Friday Collection

Pope Francis has asked our parish to support the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, which helps Christians in the Holy Land. Your support helps the church minister in parishes, provide Catholic schools and offer religious education, and helps preserve the sacred shrines. The pandemic hit particularly hard the Christians in the Holy Land. When you contribute to the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you become an instrument of peace and join with Catholics around the world in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. For more information about Christians in the Holy Land, visit
Helpful Links
Website: Check Mass times, read latest news, sign up for online giving, etc.
Bulletin: Read the latest issue and subscribe to the online version.

Facebook: Watch livestream Mass & see what our community is up to.
Protection of Youth: All employees, and volunteers who interact with minors, are required to complete and maintain safe environment credentials (E3) through the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. To ensure successful completion of these requirements or if you have any questions regarding our safe environment practices or would like more information on what is needed to volunteer, please contact our Safe Environment Coordinator: Kay Mottaz @ 651-842-6022 or email [email protected].
To learn more about reporting suspected abuse, please also visit:
Presentation of Mary Church | Website