Noblesville Schools has been named one of America’s Best Midsize Employers by Forbes Magazine. The district was rated #18 in the national ranking, the highest of any organization in Indiana.

More About Forbes Recognition 

NHS Academic Expansion Breaks Ground

Noblesville Schools broke ground January 19 on a major academic expansion that will add new space in support of their nationally recognized STEM and performing arts programs. The project is funded through a bond with no increase to the tax rate and no use of referendum or classroom dollars.

Go here to learn more


The Noblesville Current recently featured award-winning Promise Road Elementary physical education teacher Dan Tennessen's innovative approach to teaching.


Your Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees

The school board has responsibility for major district functions including school district governance and oversight, setting school policies, approving funding, strategic planning, and hiring and evaluating the superintendent.

February 20, 2024 Board Meeting Highlights

  • The board recognized NHS teacher Joe Akers and several of his journalism students for their accomplishments in state competition.
  • North Elementary presented on their unified field day program, which enhances relationships between students with special needs and their general education peers.
  • The board unanimously approved changes to the architectural design of restrooms in the new NHS academic expansion. The final design creates separate areas for girls and boys, while allowing for enhanced restroom supervision and safety.
  • The board unanimously approved moving forward with renovation plans at the Noblesville Schools Educational Services Center to address the need for additional office space.
  • The board decided to start future board meetings at 6pm, rather than 7pm, to better accommodate families and community members. Misti Ray and Laura Alerding voting against the measure, stating they believed a 7pm start time better accommodates families and community members.

Visit the school board area of our website for meeting agendas, minutes, videos and more.

Meet Stephanie Lambert

School Board Vice President

Stephanie Lambert is a former forensic DNA analyst and substitute teacher with three children – an NHS graduate, a current NHS student and an NWMS student. She was elected to the school board in November 2020 and will serve as vice president this year. She is also the board representative on the Noblesville Redevelopment Commission, Noblesville Schools Education Foundation and the district technology committee.


Go HERE to learn more about Stephanie and other school board members.

Did You Know?

While the City of Noblesville continues to see new growth, the total Noblesville Schools district enrollment is projected to remain steady over the next 10 years with a percent change (plus or minus) year-over-year of less than half of a percent.


NHS student Zachary Swanson was recently selected for the national 2024 Jazz Band of America, one of the top honor ensembles for young musicians in the nation.

NHS teacher Joe Akers was recently named the Indiana Journalism Advisor of the Year by the Indiana High School Press Association.

Photo credit Sam Deane

Students Support Career + Tech Ed

Students from the Limitless Program, which serves young adults ages 18-22 with special needs, represented Noblesville Schools at the Indiana State House recently to advocate in support of career and technical education initiatives.

Upcoming Events

Kindergarten enrollment opens March 4

NHS spring play (Clue) March 7-9

Teacher recruitment fair March 13

Marching Millers Ireland parade March 17

Spring break March 25 – April 8

Total solar eclipse April 8

Find specific athletic and performing

arts event information at

Noblesville Millers Athletics and

Noblesville Music.

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school news and visit us at

February 2024

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