In an effort to enhance our communications with the Noblesville community, we’re pleased to introduce our new monthly email newsletter In the Know. As residents and taxpayers, we want you to be informed about what’s happening in your schools. In the Know will provide you updates on Noblesville Schools' initiatives, board meetings, celebrations, events, leadership and more! 

Board members (L-R) Misti Ray, Laura Alerding, Joe Forgey, Stephanie Lambert and Christi Crosser

Your Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees

The school board has responsibility for major district functions including school district governance and oversight, setting school policies, approving funding, strategic planning, and hiring and evaluating the superintendent.

January 10, 2023 Board Meeting Highlights

  • New member Misti Ray and returning member Joe Forgey took their oaths of office and committee assignments were made.
  • The board was organized as follows: president Forgey, vice president Crosser and secretary Lambert. Alerding was named president of the finance board and Ray was named secretary of the finance board.
  • A memorandum of understanding between Noblesville Schools and J. Everett Light Career Center was approved for the 2023-2024 school year to ensure continued access to several student workforce development certifications.
  • The NHS athletic expansion project ($14.8 million) was approved by a vote of 3 to 2, with Alerding and Ray voting against the project. Ray stated that while she supports athletics, she did not think the time was right for this project. CFO David Hortemiller stated that the project has come in below budget and construction will now begin soon. The project is funded through a bond with no use of referendum or classroom dollars and no increase to the tax rate. The expansion provides additional athletic and wellness space at NHS to accommodate student needs and creates the opportunity for future planned performing arts and STEM expansions.

Visit the school board area of our website for meeting agendas, minutes, videos and more.

Superintendent Hile

Dr. Daniel G. Hile joined Noblesville Schools as superintendent in July 2022 and enjoys connecting with the community. Please feel free to reach out to school staff, district leaders or to Dr. Hile personally if you have school questions, concerns or ideas to share.

More About Dr. Hile
Dr. Hile's State of the Schools Address

Full-Ride College Scholarship

Noblesville High School senior Abigail Pittman and her family were recently surprised to learn that she won the prestigious Lilly Endowment scholarship. This scholarship provides four years of full tuition to any college or university in Indiana. Abigail is the daughter of Julie and Craig Pittman and plans to study environmental science and urban planning. She is still deciding where she will attend college. Congratulations, Abigail!

NHS Teacher Named Top Music Educator in State

Please join us in congratulating our nationally-recognized jazz director Bethany Robinson on being named the Indiana Outstanding High School Music Educator of the Year!

Read More Here

Spotlight- Noblesville High School

Noblesville High School was the spotlight school at January’s board meeting. Students presented on the high school's journalism programs, including their academic mission, student engagement, culture of excellence and state recognitions. Support and follow NHS journalists at Miller Media Now.

New Courses Coming to NHS

With over 300 course options, Noblesville High School continues to enhance academic opportunities for students to best prepare them for college and careers.

The following new courses were recently approved: Robotics Design and Innovation, Principles of Teaching, Astronomy, Meteorology, Advanced Placement Science Research, Sports Officiating.

Staffing Challenges Impacting Bus Routes

Like many businesses across the nation, Noblesville Schools is currently being challenged by labor shortages. We have vacancies among several support staff areas including bus drivers, custodians, food service employees, and classroom assistants.


Bus drivers are still safely transporting students to and from school, but the driver shortage has been causing delays for some bus routes. These delays happen when a driver must cover two routes instead of one due to staff vacancies. 


We have been working hard to ensure all student transportation needs are met and are using all available licensed staff to assist with routes.

We are currently looking to fill 10 bus driver positions. Noblesville Schools bus drivers are the highest paid school drivers in Hamilton County and are eligible for benefits.

Meet Bus Driver Amber Sivertsen
Explore Careers

Upcoming Events

Did You Know?

Noblesville High School set an Indiana High School Athletic Association state record on October 29, 2022 when girls cross country, girls soccer and boys soccer all won state championships on the same day. Since 2014, NHS has won a total of 12 athletic state championships.

Learn More 

Noblesville Schools in the News

Noblesville Schools is nationally recognized for STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) education and was one of the first districts in the state to offer hands-on STEM learning to all grades K-12.

Now, all elementary students experience a stand-alone STEM class throughout the year that gives them hands on learning in areas like robotics, biology, data analysis, physics, and engineering.

Read More in the Noblesville Current

We're Looking for Mentors!

We’ve launched a student mentoring program and are looking for community volunteers. No special skills or experience are required.

Learn More 

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January 2023

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