Look for the Noblesville Schools 2024 CONNECT print publication to hit your mailbox later this month. CONNECT provides an annual overview of district finances, academics, construction, celebrations and more. It's designed to inform all residents, including those without children in our schools, how their tax dollars are being spent, how their future workforce is being developed, and how strong schools make for a strong community.

L-R (Ray, Alerding, Forgey, Lambert, Crosser)

Your Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees

The school board has responsibility for major district functions including school district governance and oversight, setting school policies, approving funding, strategic planning, and hiring and evaluating the superintendent.

January 9, 2024 Board Meeting Highlights

  • The board approved a new slate of officers at their annual January reorganization meeting with Christi Crosser named president, Stephanie Lambert serving as vice president and Laura Alerding as secretary. Dr. Joe Forgey and Misti Ray will serve as general board members.
  • Board member committee appointments were made.
  • Administrative and treasurer appointments were made.
  • Legal counsel and other annual agreements were approved.
  • Summer kindergarten programming was approved.
  • The Board of Finance made appointments and provided annual reporting.

Visit the school board area of our website for meeting agendas, minutes, videos and more.


The Noblesville Current recently featured the upcoming NHS academic expansion, enhanced civics programming, and new adult education initiative as highlighted happenings for 2024.


Did You Know?

Noblesville Schools has a comprehensive plan that is executed every time there is a consideration of a school delay or eLearning day due to weather conditions. Go HERE to learn more about how weather decisions are made and communicated.

Meet Christi Crosser

School Board President

Christi Crosser has held numerous community leadership positions in Noblesville and has two children who are graduates of Noblesville High School. She was elected to the school board in November 2020 and will serve as president this year. She is also the board representative on the high ability and science review committees.


Go HERE to learn more about Christi and other school board members.

New Transportation Director

Welcome to new Transportation Director Rob Williamson. Williamson steps into the position after serving as an assistant principal at Noblesville East Middle School since 2015. He brings a wide range of experience in safety, leadership, scheduling, and planning. In his new role, Williamson will oversee all aspects of the Transportation Department including staffing, routing, maintenance, and safety.

Upcoming Events

MLK community event NHS 6:30pm Jan 15

Kindergarten enrollment opens March 4

NHS spring play (Clue) March 7-9

Teacher recruitment fair March 13

Find specific athletic and performing

arts event information at

Noblesville Millers Athletics and

Noblesville Music.

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school news and visit us at

January 2024

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