Welcome Back to School!

The 2023 – 2024 school year starts on Monday, July 31. Reference our BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE for the latest school updates, what's new this year, and answers to common back-to-school questions. 

Don’t miss Noblesville’s biggest school party of the year - the Back to School BASH! Enjoy food, games, sports, giveaways, music and vendors Friday, July 28 from 5-8pm at Beaver Stadium.

Go HERE for event map, exhibit list and parking.

Thank you to this year's event sponsors: Align Orthodontics, Indy Photo Fun, Resmer + Ryan Orthodontics, Noblesville United Soccer Club, Orangetheory Noblesville and the US Army.

Your Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees

The school board has responsibility for major district functions including school district governance and oversight, setting school policies, approving funding, strategic planning, and hiring and evaluating the superintendent.

July 18, 2023 Board Meeting Highlights

  • The board recognized several students and staff members for excellence in spring athletics, including state championship girls track and unified track teams, HCC coaches of the year, and individual accomplishments in baseball, boys track, softball, tennis and volleyball.
  • Kayla Van Hook, Director of Early Learning and Care, shared program overviews and learning objectives for Little Millers Preschool and Miller Explorers before/after school care.
  • The board approved a $2.3 million sale of a piece of property near Promise Road Elementary.
  • Board secretary Stephanie Lambert was absent.

Visit the school board area of our website for meeting agendas, minutes, videos and more.

Assistant Principal of the Year

Congratulations to NHS assistant principal Kevin Stuckwisch on being named Indiana Assistant Principal of the Year for north central Indiana. Under his leadership, NHS has consistently been recognized at the national and state levels for excellence in STEM, workforce development and career technical education.

Did you Know?

Noblesville Schools is the largest employer in Noblesville with over 1,800 employees supporting students and families. We have approximately 750 educators, with the rest of our team made up of support staff such as bus drivers, classroom assistants, food service personnel, custodians, grounds and maintenance crews, secretaries, technology staff, human resources professionals, finance specialists and more. Visit noblesvilleschools.org/careers to learn more about joining our team!

Meet Erin Rood

Exec. Director Elementary Special Education

Erin Rood is responsible for administrative and instructional planning, budgeting, and professional development for elementary special education (early childhood-grade 5).

Upcoming Events

NHS freshman orientation July 25

Elementary Meet the Teacher July 27

Back to School BASH July 28

First day of school July 31

Find specific event information at Noblesville Millers Athletics and Noblesville Music

Follow Noblesville Schools on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more school news and visit us at noblesvilleschools.org

July 2023

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