Miller Ambassadors toured Noblesville High School recently with superintendent Dan Hile (below) and chief financial officer David Hortermiller (above) to see the high school's completed athletic expansion and learn more about the academic expansion that will open next year. Learn more about these projects that will meet growing student needs without increasing the tax rate.

Did You Know?

Summer break is actually a very busy time at Noblesville Schools. Many of our employees have been working hard this summer preparing for the return of students and the upcoming school year.

Back to School Questions? We've Got Answers!

Noblesville Schools families can find answers to their common back to school questions here.

Don't Miss Our Biggest Party of the Year!

The 10th anniversary Back to School BASH returns to Beaver Stadium on Friday, July 26 from 5-8pm and features over 80 areas including food, games, sports, art, free giveaways, live music, and community and school exhibitors.

Thank you to BASH sponsors Resmer + Ryan Orthodontics, Noblesville United Soccer Club, Orangetheory Noblesville, Meijer Noblesville, Align Orthodontics and Crunch Fitness Noblesville.

Meet Dr. Doug Miller

NEMS Principal

Dr. Doug Miller has over 25 years of experience in school leaderhsip and joined Noblesville East Middle School as principal in 2020. He oversees all staff and programming at NEMS and holds a Ph.D. in education from Indiana State University.

Learn More About NEMS

Your Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees

The school board has responsibility for major district functions including school district governance and oversight, setting school policies, approving funding, strategic planning, and hiring and evaluating the superintendent.

July 15, 2024 Board Meeting Highlights

  • The board recognized spring athletes for outstanding accomplishments including: baseball, softball, track (unified, girls + boys), girls tennis, boys volleyball and boys golf.
  • Updates were made to various policies.
  • Vice president Stephanie Lambert was absent.

Visit the school board area of our website for meeting agendas, minutes, videos and more.

Upcoming Events

Multilingual family picnic July 19

NHS freshmen orientation July 23

Middle school open houses July 23, 24

Back to School BASH July 26

Elementary Meet the Teacher July 29

First day of new school year July 31

Find specific athletic and performing

arts event information at

Noblesville Millers Athletics and

Noblesville Music.

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for more school news and visit us at

July 2024

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