In an effort to enhance our communications with the Noblesville community, we’re pleased to introduce our new monthly email newsletter In the Know. As residents and taxpayers, we want you to be informed about what’s happening in your schools. In the Know will provide you updates on Noblesville Schools' initiatives, board meetings, celebrations, events, leadership and more! 

Squirrels, Bigfoot and No Shushing. Is This the School Library You Remember?

Hidden clues. A wonder box to explore. Passionate debates. Microscopes and flashlights. Does this sound like the school library you remember? Noble Crossing Elementary librarian Taryn Hassler is known as a tornado of creative energy, embodying the belief that when she is all about making learning fun, her students and colleagues will catch the excitement too. Read more about Taryn's library adventures.

Major Academic Expansion Planned for NHS

Noblesville Schools has announced that they are planning a major academic expansion to Noblesville High School (NHS) that would add 70,000 square feet of new space in support of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programming, as well as the renovation of 37,000 square feet for performing arts.


The expansion, which would be the largest at NHS since the 2014 freshman center addition, would include up to 22 new classrooms, STEM labs, enlarged performing arts spaces, an additional café area, a makerspace, room for large group meetings, storage, and more.

Thanks to the district's strong fiscal health and competitive bond rating, there will not be an increased financial burden on taxpayers because of this project.

More About the NHS Expansion

Meet David Hortemiller

Chief Financial Officer

David Hortemiller is responsible for the financial and business obligations of the district, including budget management, financial data, payroll and benefits, accounting, business transactions, investing and insurance.

He is also responsible for food services and building operations, including maintenance and construction, custodial services, and development of current and future facility needs.

Before joining Noblesville Schools in 2021, Hortemiller served as the deputy controller/budget director for the City of Indianapolis.

Did You Know?

Noblesville Schools has reduced their portion of the local tax rate for the last four years in a row.

2023 Budget

State Champs

Congratulations to Noblesville High School's Jazz1 band on winning the 2023 Indiana jazz state championship!

Sectional Champs

Noblesville High School boys basketball recently won their first sectional championship since 2010!

Singing in Support of Students and Teachers

Miller-Palooza, the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation’s signature fundraiser of the year, brought in $95K this month in support of Noblesville Schools students and teachers. Approximately 350 people attended the event, which featured dueling pianos, auction items, live illustrations, magic, a photo booth, food stations and bars. The highlight of the evening was a duet singing performance of "Sweet Caroline" by Noblesville Schools superintendent Dan Hile and Noblesville mayor Chris Jensen.

Spotlight –

Noblesville West Middle School

Noblesville West Middle School teachers presented at the March board meeting on the techniques they are using with students to develop deeper writing skills, including collaborating with other academic areas to advance writing beyond just language arts classes.

Your Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees

The school board has responsibility for major district functions including school district governance and oversight, setting school policies, approving funding, strategic planning, and hiring and evaluating the superintendent.

March 21, 2023 Board Meeting Highlights

  • NHS teacher Bethany Robinson and NHS band, jazz, orchestra, and theater students were recognized for outstanding state-level accomplishments.
  • Superintendent Hile and Chief Financial Officer David Hortemiller reviewed plans for a STEM/performing arts expansion at Noblesville High School. The board approved moving forward with consideration of the expansion and will vote this summer on whether to formally green-light the project.
  • The board approved an agreement to join the Central Indiana Educational Services Center (CIESC). CIESC provides area districts with a wide range of supports including bulk purchasing power, professional development, management of bids and procurement, and more.
  • New middle school courses Civics for 6th grade and English as a New Language for 6-8th grades were approved.
  • School calendars were approved for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years. An updated 2023-2024 calendar with tentative eLearning dates was also approved.
  • The board voted to refund two bonds that will create a combined estimated savings of $2-2.5 million dollars.

Visit the school board area of our website for meeting agendas, minutes, videos and more.

Upcoming Events

  • Spring break is March 27-April 7.
  • Kindergarten registration is April 17- May 12.
  • NHS student job fair is April 27.
  • NWMS play The Enchanted Bookshop is April 28-29.
  • Teacher appreciation week is May 1-5.
  • NWMS student job fair is May 17.
  • NHS prom is May 20.
  • NHS graduation is June 6.

Join us for spring athletics and performing arts. Find specific event information at Noblesville Millers Athletics and Noblesville Music.

Noblesville Schools in the News

Noblesville High School jazz director and assistant band director Bethany Robinson was recently named the Indiana High School Music Educator of the Year and was featured as a cover story in the Noblesville Current.

Read Bethany's Story

That Bus Driver Looks Familiar...

Noblesville Schools superintendent Dan Hile was excited to participate in the district’s recent Test Drive a Bus event. The public was invited to drive a bus in the safety of the Transportation Center parking lot while learning about the paid training, flexible schedule, and competitive salary and benefits offered to Noblesville Schools bus drivers. The district is still looking to hire more drivers.

Careers at Noblesville Schools

Kindergarten Time!

Kindergarten registration is coming April 17-May 12, 2023.

Families with incoming kindergarten students for the 2023-2024 school year will enroll online and all instructions will be available on as the enrollment date nears. Once enrolled, schools will invite new kindergartners and their parents to a special spring orientation session at their school to answer questions and get ready for the big first day of school!

Hire a Miller Job Fairs

Noblesville High School will be hosting a Hire a Miller job fair on April 27 from 1:30pm-3:15pm. Noblesville West Middle School will also have a student job fair on May 17 from 1:30-3:30pm. Employers looking to hire current or graduating students for summer or full time employment are invited to register by emailing


Shop for Noblesville Schools branded items perfect for Easter baskets, teacher appreciation, NHS graduates and more!

(socks from Belle's Designs and hat from T&T Promotions)

Follow Noblesville Schools on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more school news and visit us at

March 2023

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