In an effort to enhance our communications with the Noblesville community, we’re pleased to offer our monthly email newsletter In the Know. As residents and taxpayers, we want you to be informed about what’s happening in your schools. In the Know will provide you updates on Noblesville Schools' initiatives, board meetings, celebrations, events, leadership and more! 

Noblesville Earns Eighth National Music Honor

Noblesville Schools has been named a national 2023 Best Community for Music Education and is one of an exclusive group of districts to receive the honor for eight consecutive years. The National Association of Music Merchants Foundation selects districts based on music funding, staffing of highly qualified music teachers, commitment to standards, and access to music instruction.

Congratulations to our 2023 Teachers of the Year! To read more about their outstanding accomplishments and watch videos of them learning the news go here.

Did you Know?

  • The Noblesville High School Class of 2023 has 737 students
  • 300 of them were recognized for having a GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • Four earned full-ride scholarships
  • The Class of 2023 was awarded over $5 million in total scholarships

Noblesville Schools in the News

There are 53 different languages spoken and 65 different home countries represented by students in Noblesville Schools. The Noblesville Current recently highlighted how the district serves these students to ensure their academic success.

National and State Honors!

NHS indoor percussion placed fourth in national competition and second in the Indiana state championship.

The state championship NHS girls soccer team was recently named Girls Team of the Year at the 2023 Indiana High School Sports Awards. Player Ava Bramblett was also named Girls Soccer Play of the Year.

NHS Winter Guard earned a bronze medal at state finals.

NHS Thespians hosted a "coffee house" evening featuring a variety of student performances on the rooftop of Noblesville High School.

Photo courtesy of Shotwell Photos

Meet Dr. Jennifer Wheat Townsend

Executive Director of Learning

Dr. Jennifer Wheat Townsend is the executive director of learning, overseeing elementary school curriculum and instruction. She is also responsible for professional development and evaluation of principals and educators, and several federal grants that provide additional academic supports for students.

Spotlight –

Promise Road Elementary

Promise Road Elementary first graders and school leaders presented at this month’s board meeting regarding writing achievement and growth. They highlighted personal narratives, research, persuasive writing, story illustration and more, Board members also got to enjoy hearing the students read their stories.

Your Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees

The school board has responsibility for major district functions including school district governance and oversight, setting school policies, approving funding, strategic planning, and hiring and evaluating the superintendent.

May 16, 2023 Board Meeting Highlights

  • The board recognized several students and staff members for their excellence in teaching, music, art, journalism, yearbook, winter guard and percussion.
  • The board approved joining the Food2School Purchasing Cooperative, which will generate substantial savings by leveraging buying power throughout the state on cafeteria food, supplies and services.
  • The board approved updated employee guides.

Visit the school board area of our website for meeting agendas, minutes, videos and more.

Congratulations to the Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees on being honored by the Indiana School Board Association's Exemplary Governance Awards for their ongoing commitment to professional board learning and development. 

Dr. Hile Reflects on First Year

Superintendent Dan Hile sat down with the IndyStar to reflect on school threats, communications, and other challenges and successes from his first year on the job at Noblesville Schools.

Read about Dr. Hile in the IndyStar

Retirees + Service Awards

Over 130 retirees and employees celebrating milestone years of service were recently honored for their contributions to Noblesville Schools. Superintendent Hile and assistant superintendent Hendrich recognized many of the employees by surprising them at work with a small gift of appreciation.

Upcoming Events

  • NHS prom is May 20.
  • Last day of school elem + middles May 31
  • Last day for high school students June 1
  • NHS graduation is June 6
  • Multilingual family picnic July 20
  • Back to School BASH July 28
  • First day of 2023-2024 school year July 31

Find specific event information at Noblesville Millers Athletics and Noblesville Music

Follow Noblesville Schools on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more school news and visit us at

May 2023

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