Veterans Day programs are an important part of the culture at Noblesville Schools. Our students and teachers honored veterans again this year with ceremonies throughout the district that included music, art, history and more. Pictures from Promise Road Elementary.

Congratulations to Noble Crossing’s Amy Brown on being named the Indiana Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year!

This week we're celebrating our school resource officers throughout the district and recognizing Noblesville Police Department Sergeant Jason Shonkwiler as our SRO of the Year! We will be honoring other types of support staff throughout the year during their recognition weeks.

Noble Crossing students are studying “dogs that work” this month through a special educational unit in their media center. The school has hosted visits from several different community organizations including the Noblesville Fire Department and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.


Students have met and learned about safety dogs trained to detect drugs and firearms, therapy dogs who are helping veterans, reading companion dogs, and dogs trained to find invasive species.

Your Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees

The school board has responsibility for major district functions including school district governance and oversight, setting school policies, approving funding, strategic planning, and hiring and evaluating the superintendent.

November 19, 2024 Board Meeting Highlights

  • Noble Crossing's Amy Brown was recognized by the board for being named the Indiana Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year.
  • Noble Crossing Elementary presented on service and leadership, highlighting their veteran programs and service dog learning.
  • Dr. Jerome McKibben from McKibben Demographic Research presented a recent demographic study for Noblesville Schools.

Visit the school board area of our website for meeting agendas, minutes, videos and more.

Christi Crosser and Stephanie Lambert won re-election for the school board and we welcome new incoming board member Bret Richardson, who will begin his term in January. They will join board members Joe Forgey and Misti Ray in serving Noblesville Schools.

Do You Know?

Do you know why school delays and closure announcements are typically called at the last minute? GO HERE to learn about how Noblesville Schools makes winter weather decisions.

Meet Rob Lugo

North Elementary Principal

Rob Lugo has over 32 years of experience in education and has served as principal of North Elementary since 2016. Before becoming a principal, he worked as a therapist. Rob holds a Master's in Administration from Indiana University and has announced that he plans to retire at the end of this school year.

Learn About North Elementary

State of the Schools

Superintendent Dr. Dan Hile shared important school updates and announcements in his annual State of the Schools address.

State of the Schools Highlights + Video

Upcoming Events

NHS Musical Addams Family Nov 21-23

Thanksgiving Break Nov 27-29

Winter Break Dec 23-January 6

Find specific athletic and performing

arts event information at

Noblesville Millers Athletics and

Noblesville Music.

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November 2024

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