Miller Ambassador community leaders recently visited with Promise Road Elementary students and staff for a deep dive into how Noblesville Schools does teaching + learning.


Noblesville High School student journalists will lead a candidate forum October 2, 2024 with all six candidates running for three school board seats in this November's election.

Find more information here.

Superintendent Dr. Dan Hile will present his annual report to the community at the State of the Schools luncheon on October 30, 2024. Tickets to attend the event can be purchased here. A video of his address will also be made available to the public.

David Hortemiller, Chief Financial Officer for Noblesville Schools

S&P Increases Credit Rating

Standard & Poors (S&P) global credit ratings agency has increased its financial rating for Noblesville Schools for the second time in two years, boosting their previous AA- rating to AA.

The ratings increase establishes Noblesville Schools as one of the top four school districts in the state for financial management, with the same rating as Carmel Clay Schools, Zionsville Community Schools and Hamilton Southeastern Schools.

Learn more here.

Did You Know?

Noblesville Schools adopted new science curriculum/materials across all schools this year that prioritize real-world investigation and problem solving. The science updates are aligned with Indiana's academic standards and were adopted after a year of comprehensive study and analysis by educators, parents and students.

Noblesville High School student journalist Lily Ferazzi was in Philadelphia earlier this month covering the presidential debate with ABC News.

Thank you to those who participated in our recent community listening sessions. The school board is using this input, as well as feedback from the recent community survey, to inform their strategic planning.

(L-R) board member Misti Ray, board secretary Laura Alerding, superintendent Dr. Dan Hile, board president Christi Crosser, Butler University Associate Dean and Professor Emerita Deb Lecklider, board member Joe Forgey, board vice president Stephanie Lambert.

Your Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees

The school board has responsibility for major district functions including school district governance and oversight, setting school policies, approving funding, strategic planning, and hiring and evaluating the superintendent.

September 17, 2024 Board Meeting Highlights

  • Bus driver Walt Edwards and Cafe Aide Jennifer Sargent were recognized by the board as a thank you for their life-saving actions in service of students.
  • Stony Creek Elementary students and staff presented to the school board regarding the Mustang Mall business experience that teaches economics and strengthens math skills.
  • Department of Learning leadership provided an academic update including school improvement plans and recent state standardized testing scores. They also shared that there are currently 3,300 career technology class enrollments at NHS and that the NHS Class of 2024 earned over 6,000 dual high school/college credits.
  • The board adopted new school improvement plans by a vote of 4-1 with Laura Alerding voting against the measure.

Visit the school board area of our website for meeting agendas, minutes, videos and more.

Stony Creek Elementary students and staff presented to the school board regarding the Mustang Mall business experience that teaches economics and strengthens math skills.

Meet Jack Lawrence

Hinkle Creek Elementary Principal

Hinkle Creek Elementary principal Jack Lawrence has over 34 years of education experience, serving previously as a middle school teacher, assistant principal, and principal of Forest Hill Elementary. Jack holds a Master's in School Administration from Indiana University.

Learn more about Hinkle Creek

Don't miss the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation's new VIP Homecoming experience. Enjoy food from Ford's Garage and special seating on the field. Learn more here.

Miller Mall vendor BSN Sports offers Noblesville Schools sprit wear with all your favorite brands, including Lululemon and North Face. Shop at

The Hamilton County Election Office visited Noblesville High School on Constitution Day this week to speak with students about voter registration and how to use voting machines. Learn about how to vote here.

Upcoming Events

Homecoming parade + game 9/27

School board candidate forum 10/2

State of the Schools 10/30

Find specific athletic and performing

arts event information at

Noblesville Millers Athletics and

Noblesville Music.

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September 2024

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