Prairie Avenue
Christian Church
To be learning, loving, and serving disciples of Christ from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.
Worship Each Week & Daily Prayer
As per Governor Pritzker's guidelines and orders, Macon County entered into Tier One, allowing for gatherings of 25 persons or 25% occupancy (32 in our sanctuary) to be held. While we did not suspend in-person services during Tier 3 restrictions, we encouraged those who are able to connect via online services to refrain from in-person attendance to give availability to those in our congregation who have no means to connect. We will abide by these restrictions on group size at 25 persons in worship. You may choose to attend in-person or continue to connect via our online resources.
Creative Connection
Saturday, January 23, 5 pm - Online
Sunday, January 24, 9 am
Did you miss a sermon or can't remember the good statement made by Pastor Jason recently?
ONLINE SERVICE SATURDAYS AT 5PM: We offer online worship through our website.
Can you remember the Ten Commandments in order? Many can name the first two commandments, which are God naming God's self to us and God defining the desired relationship with us. These two commandments set the foundation for the other eight commandments, which determine our relationship with one another. The commandments connect us to God and to one another. But there are times when Israelites neglected or broke those connections.
Jonah, an unwilling messenger, spends much of his time running away from being in a relationship with God. Jonah attempts to disconnect himself from God, but through some creative means, God is able to reconnect with Jonah. Jonah encounters people who reveal their relationship with God, but instead of Jonah seeing these people as a model, he is tossed to and from until he begrudgingly accepts God's call to travel to Nineveh to deliver a message of repentance.
In this time of Epiphany, we need to have continual reminders of who we are to God and to one another. As God sent Jonah to Nineveh, God sent us a proclamation. God sent us a proclamation of not just word, but of Word made flesh. God sent this embodied proclamation to remind us of who we are to God and to one another. Even when we are disconnected and distracted, God uses creative ways to connect us to God and to one another.
Grow in Faith
through listening, paying attention, and reading 5 verses a day
Morning Devotion
Each day, except Sunday, Pastor Jason shares a brief 4-7 minute scripture reading, reflection, response, and prayer. This devotion is posted to Prairie Avenue's Facebook page.
New Times New Wineskins
Friday February 19 6:30 PM Meet and Greet - come online and catch up with women from across the Region who you have not seen in awhile. 7:00 PM Bible Study - led by Rev. Melissa Ebken 8:00 New Time, New Wineskins - keynote by Rev.
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Use Your Gifts by sharing five acts of love and kindness each week
Pray with Lebanon Sunday, January 24, 2021
Lectionary Selection: We come before you, our God and Creator, with hearts that are bewildered by the struggles and difficulties that continue to overwhelm and pressure us physically, emotionally, economically, and spiritually.
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Give Regularly through five acts of generosity each month
OFFERING BOXES FOR 2021:The contribution envelopes for 2021 are available for pick up in the Education Wing Hallway. If you would like to begin a regular contribution, ask Pastor Jason for an unassigned box of envelopes.
2020 CONTRIBUTIONS RECORDS: Your giving record for last year will be mailed over the next week for tax record purposes.
Caring For Children After Disasters
"Everything we usually do has been turned upside down," says Lisa Crouch, Associate Director of Children's Disaster Services, a Week of Compassion partner through Brethren Disaster Ministries. Children have unique needs following disasters, and...
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General Fund
Donations given to the Prairie Avenue Christian Church General Fund support the year-round ministries of the church. Your generous support keeps our building, staff, and operations working for the mission of the church. The mission of Prairie...
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For instructions in registering your Kroger Rewards Card, Click Here.
The Organization code for Prairie Avenue Christian Church is: BY235.
$33.99 was raised by 14 households who have linked their Kroger customer reward cards to support Prairie Avenue Christian Church. The quarterly contribution is for shopping at Kroger during October - December 2020.
Joining to support the ministries of Prairie Avenue Christian Church is FREE. Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Kroger donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating Kroger Community Rewards organizations.
Share Your Faith through inviting 5 people to church this year
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) : Sign Up to Stay ...
A variety of newsletters are available to keep informed and updated on Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) news. Sign up today!
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