Prairie Avenue
Christian Church
To be learning, loving, and serving disciples of Christ from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.
First Impressions: Leading the Image
Saturday October 17 Online
Sunday, October 18, 9 am - Sanctuary
Did you miss a sermon or can't remember the good statement made by Pastor Jason recently?
Saturday, October 3, 2020 Online Worship
We benefit when we choose to be faithful stewards. The more we have grace, lead by example, and speak to the joy of giving, the more we discover how to thrive in the midst of uncertain times, The big secret to a happy life is to become generous while living it. Join us as we celebrate trust, mission, individuality, and values. Discover what really matters. Embrace what you claim to love.
It is perhaps one of those most memorable passages of scripture, even for those unfamiliar with the Bible:
Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, Render to God the things that are God's.
Without offering evidence, or truth, an odd relationship between Roman-sympathizing Herodians (the only time they are even mentioned) and Roman-hostile Pharisees, two opposing parties are united in one cause: trapping Jesus. To discredit him with the people, or to alert Roman authorities of sedition. Caught. No way to avoid sides.
But Jesus did find a way to answer their trap and avoid discredit and sedition charges. If the thing is Caesar's, give it to him. If the thing is God's, return it to God.
Image and inscription matters. The coin both bore the image of Caesar (likely Tiberius) and his inscription (son of the Divine Augustus). Where is God's image and inscription?
In Genesis we are reminded that all human beings have the image of God. In Exodus, we are commanded to inscribe God's word upon one's forehead and hand. Our greatest loyalty should be given to the one who made us and to whom, in body and soul, we ultimately belong. Do you give more attention to Caesar, or God?
Number of Panels: 183 (129 on Education wing, 54 on Sanctuary)
System Size (DC): 65.7
Expected First Year Production: 86,330 Kwh
The solar PV equipment will be officially connected to the grid on Friday, October 16 at 8 am. The final wiring phase of this project will take approximately 2 hours to complete, with power shutdown during the process. Plans are being put together for a formal ribbon-cutting ceremony to be held soon.
Morning Devotion
Each day, except Sunday, Pastor Jason shares a brief 4-7 minute scripture reading, reflection, response and prayer. This devotion is posted to Prairie Avenue's Facebook page.
Wednesday Youth Activities
Our youth group are meeting with COVID-19 guidelines in place. They are meeting every other Wednesday, 5 pm to 7 pm. At this time, no food is being served, but snacks brought from home are welcome!
Pray with Kenya Sunday, October 18, 2020
Lectionary Selection: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Prayers for ( Adapted form the AACC assembly worship) Transforming God, We bring to you during this time of uncertainty our worries, our joys, our convictions, and our confusions.
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THANK YOU! It has been since 2007 that Prairie Avenue has collected for the annual Reconciliation offering for Pro-Reconciliation/Anti-Racism programs and projects. Your gifts to Reconciliation Ministry allow our communities and our congregations to ensure the human dignity of every child, to ensure all have access to Christ’s abundance, to fully flourish in education, and financial stability, and friendships across God’s human diversity. We collected $155 of our $200 goal.
The Reconciliation Offering is regularly collected the last weekend of September and the first weekend of October. You can give your support anytime.
WHY IS OUR PATCH OPENING SO LATE IN SEASON? COVID-19 and a logistical error in contacting interest made for late delivery.
ARE WE EXPECTED TO HAVE THE SAME AMOUNT WITH LESS TIME? No. It will be half the amount of last year due to late arrival.
CAN WE LEGALLY OPERATE? Yes. Masks must be worn and hand sanitizer available. Pumpkin patches are allowed under Illinois Department of Health regulations.
HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT TO CHARGE? ARE THERE DISCOUNTS? A set of models will be included with delivery disclosing prices, and you simply match a customer's purchase with the model. THERE ARE NO DISCOUNTS, EITHER GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL.
Once again the yard facing 22nd street will be transformed into a pumpkin patch to raise funds for youth ministry and Decatur Area Habitat for Humanity.
When is now the question, as we have received word on Wednesday, October 14, that due to a logistics issue involving truck schedules, it will not arrive as scheduled. When we receive an update on deliver time, we will announce! The anticipated delivery this Saturday has been postponed until further notice!
Our pumpkin patch will operate Monday-Saturday from 10 am to 7 pm,
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Speak to Pastor Jason or Richard Neeley.
General Fund
Donations given to the Prairie Avenue Christian Church General Fund support the year-round ministries of the church. Your generous support keeps our building, staff, and operations working for the mission of the church. The mission of Prairie...
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For instructions in registering your Kroger Rewards Card, Click Here.
The Organization code for Prairie Avenue Christian Church is: BY235.
$35.04 was raised by 14 households who have linked their Kroger customer reward cards to support Prairie Avenue Christian Church. The quarterly contribution is for shopping at Kroger during July -September 2020.
Joining to support the ministries of Prairie Avenue Christian Church is FREE. Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Kroger donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating Kroger Community Rewards organizations.
Regional Assembly 2020: FREE - Sat. Oct. 17, 10 am-Noon
Registration for Regional Assembly 2020 is now open. We invite you to celebrate ministry with us during these unprecedented times by Zoom and YouTube. Please click the registration button to the right and begin your registration. All registrants...
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