Remote Teaching with SOSx

With many facilities closed for months and just now starting to slowly reopen, we've all been looking for ways to stay in touch with our visitors and students. Hilary and Beth have been doing remote presentations with SOS Explorer. There are several ways to do this! Beth used the free mobile app and filmed herself giving a presentation, while Hilary used the exhibit version and GoToMeeting to do her own. Beth and Hilary have also used both Zoom and GoToMeeting to create presentations together. This is a great way to do a presentation with a special guest. If you need help figuring out how to use either the app or the exhibit version to create your own videos, let us know ! And below, check out the videos that Patrick and Rebecca made. We'd love to see what you have done during this time!
Dataset Spotlight:
Seasonal 3-Month Outlook: Temperature - Real-time
This dataset projects a real-time seasonal outlook for temperature out to three months into the future. The International Research Institute for Climate and Society probabilistic seasonal climate forecast product is based on a re-calibration of model output from the  U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s North American Multi-Model Ensemble Project (NMME) . You can use this dataset to see if your area is going to be generally warmer or cooler over the next few months. It's also a nice way to introduce short term climate forecasting and probabilistic forecasting. The full description is here .
We Are Here For You!
Like most of you, we have switched to remote work in the last few months. As your facilities begin to reopen, we are here for you! If you have any trouble with your SOS or SOS Explorer, reach out to us for assistance. And don't forget to upgrade to the latest of the SOS software, version 5.5. As previously noted, we have changed our support email addresses. Please switch to our new email addresses.

SOS Support:

SOS Explorer Support:

Purchase Inquiries:
In Case You Missed It!

SOS Education Forum Spring Webinar is Now Online

The last SOS Education Forum Webinar was in April and included the NOAA Office of Education, the SOS Boulder team, and Eddie Goldstein. They provided updates on the next workshop, what the SOS team has been up to and new datasets that have been added to the catalog. Hilary also discussed how to teach remotely with SOS datasets. The whole webinar is available online. Stay tuned for details about the next one!
Save the Date!

The next SOS Users Collaborative Network Workshop will be held virtually December 1 - 3, 2020 from 1:00 - 4:00 ET each day. Be on the lookout for a questionnaire to help us better plan the workshop. And start brainstorming ideas for what you'd like to share at the workshop. It's your contributions that make these workshops so beneficial for everyone!
SOSx at Home with Patrick Rowley
Patrick Rowley from the James E. Richmond Science Center has been busy making a series of videos with SOS Explorer while his science center has been closed. Be sure to check out all his videos !
SOS Live! at IMAG History & Science Center
Join Rebecca the marine biologist and other educators at the IMAG History & Science Center for SOS presentations streamed live on Facebook! There are almost 20 recorded presentations for you to watch !