November 16, 2020
Your News from Lancaster City Schools...
Coach Carpenter: Thank you to the community of Lancaster
Coach Carpenter announced his retirement over the weekend and gave a heartfelt message to the community of Lancaster, thanking everyone for the opportunities he's been given during his 26 years of working at LHS.

Continue reading as he reminisces on his early days of being a LHS student, discovering his passion for football and returning to his roots to become a teacher and coach.

What's Happening in Our Schools...

Congratulations to Gorsuch West's first ever MasterBuilders of the Month. A special thank you goes out to Fairfield Homes, Inc. for making this part of our PBIS program possible.

Here is a reminder of Tarhe Trails' November schedule!

PLEASE NOTE: Tomorrow is the LAST day to order your Medill Spirit Wear. It's the perfect way to show off your school spirit or could be a great Christmas gift.

Click here to place your order!

On Saturday, December 5, at noon, we invite families with young children to DRIVE THRU our new COVID version of a “Gift of Time,” at a NEW LOCATION, the Municipal Court Parking Lot at 143 W. Chestnut Street, between Broad Street and Columbus Street, across from the Fairfield County Records Building.

Each child in the car, between the ages of birth and 8 years old, will be given a Gift of Time Bag full of crafts, treats and a free book, all donated by our wonderful community partners.

For more information, please call Cathy at 740-215-2667; Michelle at 740-503-7927; Laurie at 740-215-9846, or check the Facebook page: Fairfield County Early Childhood Association

Interested in getting free meals? We've got you covered! Our food service staff has been packing 5 days' worth of breakfast and lunch for pick-up after school on Mondays for all our staff and community members.

Please fill out this form to be added to the list.

This year has been filled with many unknowns and challenges, but we knew we wanted to try to keep some positivity around the building with a new staff initiative this year - the YOU ROCK wall!

It is a place in our office that staff members can write positive notes to other staff members about any awesome, kind, wonderful, amazing act they witnessed that person doing. Each month, one of the notes is randomly selected and the staff member that is recognized on the note will receive a gift card!

This month's winner is Robin Bethel! Robin is an intervention specialist who joined our Sherman family this year. She teaches online classes as well as tutoring and social skills in person. Her positive attitude has been such a blessing this year. We are incredibly lucky to have her!

8th grade Broadcasting class learning how to edit. We love seeing students learning a new skill! #senatorpride
Congrats to Mr. Factor and Mr. DiTommaso for being recognized as the Staff Members of the Quarter for going above and beyond for the students and families of LHS. #granvillepike
November 24: Board Meeting | 4:30 p.m. at 111 S. Broad Street, Large Meeting Room

November 25: All Students Dismissed for Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 26-27: All Students Dismissed for Thanksgiving Break
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