August 19, 2022
A summary of news and events,
for the people of the
Episcopal Churches of West Missouri
Making a splash too — the Northwest-Metro Deanery picnic
Five-minute read.
Enjoy photographs of the Northwest-Metro Deanery picnic – Over 125 people were there on Sunday, August 7, at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Kansas City.
Letter from Bishop Bruce on a new clergy leave-taking policy
One-minute read.
Bishop Diane provides a brief introduction to the publication of the new Clergy Leave-taking Policy recently approved by Diocesan Council.
Recapping the Women’s Retreat
One-minute read.
It’s been years since the women of West Missouri have been able to gather for a retreat, read how it went!
Episcopal Relief & Development providing support following recent flooding
One-minute read.
Episcopal Relief & Development is in close contact with the Episcopal dioceses of Lexington, Missouri, and Southwestern Virginia after heavy rainfall and flash flooding killed at least 37 and left hundreds more missing in the region.
The Historic Church House of Saint Augustine’s at 2732 Benton Boulevard, Kansas City
Five-minute read.
A brief history of Santa Fe Place and St. Augustine’s church house which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as part of the Santa Fe Place Historic District of Kansas City, Missouri.
La Ofrenda Unida de Acción de Graciasconvoca a las subvenciones anuales de 2023
One-minute read.
Cinco seminarios web proporcionarán información y responderán a preguntas. La Junta de la Ofrenda Unida de [Acción de] Gracias (UTO, por su sigla en inglés) se complace en anunciar la disponibilidad de sus Subvenciones anuales de la UTO 2023, que se centran en la crisis de encarcelamiento a nivel mundial.
Volunteers are needed to serve in various roles for the diocese. What can you do to help?
Education for Ministry Class Forming
One-minute read.
Invest in your spiritual life by signing up for an EfM class. Students will tell you it is gratifying, enjoyable, and challenging.
Episcopal Church Women are accepting scholarship applications through Friday, September 30, 2022
One-minute read.
The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) have scholarship opportunities available to women who are at least twenty-three years of age, a member of a parish or mission in The Diocese of West Missouri and who are studying for the diaconate or priesthood.
Two-week Spanish-language immersion course in Mexico
One-minute read.
Learn Spanish by attending a Spanish-language immersion program in Mexico. The program is provided by the Anglican Diocese of Cuernavaca as part of their self-supporting mission via the Instituto de Español de la Iglesia Anglicana de México (IDIAM). The program is designed to not only teach the Spanish language but also provide cultural exposure.
What's happening
Fall 2022 Diversity Workshop: Undoing Racism

Two locations, one workshop. Saturday, September 24, 2022, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Church of the Good Shepherd, Kansas City and St. John’s Episcopal Church, Springfield. Places are limited.
Un-Muted; The Silent Voices of Social Genocide

Wednesday, September 21, 6 p.m.
In-person at Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City, Missouri.

This exhibit and presentation is a powerful and moving visual experience of an extremely harsh reality happening in Türkiye (formerly known as Turkey) at this time.
Leadership Essentials Session 10 – Advanced Care Planning

Come learn about the why and how of advanced care planning. 
Life and death are sacred, and we hope that we all have the opportunity to express how we want to live this life and live into the transition to life eternal. 
Harvest Festival at Oswald’s in-the-Fields

Sunday, October 2 at 11 a.m.
at St. Oswald’s in-the-Fields Episcopal Church. 
Province VII ECW Fall Gathering — September 9 – 11

All Episcopal women are invited to attend the Province VII ECW Fall Gathering at the Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas, Texas (or via Zoom) September 9 – 11, 2022.
Love’s Redeeming Work: Discovering the Anglican Tradition — September 22-23

Increasing donor sophistication, the quickening wealth transfer in the U.S., and the pandemic have created a unique opportunity for parishes and cathedrals to shift from cash-based fundraising to beyond cash, or asset-based, fundraising.
Grand Ultreya — Rekindling Love and Kindness in the Heartland — September 24

The Heartland Episcopal Cursillo Ministry is evolving and maturing to meet the needs of future generations. Heartland Secretariat, your Cursillo leadership, will host a Grand Ultreya “Rekindling Love and Kindness in the Heartland” on Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral.
Save the Date! 2022 Annual Convention — November 4 & 5

Registration opens on September 8.

Events & Meetings
check out the diocesan calendar and our full list of forthcoming events and meetings.
September 15
Convention Reports and Nominations, General Convention Deputy Nominations Due.
September 16
Fall 2022 Diversity Workshop: Undoing Racism.
October 7
Annual Convention: Registration, Resolutions, Ministry Fair Table Requests.
Many churches in the diocese are offering daily prayers, reflections, and Sunday worship online.
Clergy, Administrators, and Church Leaders
United Thank Offering invites 2023 annual grants
One-minute read.
Five webinars will provide information, answer questions. The United Thank Offering (UTO) Board is pleased to announce the availability of its 2023 UTO Annual Grants, with a focus on the worldwide incarceration crisis.
Society of Catholic Priests chapter forming in West Missouri and Kansas

Members of the Society of Catholic Priests in West Missouri and Kansas have joined together to form the Bishop Kemper Chapter of the Society, and invite other clergy to join them.
Changing the times of your online services?

Don't forget to let us know so we can keep the list of online services up to date.

Email any changes to [email protected]
Bulletin inserts and flyers
Do you have any bulletin inserts or flyers of interest to the Episcopal Churches of West Missouri? Send them in!

Second chance - In case you missed it
Transitions – July 2022
Diakoneo Magazine August, 2022
Nominations, resolutions, and reports, are now being accepted for the 2022 Annual Convention

Descargue hoy los recursos para la campaña anual de compromiso
Download your annual pledge campaign resources today!
Spread The Word