In this March 16th LSP issue/ ¿Qué Pasa? 
Boletín Electrónico de LSP 16 de Marzo?
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Latino Service Providers' E-newsletters consist of vital infor­mation that is relevant to the Latino community. Our goal is to increase cultural competency, and help advocate for Latinos in Sonoma County. LSP partici­pates in a variety of community events and educational programs that serve the Latino population.

Table of Contents
Announcements ANOUNCE

Job Opportunities JOBSSS



¡Únete a nosotros para una gran noche!
Si juegas un parte en la vida de un niño, ¡esto es para ti!

Marzo 23, 2018 
6:00 pm-8:00 pm
Escuela RAMS (Salón 42), 1777 West Ave. Santa Rosa

¡Cena y cuidado de niños incluido por gratis!

¡Reserve su asiento hoy para recibir cuidado de niños y cena gratis!

Cafés para Padres es una programa  de Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework que apoya a las comunidades en involucrar a los padres en conversaciones significativas acerca de lo más importante: su familia y cómo fortalecer la familia mediante la construcción de factores protectores.
We want to let you know that we are going to be hosting a Temporary Child Custody training at Santa Rosa Junior College on April 7th for families who are undocumented and are afraid their children would stay in state custody if ICE arrested the parents.  Please share and let them know to call our office so we can be prepared with enough lawyers. A suggested $10 donation is welcomed and appreciated as we begin gathering funds for deportation defense cases.

Queremos avisarles que vamos a tener un evento de Custodia Temporal de Niñxs el 7 de abril en Santa Rosa Junior College.  El evento es para gente indocumentada que teme que si la migra les toma en custodia, sus niñxs terminarían en custodia del estado.  Por favor comparta la información ya que queremos tener suficientes abogadxs.  La donación sugerida para recaudar fondos para apoyar a gente en custodia de inmigración es $10.

asking for a donation $60 per woman or $100 for two women.  Please let me know if you have any women interested.

Sonoma County Ranks 7th Healthiest in State
Holding steady on key health measures

SANTA ROSA, CA -  Sonoma County is ranked the seventh healthiest county in California, according to the 2018 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. The rankings are an easy-to-use snapshot that compares counties within states, illustrating that where you live influences how well and how long you live. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute produce the annual rankings.
According to the County Health Rankings, the data are a call to action to "dig into local data to better understand the local assets and challenges, and implement strategies to address both place and racial gaps, creating communities where everyone has a fair and just chance to lead the healthiest life possible."
The Health Factors ranking measures various indicators of the social and economic environment, as well as health behaviors, clinical care, and physical environment that impact health outcomes. Combined, the 2018 Health Factors ranking for Sonoma County is 11th highest in California, compared to 10th in 2017. The social and economic environment, due to its strong impact on health, is given the most weight in the Health Factors ranking. These factors include education, employment, income, family and social support, and community safety. Many of these factors have an influence on long-term health outcomes, including premature death.
The Health Outcomes ranking measures length and quality of life. The Sonoma County 2018 Health Outcomes ranking is 7th in California, compared to fifth in 2017. The Sonoma County rate of premature death, which makes up 50% of the Health Outcomes ranking, did not change from the previous period. The Department of Health Services recently released a report, titled  Sonoma County Summary Measures of Health , that closely examined these trends in premature death in the county. The leading causes of premature death in Sonoma County are cancer and unintentional injury (primarily accidental drug overdoses, falls, and motor vehicle accidents) followed by heart disease, suicide, and chronic liver disease. Many of these leading causes of premature death share the same risk factors, such as exposure to childhood traumatic stressors, as well as tobacco use, alcohol and other drug misuse, poor diet, and physical inactivity. These risk factors for premature death are largely preventable and communities can intervene to address them.
In the 2018 County Health Rankings, most individual measures in Sonoma County did not show major changes from 2017, but other counties' changes affect Sonoma County's placement on the ranking scale. Most of the individual measures were data from 2016 or earlier. The rankings were developed to show progress toward better health and to be a resource for communities.
"The numbers really highlight the incredible work community groups and organizations, our local health systems, and county partners are doing to improve health and well-being in the county," said Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Chair James Gore, who represents District 4 for the Board. "They aren't an end all, though. We can make progress by partnering with communities to improve the social and economic landscape, such as removing barriers so all high school students can graduate from high school, no matter their background."
The County of Sonoma remains committed to the health of its residents and values the information provided by the 2018 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. We all have a role to play. Working together, we can make Sonoma County a healthier place for everyone to live, learn, work, and play.
To see the full 2018 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps report, visit: .

Free Advance Care Planning Workshops in April
Who will speak for you if you can't speak for yourself?

Live in accord with your beliefs and values. Fulfill the goals that have meaning for you. Enjoy your favorite comforts: Isn't that how you should get to live right up to your last breath-
even if a medical crisis means that you are unable to make decisions for yourself?
In honor of 
National Healthcare Decisions Day and Week, April 15-22
free workshops
in Sonoma, Petaluma and Santa Rosa to encourage residents to speak up now about how they want to be treated if incapacitated in a future medical situation.
Register  for any workshop or talk at: under Events, (707) 565-5950 or
My Care, My Plan: Speak Up, Sonoma County's  ( vision is for every adult in the county to become educated and empowered to express his/her wishes about end-of-life care, to have the opportunity to do so, and to have their wishes honored in a medical crisis. This is an initiative of the Committee for Healthcare Improvement and Sonoma County Health Action, mobilizing community partnerships and resources to achieve equity and improve health for all in Sonoma County. MCMP is a collaborative of organizations and individuals from the private, public, nonprofit, and volunteer sectors, including local health care and social service organizations and other community partners.
Free Workshops on Advance Care Planning
Who Will Speak for You When You Can't Speak for Yourself?
Tuesday, April 17, 2-4 p.m.
Partnership Healthplan of California, 495 Tesconi Circle, Santa Rosa                     
Who Will Decide?
Wednesday, April 11, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Hospice of Petaluma, 416 Payran St., Petaluma
Living Well with Serious Illness
Friday, April 13, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Vintage House, 264 First Street East, Sonoma
Complete Your Advance Health Care Directive
Friday, April 13, 2 - 3 p.m.
Vintage House, 264 First Street East, Sonoma   AND  Vintage House, 264 First Street East, Sonoma
Who Will Decide?
Wednesday, April 18, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Memorial Hospice, 439 College Ave., Santa Rosa
Reservations: / (707) 565-5950 /

Via Esperanza

¡Todavía necesitamos unas pocas familias más para unirnos!
NUEVO Program de Mobility Coach
¿Está listo/a para dar el próximo paso para crear un futuro mejor para su familia?
Entonces le invitamos a participar en el Mobility Coach Program, un programa especial que ayudará a mejorar el futuro de su familia con:
  • Instrucción Privada y en Grupo
  • Plan Individual Compuesto de Sus Objetivos
  • Estrategias Financieras
  • Avance de Educación y Carrera
Requisitos Mínimos de Elegibilidad del Programa:
  • Nivel Principiante de Inglés
  • Niño/a de 0-5 Años
  • Compromiso de Seis Meses
  • Derecho de Trabajar (no necesario pero sería de beneficio)
Para información contacte: Magdalena Mendoza
Telefono(707)480-9374 | Email

Path to College: Demystifying the College Application Process

Explore your options. Learn how to create a college application strategy that will allow you to approach the process with confidence. Christine Lee, credentialed teacher with a certificate in college counseling, will give you an overview of all the steps to take and share trusted resources so you will leave with a plan of action and a timeline to follow. (topics include testing, college selection, financial aid, essay writing). For high school students and their families. [Bilingual English-Spanish.]

Target audience: high school (9th-11th graders) and parents

Event Date: March 27, 2018
Event Time: 1:00 PM
7140 Bodega Ave.
City: Sebastopol

Clases de Technología: Introducción básica a las computadoras Parte 2
Conocimientos Básicos de Computación segunda parte, empieza revisando los conocimientos básicos para operar una computadora. Practique el guardar archivos, buscar y fijar programas, investigar y cambiar las configuraciones de su computadora y descubra formas de mantener su computadora funcionando correctamente.

La clase está limitada a diez (10) participantes.

Por favor inscríbase en persona en el mostrador de información en la Biblioteca.

Event Date 03-07-2018
Event Time 6:30 PM
Event Address: Windsor Regional Library
9291 Old Redwood Hwy., Building 100

The Continuum of Care recently updated its performance dashboard to reflect outcomes for transition aged-youth ages 18-24.  This information includes:
  • Length of time TAY remain homeless before securing permanent housing
  • Rate of return to homelessness after securing permanent housing
  • Exits to permanent housing
  • Annual number of first time homeless in HMIS
  • Increase in earned & other income
Information is live on the Continuum of Care website at:

New Groundwater Agencies Host Community Workshops on Short-term Funding Options

The purpose of the workshops is to solicit feedback on possible options for funding the day-to-day expenses of the GSAs and the creation of extensive, science-based technical Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) for the Sonoma Valley, Santa Rosa Plain and Petaluma Valley groundwater basins. In February, the California Department of Water Resources (the primary state agency responsible for administering SGMA) posted a preliminary list of GSAs eligible to receive grant funding for GSP development. All three local GSAs were recommended to receive $1 million each. While these grants will significantly offset costs of creating GSPs, additional gap funding will be needed.

Sonoma Valley Workshop
5:30-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 14
Sonoma Veterans Memorial Building, 126 1st St W, Sonoma
Santa Rosa Plain Workshop
5:30-7:30, Wednesday, March 21
Finley Community Center, 2060 W College Ave, Santa Rosa
Petaluma Valley Workshop
5:30-7:30 p.m., Thursday, March 29
Petaluma Community Center, 320 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma
While workshop formats will be similar in each groundwater basin, some content will be specific to that basin. People needing accommodations should contact or call 524-8378 as soon as possible.
A website, includes up-to-date information on SGMA and a place to sign up for more information.

Title of Announcement: Park Program Managerpark

Salary: $73,466.63 - $89,307.88 Annually
Closing Date: 3/20/2018

Intro: This is a great opportunity for a passionate professional with parks and community program experience! The Park Program Manager oversees environmental education, interpretation, recreation, outreach, and lifeguard services programs to strengthen people's connection to the outdoors; and promote community health and safety, and environmental stewardship. This leadership position works collaboratively to maintain and build partnerships with community-based organizations, businesses, schools, and governmental agencies by aligning and developing innovative approaches to park programs.  The Park Program Manager leads and mentors a productive team delivering high-quality, inclusive outdoor programs and services for broad audiences. This position also plays an essential role in developing new revenue streams, grant administration, and budget management.  

Other responsibilities include:
  • Implementing new program evaluation plans, including evaluation administration, data analysis, and reporting
  • Overseeing marketing strategies and registration systems
  • Developing department-wide trainings in the areas of environmental education, interpretation, recreation, aquatics, and outreach
  • Assisting with implementing department-wide diversity, equity, and inclusion practices
  • Grant administration including identifying grants and writing proposals
  • Creating operational systems for program efficiency and quality
  • Managing contracts for programmatic services
  • Overseeing visitor center operations and exhibit design
  • Ensuring safety and risk management protocols are upheld
The Ideal Candidate will possess:
  • A passion for parks and the myriad of benefits they provide
  • An entrepreneurial spirit, with business acumen
  • Knowledge and experience in managing environmental education, interpretive, recreation, lifeguard services, and/or outreach programs
  • Demonstrated experience writing, managing, and reporting on grants
  • An ability to manage multiple priorities with excellent organizational skills
  • A strong written and verbal communication skill set (proficiency in Spanish desired)
  • Proven ability to forge productive, professional relationships with internal and external stakeholders

Title of Announcement: Animal Health Technician- Extra Help

Salary:$21.31 - $25.91 Hourly
Closing Date: Continuous

Intro: The County of Sonoma Department of Health Services is seeking a qualified individual to fill an intermittent, extra-help Animal Health Technician position at the Sonoma County Animal Shelter.

As an Animal Health Technician, you will assist veterinarians with the provision of healthcare to animals. Duties include:
  • Conducting examinations
  • Administering daily treatments, medications, and vaccines
  • Assisting with surgeries
  • Performing humane euthanasia
  • Assessing temperament of animals
  • Implementing behavioral modification plans as directed by the shelter supervisor
  • Assisting in the maintenance of sanitary kennels and shelter facilities
  • Leading the work of volunteers
The ideal candidate will possess:
  • Experience working as an Animal Health Technician
  • A Registered Veterinary Technician license (formerly known as an Animal Health Technician Certificate) issued by the Veterinary Medical Board
  • A Veterinary Assistant Controlled Substance Permit (VACSP)

Title of Announcement:  Director Facilities Operations  director

Salary:  $9,024.00 - $10,969.00 Monthly
Closing Date: 3/19/2018
Minimum Qualifications
  1. Building and construction, design, construction contract administration, and California Building Codes applicable to assigned areas.
  2. Terms, procedures and equipment used in the construction, grounds, maintenance and operations trades.
  3. Preparation of cost estimates and specifications.
  4. Comprehensive project management skills.
  5. Requirements of maintaining buildings in a safe, clean and orderly condition.
  6. Budget preparation and control.
  7. Oral and written communication skills.
  8. Principles and practices of administration, supervision and training.
  9. Applicable laws, codes, regulations, policies and procedures.
  10. Interpersonal skills using tact, patience and courtesy.
  11. Operation of a computer and assigned software.
Title of Announcement: Marketing and Outreach Coordinatormarketing

Salary: $7,119.42 - $9,089.67 Monthly
Closing Date: 3/19/2018
Intro: The Marketing and Outreach Coordinator in Planning and Economic Development (PED) will have a wide variety of responsibilities, including developing, managing, and implementing public outreach communications and marketing collateral for PED projects and initiatives, develop and manage strategies related to business attraction, retention and expansion, lead programs and board participation related to the Santa Rosa  Tourism Business Improvement Area, and participate and/or manage the local production team for economic development driven events such as the IRONMAN. The incumbent will develop and manage content for the department's internal and external websites and social media pages, and edit and publish the department's e-newsletter. Duties will also include designing and developing marketing and communications materials such as posters, brochures, maps, videos, radio and print advertisements.  

The ideal candidate for the position in Planning and Economic Development is a team player exhibiting: 
* extensive experience presenting to and engaging with a variety of stakeholders, including governmental bodies, members of the public and a variety of public agency staff;
* an innate curiosity and creativity to seek solutions, process improvements and/or opportunities within the City organization and in partnership with the private sector, relating those back to economic development strategies;
* expertise in overall marketing strategy, branding, public relations;
* expertise with a variety of digital/social and traditional media, including webpage design and/or management; * extensive experience developing and implementing effective marketing campaigns aimed at increasing public awareness of City services; and 
* excellent public speaking and written communication skillThe Economic Development Division The Economic Development Division focuses on three key areas: industry cluster development, innovation and entrepreneurship, and business climate, culture and communication. Current efforts within these strategic initiatives include the development and/ or enhancement of systemic improvements for current and emerging industry clusters (e.g. the craft food and beverage sector), communicating the economic value of proposed intensification of land use and the diversification of housing stock, and engaging the public in informing and understanding process improvements in the City's entitlement and permitting processes.  

In addition, the Division is the primary liaison with local and regional Chambers of Commerce and other regional business groups, and manages the Santa Rosa Tourism Business Improvement Area assessment ordinance through which the tourism and local pride program and campaign is run..

Title of Announcement: Payroll Clerkpayroll

Salary:  $48,776.00 - $59,295.08 Annually
Closing Date: 3/20/2018 11:59 PM Pacific

Intro: The Human Services Department and Department of Child Support Services seek qualified applicants for their Payroll Clerk positions.
Payroll Clerks determine, summarize, and maintain payroll and personnel actions that affect the payment and employment status of employees. Typically, Payroll Clerks analyze and evaluate payroll issues, apply complex policies and procedures, state and federal leave and disability laws, and various union contracts which impact employment status.
The ideal candidate will possess:
  • A proven aptitude for handling time-keeping and payroll processing related issues
  • Strong communication skills to pleasantly and effectively interact with employees, department managers, and other County personnel
  • The ability to interpret and explain policies, laws, and employee contracts
  • A proven ability to quickly and accurately prepare and maintain payroll transactions within deadlines
  • Knowledge of the Fair Labor Standards Act wage and hour laws, Family and Medical Leave Act, and California Family Rights Act requirements
  • Experience with Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, and other software programs
  • An ability to navigate a Human Resource Management System

Title of Announcement: Resource Connector, Bilingual resource

Salary:  $15 to $17 per hour
Closing Date: Unknown

Intro: Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, a non-profit and the largest human services provider in the North Bay, serves the most vulnerable regardless of their religious, social, or economic background. We challenge poverty, counsel immigrants, and care for our seniors by supporting the dignity and independence of all we serve. We support, educate, create opportunities, ensure the well-being of our staff, and engage community leaders in the betterment of those most in need.
The non-exempt, full-time, $15 to $17 per hour, Bilingual Resource Connector provides support to the Resource Center within the Community and Parish Connections Department, across all programs, to reduce social vulnerability and assist the community in recovery and rebuilding. This position is responsible for supervising 2-5 community volunteers. 

Visit our website at for additional information about this position and other exciting opportunities at Catholic Charities. 

An application can be found at
We look forward to receiving your completed application resume and cover letter.

Title of Announcement: Community Stability Program Managerstability

Salary: $ 45,760 to $52,000 Annually 

Intro: We have an open position....Program Manager for Community Stability.
The Community Stability Program Manager position offers an exciting opportunity to serve the community with needed and impactful programs that help clients facing socio economic challenges to transition their lives. This position, located within Catholic Charities' Community and Parish Connections (CPC) department, supports equity building, financial stability programs with an evidence based focus on serving the community.  Catholic Charities' Program Managers provide administration for agency programs, including budget management, grant application and compliance, employee hiring, supervision and retention, coordinating training and facilitating integration with other programs across the agency. Visit our website at

Title of Announcement: Sheriff's Communications Dispatcher IIdispatch

Salary:  $59,775.12 - $72,652.66 Annually
Closing Date: Continuous 

Intro:In the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office, Communications Dispatcher II's receive requests for assistance from law enforcement personnel and the public. They dispatch, coordinate, and direct emergency manpower and equipment as needed, and perform related filing and record keeping duties. In our 24/7 environment, Dispatcher's must have the flexibility to work all shifts (day, swing, grave), and overtime is required.
This full, working-level position in the Dispatcher job series is for individuals who have completed a year of law enforcement, emergency dispatch experience with a city, county, state, or federal agency. 
Possession of a California Commission of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Public Safety Dispatcher's Certificate is highly desired.

LSP DISCLAIMER OF ENDORSEMENT: Any reference obtained from this newsletter to a specific organization, product, process, or service does not constitute or imply an endorsement by LSP of the organization, product, process, or service, or its producer or provider. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document, organization, or website, do not state or reflect those of the LSP.

DISCLAIMER: LSP-SC does not endorse or promote programs, events, business, and editorials nor does it conduct background or citizenship status of those seeking or applying for employment or for job listings posted.

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