January 2017
EveryMind News News
Welcome Michael Ball - Serving Together's New Director ball

EveryMind is excited to announce that Michael (Mike) Ball, USAF (Ret.), MBA, has been named Director of
Serving Together , EveryMind's commitment to veterans. As Director and a member of EveryMind's Senior Leadership Team, Mike will be in charge of charting the direction and expansion of this vital program, which connects veterans, active duty service members, and their families with community partners and resources. 

Mike comes to EveryMind after a distinguished military career, serving in both the U.S. Marines and Air Force, and as an active Reservist in the National Guard.  His deployments spanned the globe from stateside to Kuwait, Germany, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Since his retirement in 2013, he has continued to work for veterans through several veterans service organizations and nonprofits, including The Mission Continues, AMVETS, and Dog Tag Inc. Most recently, Mike worked for Loudoun County Government in Virginia, setting up the county's new veteran's services program. He also served as the co-chair of the Loudoun County Veterans Collaborative and as a governing board member for the Loudoun County Continuum of Care for homelessness. 

Through his position with Loudoun County Government, Mike worked with EveryMind's Serving Together staff in Northern Virginia to improve collaboration between government, nonprofits, and veterans service organizations to increase involvement and assistance for veterans in their local communities.

"As a veteran, I understand the culture, the life experience, and the challenges of members of the military and their families," said Mike. "Drawing upon my experience and perspective, I am committed to bridging the gap between the services and resources available in our community and the deserving veterans who have earned them. I look forward to working with the team at EveryMind to cultivate new resources, enhance our current network, and make connections for veterans across the DC region." 

Mike can be reached at mball@Every-Mind.org  or 301.424.0656

For more information on Serving Together, visit  

Serving Together Veteran and Family Peer Navigators are available at
1.855.738.7176 or  PeerNavigator@ServingTogetherProject.org.
WUSA9 Highlights Serving Together Partner, Boeing, and Medal of Honor Recipient for Work with VeteransWUSA

President Barack Obama awarded the Medal of Honor, the highest military honor in the United States, to Capt. Florent Groberg on November 12, 2015 at the White House.

On January 10th, WUSA9 aired an interview with Medal of Honor recipient, Capt. Florent (Flo) Groberg, who shared how he's helping wounded warriors as Boeing's Director of Veterans Outreach.  Boeing is a major funder of  EveryMind's Serving Together program and during the interview, Groberg cited Boeing's close partnership with the program as an example of how the company is helping to tackle problems facing military families in the region.  

As a supporter of Serving Together, Boeing has invested not only financial resources with a multi-year grant, but also valuable human capital.  Through their Corporate Citizenship program, Boeing's marketing team collaborated with EveryMind to develop marketing and communications plans to increase the reach and impact of Serving Together. 
EveryMind Participates in
NBC4's 24th Annual Health & Fitness Expo Expo

EveryMind participated in NBC4's 24th Annual Health & Fitness Expo in Washington, DC on January 7th & 8th.  Thousands of DC area residents packed the DC Convention Center for information on mental wellness, Yoga classes, American Ninja Warrior obstacle courses, panel discussions on sleep, and a turn inside a drunk driving simulator to show how alcohol impairs driving skills. EveryMind staff spoke to Expo visitors about mental wellness, volunteer opportunities, Mental Health First Aid, crisis prevention services, Serving Together, and RunforEveryMind, scheduled for September, 2017.  We hope to see you at next year's NBC4 Health & Fitness Expo!
EveryMind is Hiring! hiring

Due to exciting growth and new initiatives, EveryMind is hiring! Please visit the Employment page of EveryMind's website for full details and to apply for one of these full time positions.
What We're Talking Abouttalk
Exercise: An Antidote for Behavioral Issues in Students?
HealthFinder.gov, January 9th
Children with serious behavioral disorders might fare better at school if they get some exercise during the day, a new study suggests. The researchers focused on children and teenagers with conditions that included autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, and depression. 

Here's Why Your Resolutions Can't Rely On Willpower Alone
PsychologyToday.com by David DiSalvo, January 2nd

What if the reason we often fail in our resolutions hinges less on willpower and more on avoiding temptations right from the start? A new study of 159 college students suggests that this argument is true and that we should consider changing how we think about setting  goals now or any time of year.  
Interesting ReadsReads

This one person's life impacts so many more - families, friends, coworkers, and neighbors to name just a few. When we help one person find healing and wellness, we help the entire community surrounding that person. As one person grows stronger - the entire community becomes stronger.

Your tax deductible gift to support our vital work will ensure our veterans are connected to the services they have earned, our children receive support ensuring school readiness and success, and our neighbors, families, and friends have the mental health resources and services they need. If we want to live in a healthy community, we need to care for every mind.
On behalf of EveryMind,
thank you for your support and Happy New Year!

AmazonSmile Supports EveryMind.

A mazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the important work of EveryMind every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop with AmazonSmile, you'll find the exact same prices, selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to EveryMind. Use this link, https://smile.amazon.com/ch/52-0681147, to designate EveryMind as your charity of choice.  Please spread the word about this great program by forwarding this information to all of your friends and family.

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24/7 Hotline 301.738.CALL (2255)
Textline 301.738.2255

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