Doctor of Physical Therapy Class of 2019 Celebrates and Reflects at White Coat Ceremony
The Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) Class of 2019 in the School of Health Sciences and Practice donned their white coats for the first time in front of their families and friends at the White Coat Ceremony in Nevins Auditorium on April 24. The occasion marked their entrance into the clinical years of their education and their commitment to the profession of physical therapy and future patients. View the photo gallery here. View the video here. Read more...
Lectureship Honors the Late Gabor Kaley, Ph.D.
The Fourth Annual Drs. Gabor and Harriette Kaley Endowed Lectureship held on May 1 hosted esteemed researcher, Fabio A. Recchia, M.D., Ph.D., second from left. The lecture is endowed by the family of late faculty member, Gabor Kaley, Ph.D., who served as chairman of the Department of Physiology for 37 years. His widow Harriette Kaley, Ph.D., attended the May 1 lecture and spoke to the audience of her late husband's dedication to scientific research and NYMC.
This year's visiting lecturer was formerly a post-doctoral research fellow and faculty member at NYMC. He currently serves as professor of physiology, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy and adjunct professor of physiology, Temple University School of Medicine. Dr. Recchia is renowned for his work on the metabolism of the failing heart versus the healthy heart. He presented, "Cardiac Energy Turnover in Health and Disease."
Joining Dr. Recchia was Edward J. Messina, Ph.D., '73, right, professor of physiology, who introduced Dr. Recchia and Akos Koller, M.D., Ph.D., left, professor of physiology, who provided a brief update on other Kaley family contributions to cardiovascular micro-circulation research. Dr. Gabor Kaley, served on the NYMC faculty for 43 years. When he stepped down from his post as chairman in 2007, he was the longest sitting chair of a physiology department in the nation.
TCDM Hosts Pre-Dental Day
More than four dozen undergraduate students from universities throughout the northeast got a taste of life at the first Pre-Dental Day program at the Touro College of Dental Medicine (TCDM) at New York Medical College on April 23. Administrators, faculty, and student ambassadors presented D.D.S. hopefuls with information, tips and hands-on experiential learning. In the testing center, Jay Goldsmith, D.D.S., founding dean, spoke about TCDM's mission, the forthcoming 135 seat dental clinic, unique and joint programs with NYMC and the popularity of the dental profession. "I am gratified by the incredible interest there is in our profession," said Dr. Goldsmith. TCDM received more than 2,800 applications for 110 openings this year. View the photo gallery here. Read more...
Touro College of Dental Medicine Hosts ASDA/SPEA Event
The inaugural joint meeting of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) and the Student Professional Ethics Association (SPEA) -- chapters at the Touro College of Dental Medicine (TCDM) at New York Medical College -- was held on April 28 in the Skyline Dining Room. The event, sponsored by TCDM and the two chapters, the Ninth District Dental Association and the New York Section of the American College of Dentists, covered a variety of topics including an overview of organized dentistry and the transition from student to practitioner, the importance of tripartite membership and its benefits, a discussion of the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics, the American College of Dentists, its Code of Ethics and its relationship to SPEA, ethical considerations and a series of questions and answers for the panel. The participants from left, included: Ronnie Myers, D.D.S., TCDM senior associate dean for academic and administrative affairs; Mary Ellen Lukaswitz, D.M.D., Ninth District president; Jay P. Goldsmith, D.M.D., TCDM founding dean; Paul Kim, D.D.S., past-president of the Ninth District; Mark A. Bauman, D.D.S., regent, American College of Dentists; Jessica Li and Ben Kahan, TCDM student presidents of the ASDA and SPEA chapters. View the photo gallery here.
NYMC Collaborates for a Two-Week Global Bioethics Summer Program
Global Bioethics Initiative (GBI), co-sponsored by New York Medical College, welcomes students and professionals worldwide to attend two special bioethics summer programs, in Manhattan, New York, USA (June 19-30, 2017) and Dubrovnik, Croatia (June 19-25, 2017). The program is hosted by Pace University, College of Health Professions, Manhattan campus. Participants interested or working in the life-sciences, medicine, law, public policy, health care industry and biotechnology sectors, among them, are encouraged to take part in this the unique educational and collaborative experience. Read more...
Students from the School of Medicine (SOM), Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences (GSBMS), School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP), and the Touro College of Dental Medicine (TCDM) at New York Medical College who are members of the NYMC student chapter of the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD) participated in the monthly meeting of the Westchester Institute for Human Development's (WIHD) self-advocacy group, Hear Our Voices, on April 24. The topic of discussion was "Sports and Exercise for Active and Health Living." Back from left: Andrew Flatley (GSBMS), Brittany MacKesey (TCDM), Mitchell Levitz, self-advocacy coordinator at WIHD who leads the group, Hinette Rosario (SOM), Lauren Fink (SOM), and Sidra Malik (TCDM) Front from left: Janis Konkle (SHSP) and Jessica Park (GSBMS).
Michael Newman, Esq., general counsel and chief compliance officer, was recognized by the Touro Law Center at its annual "With Liberty & Justice for All" Dinner Celebration held on April 26 in Garden City, N.Y. He was inducted into the Builders Society that recognizes and celebrates those individuals who played a role in the establishment and in the creation of a solid foundation for the Law Center.
Luis F. Riquelme, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS, associate professor of speech-language pathology and director of the Center for Swallowing and Speech-Language Pathology and NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, received the 2017 Distinguished Achievement Award for his clinical, research and leadership contributions to the field of speech-language pathology at the 57th Annual Convention of the New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association, held April 20-22 in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Also at the meeting, Dr. Riquelme, far right, and his team at NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital were invited speakers. They presented, "Dysphagia Grand Rounds: Case Studies on EMST (expiratory muscle strength training)." The presenters included
Craig Clary, M.S. 15
Rebecca D. Benjamin, M.S. '11
Naga Alomari, M.S., CCC-SLP
, clinical instructor of speech-language pathology;
Alexandra Soyfer, M.S., CCC-SLLP
, clinical instructor of speech-language pathology; and
Gracelynn K. Sandoval, M.S.
, clinical instructor of speech-language pathology.
New York Medical College Leadership News
NYCPM News - 4/27/2017
Edward C. Halperin, M.D., M.A., chancellor and chief executive officer
Faculty News
Business Wire - 5/2/2017
Nora Bergasa, M.D., professor of medicine
The Herald-Dispatch - 5/2/2017
Nader G. Abraham, Ph.D., professor of medicine and pharmacology
Alumni News
Patch.com (all editions) - 5/2/2017
Evan Zahn, M.D. '86
BioInc@NYMC News
Westfair Online - 5/4/2017
New York Medical College is not responsible for the content or accuracy of what may be reported in print or online media.
Tuesday, May 9
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds
11:00 a.m.
Department of Environmental Health Science MPH Capstone Presentation
5:45 p.m.
Department of Health Policy and Management MPH Capstone Presentation
6:45 p.m.
Wednesday, May 10
Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds
8:00 a.m.
Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology Grand Rounds
8:00 a.m.
Department of Surgery Grand Rounds
8:30 a.m.
Department of Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds
12:00 p.m.
Department of Family and Community Medicine Research Day
3:00 p.m.
Department of Epidemiology and Community Health MPH Capstone Presentation
5:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 11
The 5th Annual Research and Scholarship Day
4:30 p.m.
Friday, May 12
Convocation of Thanks
1:00 p.m.
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