InTouch With Our NCS Family
We encourage our existing families to re-enroll their student(s) quickly to save their spot for the 2023-2024 school year.

All contracts were emailed out to existing families from our admissions office (Mrs. Sheila Sheron), by Friday, November 18, 2022). Priority re-enrollment began on November 18, 2022, and will end on January 20, 2023, for our existing students/families.

After January 20, we will begin admitting new students to available spots that have not been taken by our existing students. After January 20, if your student is not fully re-enrolled, your student will no longer be guaranteed a spot at NCS.

In order to be fully re-enrolled you must complete TWO things:
  1. Complete the contract of enrollment. Please contact Sheila Sheron at and 662-349-5127 if you have questions or need the contract resent. Contracts were sent From: PowerSchool Registration Support <>
  2. Pay the re-enrollment fee of $175 by January 20. Beginning January 21, the fee increases to $225. How do I pay the re-enrollment fee for returning students? Click on this link and log in using your Blackbaud Tuition Management username and password under "I have a Blackbaud Account" and click on LOGIN. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE A BLACKBAUD TUITION MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT. Only pay through the BLACKBAUD TUITION MANAGEMENT account. For questions concerning anything financial contact Charis Floyd at or call 662.349.5080

Once the online Contract of Enrollment is submitted and the re-enrollment fee is paid, your child is fully enrolled for 2023-2024. Don't delay, re-enroll today!

Our PK, JK, and SK students will present a Christmas program on Friday, December 2, in Broadway Sanctuary at 8:45 am. A cookie reception will follow for students and their parents in attendance.

Families may purchase a digital link to watch and keep a recording of the program for $20. To purchase the download, click on the link here:
We have a need for substitute teachers at Northpoint Christian School. If you are interested in being a valued member of our Northpoint Family as a substitute teacher, please click on the following link:
THANK YOU Northpoint Family! You GAVE on #GivingTuesday! 

We currently sit at a grand #GivingDay total
of $130,000!

We thank our parents, grandparents, business owners, faculty, staff, board members, and alumni who stepped up in big ways today! Our NCS Family believes in the mission of our school and we are grateful for the support!

THANK YOU to the more than 180 donors who met our challenge and GAVE so generously on #GivingTuesday.

This year, all funds raised on Giving Tuesday are going towards a special project that will benefit every student in our school..... Improving our PAC. We are making plans to:

  • install a permanent wall between the PAC and the lower school gym to buffer out sound
  • expand seating in the PAC to hold more meetings and events including lower school Chapel programs
  • convert seats into chairs with arm desks and install a sliding divider so the PAC may be used for two upper school classrooms
  • change the flooring to include stadium seating
  • increase capacity at special events held in the PAC including theatre and concert performances

Congratulations to six Northpoint seniors who held their signing at Northpoint Christian School over the past few weeks:
Rob Hayes- will play baseball at Northwest CC
Conner McKnatt- will play baseball at Northeast CC
Hudson Brown- will play baseball at University of Kentucky
JB Williams- will play baseball at Northeast CC
Brylee Faith Cherry- will play basketball at Mississippi College
Maycee Gross- will play volleyball at William Carey University.
The 2022 Northpoint Christian School Christmas card design was unveiled during Fine Arts Chapel this week.

This year, we have two special designs for the card's front and back. Lane Purdy designed the front with a beautiful dove. Sarah Murley created the back of the card inspired by our 50th-anniversary logo. We love how these complement each other!

We offer a special thanks to all of our art students who designed wonderful artwork for our cards and to their art teacher, Mrs. Bass. All of the Christmas card submissions are on display at Northpoint in the lobby!

Northpoint Christian School and Broadway Church had the honor of hosting 45 local pastors at an appreciation brunch on Thursday. The pastors were invited by students at our school.

The purpose of the appreciation brunch was to allow our pastors to know more about our school and to encourage one another in our ministries.

Our Head of School, Jim Ferguson, welcomed the pastors and talked about our school’s mission. Pastors then had an opportunity to experience “student life,” by hearing special music performed by our choirs and praise band, enjoying an act from Miracle on 34th Street, and hearing a student testimonial by Hayden Barnett, a parent testimonial by the Mansell family, and a pastoral testimony from Trevor Davis. Broadway Baptist Church Pastor, Mark Livingston, spoke about the history between Broadway and SBEC/NCS. Our Spiritual Life Director, Dr. Mackey, closed out the brunch with a special prayer over our local churches and congregations.

For fifty years, SBEC/Northpoint has walked hand-in-hand with our families and our churches as we have provided students with a distinctively Christian education.
The time spent during this brunch was a special blessing for all involved and it was wonderful strengthening relationships and creating new friendships with the pastors of our students.

We thank everyone who invited their pastors to attend!

Northpoint Christian School's Theatre Department will perform Miracle on 34th Street the Week of November 28-December 3. There will be four performances and tickets may be purchased through NOW. Link to purchase tickets: $12 for adults and $8 for children. NCS students may purchase 1 ticket to 1 performance but are required to present student ID upon arrival at the play for their "free" student ticket. This is going to be a great show! Get your tickets quickly.
Thursday, December 1@ 7 pm
Friday, December 2 @ 7 pm
Saturday, December 3 @ 2 pm
Saturday, December 3 @ 7 pm
All NCS students in grades PK-12th get ready to break out the Christmas sweaters and/or NCS Spiritwear items and spread Christmas cheer on the following designated days:

•Friday, December 2
•Friday, December 9
•Monday-Friday Dec. 12-16

Important: Christmas or Spiritwear tops may only be worn with jeans or uniform bottoms. (Jeans must be free of rips,tears, frays. No leggings nor joggers are allowed.)

Note: Lower school may have other designated days that super-cede this and so pay attention to your lower school teacher in case you have a special “grinch day” or, “Christmas pj day”, etc.).

Students in PK, JK, SK may wear spiritwear items anyday as long as they wear their shirts/sweatshirts with uniform bottoms.
Do we have any students in grades 6-12 who are interested in joining the Trap Team? There will be a Trap Team Recruitment Meeting in the HS library on Tuesday, Dec 6th @ 6:30 pm. If parents or students have any questions, please reach out to Coach Todd Morrow at

1st-4th grade 2022 Christmas Basketball Camp
For: Boys and Girls in 1st-4th grade
Dates: December 19-20
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Price: $90

Northpoint will hold a two day basketball camp for students in 1-4th grade. Sign up on the link above. The cost is $90 for the two day camp that will take place from 9am-12 pm. Questions: Contact Lynn Fox at
Broadway Baptist Church invites all Northpoint families to THE WORD. This program will take place December 9-11 with nightly performances at 6 pm and a 2 pm performance on December 10. The tickets are free and are available through this link:
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Requirements
Upper School
For the 2023-2024 School Year

For the 2023-2024 school year, NCS has decided to move to a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) model for 7th-12th grades. This means every upper school student is asked to have and bring their device to school with them each day beginning in the fall of 2023.

After a survey was deployed to our upper school families last school year, it was determined that most of our parents were willing to provide a device for their students to use at school. The decision was made by the administration to move forward with a BYOD platform after receiving the survey result. The benefit of every student bringing a device to school is for enhanced technology use in the classroom, increased student engagement, and preparation for post-high school academics.

Lower School students will continue to use Chromebooks in the classroom provided by Northpoint. They will NOT need to purchase or bring their own device as every lower school classroom now has its own set of Chromebooks each lower school student has and will have their own device for use during school each day. Using the same device for our lower school classrooms allows students to build foundational skills. Additionally, Chromebooks are smaller in size which is ideal for student dexterity.

Again, this bring-your-own-device model for upper school students does not go into effect until next fall, but we communicated earlier in November so families could add a device to a student's Christmas list so they will be ready for next school year. Computers could also be purchased this next July during the tax-free back-to-school shopping weekends.

Below you will find information from the IT Department on the recommended devices for 7-12th grade students as well as prepared frequently asked questions.

The below graphic shows the devices we recommend for 7-12th grade students:

If a student receives a positive COVID test (this should be reported to our school nurse, Mitzi Phillips by calling 662-349-5128 or Nurse Mitzi will alert the lower or upper school office.) In 2022-2023, students will NOT learn remotely but will be responsible for all make-up work while out. The parent/student should communicate with teachers and get missed assignments AFTER they have reported the positive case to Nurse Mitzi. 

If a student reports a positive COVID test, the student will need to isolate at home for 5 days and return on day 6 if asymptomatic while wearing a mask through day 10. 

If a student is exposed to COVID, it is up to the parent to decide whether the student will quarantine due to exposure. Students exposed are encouraged to mask at school. We will not be doing contact tracing (or quarantining students) in classrooms if there is a positive COVID case in the class. However, if we have several students in a classroom out due to illness in a week, we will send a letter to the class making them aware of COVID in the class.  
We communicate through text messages often. Make sure you receive them by texting "NCSTROJANS" to 1-844-230-7878!
Our Inclement Weather Policy:

In assessing the opening or closing of school during inclement weather (snow, ice, tornado threat) the ultimate priority is the safety of our students, staff, and families. Therefore, Northpoint Christian School will exercise caution in the decisions made.

Though we make our determination independent of other school systems, we do confer with Desoto County schools and weigh heavily their decision.

In decisions on whether the school will open, we seek to make our announcement promptly, when possible, by 5 am.

When making our decision we evaluate the status of local roads, as well as, that of our parking lot and campus. We also make our determination based on current and forecasted conditions.

How do we notify our families of weather-related closings?
We will notify our families through text, email, and social media postings on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and will also have closing announcements posted on local television media outlets. (WREG, WMC5, ABC and Fox13.) We ask that you not call the school before checking each of these sources of communication. 

Should inclement weather cause school to be dismissed during the school day, the same procedures for notification would be utilized. Again, we ask that you not call the school unless it is an emergency as we need to keep the phone lines accessible.

Northpoint Christian School does include at least one "snow day" in our school calendar. Any days beyond those built into the schedule will have to be made up. Northpoint Christian School serves a vast area. Therefore, in the event of a school opening during inclement weather, parents should always use their judgment based on their family circumstances.

PLEASE OPT INTO OUR TEXTING PROGRAM EXPLAINED ABOVE. That is the quickest way to find out about closings and other important information we feel parents need to know.