November 11, 2024

As we head into winter, we would like to remind families of Barrington 220’s inclement weather protocol. In the event of inclement weather, the Superintendent of Schools will implement one of the following three scenarios:

School Canceled

All school buildings will be closed and students will make up the inclement weather day at the end of the school year.

Early Dismissal

There may be some rare occasions where it will be necessary to dismiss school early. On these days, middle and high schools will dismiss first. Elementary school students will be released at their regular dismissal time.


All school buildings will be closed, however students and staff will complete the school day from home. This would eliminate the need to make up days at the end of the school year. Teachers will check their usual electronic communication methods throughout the day during regular school hours, to support students. 

  • Elementary Schools/ELC: Early childhood through fifth-grade children will have access to their assignments through their teacher’s usual electronic communication method of See-Saw or Schoology. Additionally, kindergarten through fifth-grade students will receive assignments for Specials (art, music, physical education, library, and STEM) that they would typically have for the day from their teachers.
  • Middle/High School: Students will have access to their assignments through the normal electronic method of Schoology. They should have an assignment/learning experience for each class.
  • Barrington Transition Program: Students will follow their daily schedule, including alternative activities in place of the community components of the program. BTP staff will communicate electronically with students.

Inclement Weather Communication

School closings due to inclement weather or other unusual circumstances will be announced on the district website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram pages. Families will also receive a text, phone call, and email through the Infinite Campus automated emergency notification system.

Emergency Notification TEST this Friday

Barrington 220 will send out a TEST of the Infinite Campus emergency notification system on Friday, Nov. 15 at around 6pm. If you do not receive this test within 30 minutes of 6pm, please email Campus Messenger at 

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