Inclusion Matters
September 2022
Each year, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Tomorrow, we honour and remember the children who never returned home and survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process. We hope you will join with us as we take time tomorrow to reflect, acknowledge, and better understand the harms done and continue the journey forward to full reconciliation.
Let's Chat about Inclusive Education Series 3 out now!
With the start of the new school year, Inclusive Education Canada (IEC) is pleased to bring you series 3 of Let's Talk about Inclusive Education.
IEC's Let's Talk series features interviews with experts on inclusive education from across the country. Join hosts Gordon Porter, Jacqueline Specht, and Diane Richler as they talk to academics, teachers, principals, parents and more about the current state of inclusive education.
New episodes every Monday this fall.
Policy Forum Registration Now Open!
Registration for Inclusion Canada and People First of Canada's 13th Annual Federal Policy Forum on Inclusion is now open! This year's theme is Demanding Better: How the Disability Inclusion Action Plan could change the lives of people with an intellectual/developmental disability.
We are happy to be providing an in-person format this year after two years of virtual forums during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event is taking place on Monday, November 28 from 9am-4pm at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, Ontario. This year's forum will feature discussions on the four pillars of the government of Canada's Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP), including details about the work to create: (1) the Canada Disability Benefit, (2) the formation of a National Employment Strategy, (3) the development of a modern approach to disability inclusive spaces, and (4) the modernization of federal government programs. Come and be part of these informative discussions and stay tuned for more details.
Bill C-22 - The Canada Disability Benefit
On September 20, Members of Parliament debated the second reading of Bill C-22, which seeks to create the Canada Disability Benefit.
This historic legislation will implement a monthly benefit for people with a disability in Canada, with an aim to reduce poverty rates across the country for people with disabilities. While many people with intellectual disabilities and their families face increased expenses and with over 70% of people with intellectual disabilities living in poverty. This bill has the potential to make life easier for many and bring people with disabilities above the poverty line. We have never been this close before to making such a positive financial impact.
Unfortunately, on September 28, Conservative MPs denied a unanimous motion in the House of Commons that would have fast-tracked Bill C-22. As a result, further debate and passage of the Bill will be delayed. It is now more important than ever to contact your MP and urge them to support this important foundation legislation.
We need your help! By phoning or emailing your MP you can ask them to support and vote in favour of Bill C-22. We need to request that all MPs, regardless of political affiliation work collaboratively to fast-track this legislation now so people with disabilities don't have to wait any longer for this much needed financial support. Tell them your story as to why this is important to you and or your family member.
Inclusion Canada in Action
- Inclusion Canada Executive Vice President, Krista Carr, attended a community forum hosted in Fredericton, NB by L'Arche Canada & their Fredericton Chapter on September 14. We joined partners in the disability sector and different levels of government to discuss inclusive housing solutions for persons with intellectual disabilities. The forum participants were also delighted with a surprise visit of the federal Minister of Employment, Workforce Development, & Disability Inclusion, Hon. Carla Qualtrough, who dropped in unannounced while in town on other business.
On September 16-18, Inclusion Canada in collaboration with Inclusion New Brunswick completed the fifth and final weekend of the New Brunswick Family Leadership Series which was held in Moncton, NB. The final weekend wrap-up session focused on 'Sustaining Hope and Possibilities'. The five-part series explored envisioning an inclusive life and the necessary steps needed to realize it. We were encouraged by the progression of participants and how they now intend to practice their knowledge and leadership to advocate for an inclusive life in the community. Stay tuned for future blogs summarizing the five weekends and testimonials from the series as well as next steps. Much thanks to Inclusion NB and the National Leadership Training Team for making this a rounding success.
A group photo of all the participants, facilitators, and staff in attendance at the final family leadership weekend.
Inclusion Canada & People First of Canada staff meeting with the Joint Task Force on Deinstitutionalization in Winnipeg, MB.
Ready, Willing and Able Employer Forum Series
In recognition of October being National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Ready, Willing and Able is hosting a FREE 4-part webinar series on inclusive employment. The forum brings together employers, employees on the autism spectrum or with an intellectual disability, employment agencies, and more to present and discuss the impact of inclusive employment on the economy.
New Brunswick Association for Community Living rebrands to Inclusion New Brunswick!
Congratulations to federation member Inclusion New Brunswick on their recent rebrand! We are excited for the name change and for this new "unequivocally bold and inclusive" chapter. We invite you to check out their new look.
Inclusion Canada in the News
Upcoming Dates & Events
September 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (offices closed)
October - National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)
October 5 - World Teacher's Day
October 6 - World Cerebral Palsy Day
October 10 - Thanksgiving (Inclusion Canada offices closed)
November 28 - Inclusion Canada & People First of Canada Annual Federal Policy Forum in Ottawa. Click here to register.
Our work to strengthen families, defend rights, and transform communities would not be possible without your financial support.