April 2019
To ensure you stay up-to-date, please make sure to add inform@cacl.ca to your allowed emails list.
UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Canadian Visit: Summary Report 

This month, Canada had the distinct honour of welcoming the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Ms. Catalina Devandas Anguilar, for a 10-day visit. As Special Rapporteur, Ms. Devandas Anguilar is responsible for assessing and reporting on how well Canada is meeting its obligations to protect the rights of persons with disabilities as established  within the UN CRPD .  

CACL senior leadership participated in numerous civil society engagements with the Special Rapporteur and has prepared a Summary Report
Government of Canada Commits Funding to Support National Disability Organizations 

On April 5th, the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility  announced that the Federal government will provide $18 million over the next 3 years to support the operations of national disability organizations working to increase the social inclusion of persons with disabilities throughout the country. 

CACL is one of 28 national organizations to receive financial support through this funding announcement. 

Thank You to 
our Incredible Volunteers!

CACL celebrated National Volunteer Week April 7-13th. We are fortunate to have many volunteers committed to inclusion and advocacy across the country; we could not succeed without your hard work and dedication. Thank you for your tireless efforts strengthen families, defend rights, and transform communities!
CACL in Action!
Highlights of our recent national and international work.
  • CACL EVP Krista Carr was in Ottawa for the federal budget lock up on March 18th. Budget 2019 announced $12M for Ready, Willing and Able, as well as funding to support the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the development of planned accessibility legislation for the Government of Canada
  • CACL submitted a response to the federal government on Federal-Provincial/Territorial Protocol for Follow-up to Recommendations from International Human Rights Bodies and Civil Society Engagement Strategy. This work will strengthen civil society engagement in the international human rights system, including monitoring and reporting on the UN CRPD in Canada.
  • EVP Krista Carr met with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Ottawa on April 3rd and again in Halifax on April 10th for discussions on Canada's proposed accessibility legislation and the right to live independently and be included in community. 

  • IRIS Managing Director Michael Bach hosted the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other civil society groups in Toronto for a two day conversation on equal recognition before the law, the right to life, and access to justice.  
    Inclusive Education Canada Director Gordon Porter also met with the Special Rapporteur in New Brunswick for a school visit and dialogue on inclusive education.

Ready, Willing & Able Receives $12 Million for Phase 2

The Ready, Willing & Able (RWA) Executive Committee is pleased that the 2019 Federal Budget contain approval of $12M (over 3 years) for RWA Phase 2, to begin in mid-2019. While funds approved will not enable the expansion of RWA as originally requested, funds will enable continuation of RWA on a national scale until March 2022. RWA is a national partnership initiative of CACL and the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance (CASDA) and our member organizations. RWA is working to build a more inclusive workforce across Canada by increasing the labour force participation of people with an intellectual disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 

  Read more

Mother and Community Living Advocate Weighs in on Classroom Violence

On April 12th, long-time Community Living advocate and  Inclusion International Human Rights Consultant Anna MacQuarrie spoke to CBC Radio about the connection between a lack of inclusive education and the rise in classroom violence.  Anna, an expert in the inclusion movement and a parent of 3 children with intellectual disabilities, argues that violent outbursts from individuals with an intellectual disability are mischaracterized in the education system as a behavioural problem as opposed to a direct result of inadequate support system in classrooms. 

Upcoming Dates and Events
April 19 & April 22 - Good Friday & Easter Monday. CACL offices closed.
April 22 - Earth Day
May is Community Living Month! Look for events across Canada celebrating the ACL Federation.

Our work to strengthen families, defend rights, and transform communities could not be achieved without the financial support of our dedicated donors and partners.  If the stories in this newsletter resonate with you, we  hope you will continue to support CACL through your generous donations.  Thank you.