June 2019
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Bill C-81: Accessible Canada Act Passes, will receive Royal Assent

On May 29, Bill C-81, the Accessible Canada Act, passed in the House of Commons with unanimous support. Bill C-81 works to create a barrier-free Canada for persons with disabilities by proactively  identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to accessibility for areas under federal jurisdiction,  including employment, the built environment, information and communications technology, procurement, and transportation

  CACL Attends 12th Session of          Conference of State Parties at 
  United Nations Headquarters NY

   took place June 11-13th 2019 at the United Nations      
   headquarters in New York City, bringing together 
   more  than 90 country delegations and 100 national 
   and  international civil society organizations to discuss   
   progress on the implementation of the  UN Convention
   Canada ratified the CRPD in 2010, which commits 
   the federal government to work to implement and 
   fulfil all of the rights and protections outlined in the     
   articles of the Convention.

    Read more.
   CACL Submits Letter to Senate 
   about Forced and Coerced 

    On May 17, CACL and People First of Canada wrote a       letter to the Senate's Standing Committee on Human   
    Rights regarding their recent inquiries into the forced 
    and  coerced sterilization of indigenous women.

    The letter highlights the fact that many people with    
    intellectual disabilities are subjected to similar practices 
    throughout the country. It demonstrates the connections 
    that exist between marginalized groups in Canada and   
    that forced and coerced sterilization is not a thing of the     past - individuals throughout the country are still at risk
    of being victimized by these practices today.
     Read more.
CACL in Action!
Highlights of our recent national and international work.
  • CACL EVP Krista Carr and Directors Tara Levandier and Kurt Goddard attended the 12th session of the Conference of State Parties at UN headquarters in New York. Each year, countries and civil society come together to report on progress made implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  • EVP Krista Carr spoke at the 2019 Nova Scotia Association for Community Living Annual General Meeting on June 15th. The theme of the presentation was "Living a Good Life in Community". 
  • Tara Levandier, Director of Policy and Program Operations, represented CACL at the re-launch of the Commonwealth Disabled People's Forum in New York. Disability organizations from 27 Commonwealth countries met to establish priorities for collaborative work.
  • Inclusive Education Canada Director Gordon Porter will deliver the Opening Keynote at the International Summer Course on the Rights of the Child at Université de Moncton, where the 2019 theme is The Right to Education for All: Inclusive Education and Children Rights.

Minister Qualtrough Announces $12 million investment into Ready, Willing & Able

On May 28th 2019, Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility, the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, announced a $12 million, 3-year investment in support of Ready, Willing & Able
(RWA), our  national inclusive employment initiative in partnership with  CASDA.  

This investment will allow RWA to continue its work in connecting employers with individuals with an intellectual disability and/or autism seeking gainful employment in their communities.  

CACL & People First of Canada Partner on National Inclusive Housing Initiative

My Home My Community is a national, multi-year initiative that is opening doors to inclusive affordable housing for people with developmental disabilities - a group that includes people with intellectual disabilities. Together with People First of Canada, we are driving innovation in housing development and community supports, to ensure all Canadians with developmental disabilities have a home that provides choice, freedom, safety, and inclusion in the community. 

CACL in the News
Upcoming Dates and Events
June 19-20 - National Federation Meeting
June 21 - Bill C-81: Accessible Canada Act to receive Royal Assent
July 1 - Canada Day (CACL Offices closed)

Our work to strengthen families, defend rights, and transform communities could not be achieved without the financial support of our dedicated donors and partners.  If the stories in this newsletter resonate with you, we  hope you will continue to support CACL through your generous donations.  Thank you.