February 2019
To ensure you stay up-to-date, please make sure to add inform@cacl.ca to your allowed emails list.

Landmark Supreme Court Ruling Helps to Secure Financial Future for Persons with Disabilities

In a 7-2 split decision, in the case of S.A. v. Metro Vancouver Housing Corp , the Supreme Court of Canada overturned British Columbia's Court of Appeal's decision on discretionary (Henson) trusts. In doing so, the court has set a precedent that will serve to shield the rights of persons with disabilities and helps to reduce poverty. 

Discretionary trusts are used by parents and family members of persons with intellectual disabilities to provide financial security for their loved ones. The court decided that discretionary trusts should not be considered assets when determining income levels because the beneficiary cannot unilaterally force the trustees to make payments.

Is it Inclusion - or School Leadership - That is Failing ?

This blog post was contributed by Dr. Gordon Porter, Director, Inclusive Education Canada.

A journalist for the Toronto Globe and Mail wrote an article last month that took a serious look at what is commonly labelled 'inclusive education' in Canada. The perspectives of parents, academics, union officials and educational leaders were all cited. The reporter, Caroline Alphonso, followed journalistic practice and presented 'both' sides and a 'balanced' story.

But she missed the most critical factor - the failure of school leaders to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate effective policies. 

CACL in Action!
Highlights of our recent national and international work.

  • CACL is preparing to intervene alongside the Council of Canadians with Disabilities in the Truchon and Gladu case on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) out of Quebec later this month. Michael Bach, Managing Director of IRIS, was a lay witness to the Crown on February 5th. 
  • Don Gallant, Director of Ready, Willing & Able , presented at the Annual Canadian Warehouse Manager's Meeting, Costco Wholesale Canada, on February 12th in Ottawa. Costco is a national  partner  of the Ready, Willing & Able initiative. 
  • Brock University professor Monique Somma is leading a team of researchers supporting inclusive development at a Montessori School in Sudbury, Ontario. The initiative is supported by Community Living Ontario and coordinated by Inclusive Education Canada.
  • Inclusive Education Canada Director Gordon Porter recently met with two officials at the Ministry of Education in Barbados to discuss possible collaboration and support to educational initiatives in the island's schools. Numerous Barbados school staff have participated in education training through New Brunswick's online course. 
  • CACL EVP Krista Carr visited the offices of Disabled Action Women's Network (DAWN) Canada to meet with National Executive Director Bonnie Brayton and discuss shared priorities and new areas for collaboration. 

2019 Inclusion Alberta Family Conference

It's time to save-the-date for the 2019 Inclusion Alberta Family Conference!  This year's conference will take place April 5 and 6 at the Fantasyland Hotel in Edmonton. 

Friday has two full day workshops and Saturday has a number of sessions you're sure to find instructive. The president's reception, family celebration dance and youth forum are part of the weekend too.  Registration will open soon!

NB Inclusive Education System an Example for Ireland's Policy Makers

One of Inclusive Education Canada's national associates will be travelling to Ireland next month to share the success of New Brunswick's Inclusive Education system. Jody Carr, former New Brunswick Minister of Education, will join middle school principal Kendra Frizzell in Dublin, Ireland from March 18-22. The pair will be guest speakers at the National Council for Special Education (NCSE), which will bring together Ireland's educators and policy makers to learn about best practices for implementing an inclusive education policy.

Employment Opportunities for Students with Disabilities

Are you a student with a disability or a parent of a student with a disability? The Employment Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (EOSD) recruitment campaign is currently in progress! The EOSD represents an opportunity for students with disabilities to contribute their diverse skills through meaningful and interesting work in Canada's public service that aligns with their personal and professional interests. Spread the word and help build an inclusive workforce!
CACL in the News

CACL advisor Brendon Pooran speaks with CBC's
On the Coast about the Supreme Court of Canada's ruling on the S.A. v. Metro Vancouver Housing Corp case and discretionary (Henson) trusts.  Listen here  beginning at 1 hr 27 minutes. 

CACL Executive Vice-President Krista Carr speaks to CJAM host Cam Wells about CACL's history, successes and challenges on the most recent episode of Handi-Link.  Listen here beginning at 15:53.

Upcoming Dates and Events
February - National Inclusive Education Month. Learn more at www.inclusiveeducation.ca
February 18 - Family Day in Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and New Brunswick. CACL offices closed.
February 27 - Pink Shirt Day
March 9 & 10No Woman's Land premiering in Peterborough at Market Hall Theatre 
March 14-16No Woman's Land premiering in Toronto at the Harbourfront Centre Theatre.