August 2024

Inclusion Matters

August 2024

The Additional Costs of Disability: Why Canada's Poverty Measure Falls Short

Poverty is on the rise in Canada. For people with disabilities, life was unaffordable before the cost of living crisis. The additional costs of disability mean that over 28% of all people with disabilities live in poverty.

Now, many people are barely surviving.

In this blog post, we explore what the Market Basket Measure (MBM) is and why it plays an important role in measuring poverty in Canada. As this blog mentions, the MBM doesn't work for people with disabilities. We offer suggestions for measuring poverty more accurately for people with disabilities. Improvements will enable government to better design programs like the Canada Disability Benefit so people with disabilities receive more appropriate levels of support that they need.

We recently submitted a brief to Statistics Canada. Read more about this in our new blog.

Click here to read our blog post. >

Canadian Dental Care Plan applications now open!

Accessing on-going and adequate dental care is an issue for many people with an intellectual disability and their families. The federal government has developed a new Canada Dental Care Plan (CDCP) program that provides financial assistance to ensure every Canadian has access to dental care.

Unfortunately, the federal government's implementation plan is currently exclusively for people with disability who have the Disability Tax Credit (DTC). We have expressed our concerns and although we do not agree with how this program is rolling out, many people are now eligible who can take advantage of this program.

The government has announced that people with a disability, and are without the DTC, will be able to apply in 2025.

If you currently have the DTC we urge you to apply for this important new health benefit. See more info below.

Click here to apply. >

Inclusion Canada in Action

  • Inclusion Canada and Ready, Willing & Able staff participated in a McDonald's Canada focus group about enhancing the experience of customers and employees with disabilities.
  • On August 22, Inclusion Canada hosted a meeting in Toronto with Mr. Kelly Lamrock, New Brunswick Child and Youth Advocate who recently released a report on inclusive education in NB focused on the detrimental effects of discriminatory partial-day school attendance.

Inclusive Education Canada - New Resource Coming this Fall!

Its all most time for back-to-school. We want to wish everyone a great start to a new school year.

This year, Inclusive Education Canada, a national initiative of Inclusion Canada, has been working on an exciting new resource on inclusive education strategies and practices in Canadian schools and classrooms. For educators and parents alike, this new resource hub will be a vital source of information for inclusive education across the country.

More on this exciting project to come next month - make sure you're following us on social media for further details!

Have your Say: Guide to Submitting Feedback on the Canada Disability Benefit Regulations

The government is shaping the rules for the new Canada Disability Benefit (CDB), and your thoughts are crucial.  

As you know, the draft regulations need improvement. Our Community Guide will help navigate, step-by-step, how to share your feedback on these important draft regulations. Don't miss this opportunity to have your say and help improve financial support for people with disabilities in Canada.

The deadline to share your thoughts is September 23rd.

Click here for the English guide. >

La version en français. >

Our Federation - Provincial/Territorial Member Updates

Did you know that Inclusion Canada has a federation of 13 provincial/territorial and over 300 local member associations across Canada? In this new section, you'll learn more about their work to advance inclusion across the country!

  • Inclusion BC recently went through a brand refresh! Their updated branding includes a new structure to their site that categorizes work in 4 key areas: Individual and Family Advocacy, Public Policy and Systems Advocacy, Conference and Learning Events, and Community Partnerships and Engagement. Check on the refreshed look on their website.
  • Inclusion SK recently hired a new CEO! Christina Martens-Funk joined Inclusion SK this August. With almost a decade of experience in the inclusion movement, Christina brings a wealth of experience and a passion for creating a more inclusive community for people with intellectual disabilities. Welcome Christina to the federation!
  • Community Living Ontario will be hosting their 71st Annual Inspiring Possibilities AGM & Conference from September 17-19 at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel & Suites in Richmond Hill. Although registration is now closed, you can check out their agenda and speaker lineup here.
  • Quebec member organization SQDI's Senior Policy Analyst and Advocacy Advisor, Samuel Ragot, recently published a piece in The Conversation about Canadians with disabilities being exploited in our labour market and in segregated sheltered workshops. Click here to read more.

Inclusion Canada in the News

The Hill Times: An opportunity to fulfil a promise: the Canada Disability Benefit

Upcoming Dates & Events

September 2 - Labour Day (Inclusion Canada offices closed)

September 9 - International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day

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