Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) Update
On June 28, the federal government released the draft CDB regulations. The public now has until September 23 to provide their feedback. Inclusion Canada is actively analyzing the draft version and will be submitting our feedback. These regulations are the rules that will be implemented regarding who can qualify for the benefit, what the application process looks like, and other important eligibility requirements. There is much we disagree with.
You can read the regulations here. >
In the coming weeks, we will be providing some useful tips on how you can submit your own feedback. In the meantime, the most helpful thing you can do is contact your provincial or territorial government and tell them not to reduce or clawback the benefit from existing provincial/territorial government disability supports.
Our friends at Maytree have developed an excellent tool with lots of resources you can access to help you advocate, including draft template letters you can use to send to your provincial/territorial governments.
Access the tool here. >