Inclusion Matters
March 2023
Helpful Resources & Support for Tax Season
It's tax season again! We've compiled some useful information related to taxes and filing for disability related benefits.
In February, the Canada Revenue Agency released a webinar sharing info on the different tax benefits and credits available to people with disabilities. This includes the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), Child Disability Benefit (CDB), and many others.
You may qualify for free support to help you file your taxes!
The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) is a longstanding partnership between the CRA and community organizations/volunteers. You can find support at a free tax clinic, in-person, over the phone or virtually.
Where is the Canada Disability Benefit Now?
As the legislative process continues, we wanted to provide you with an update on the current status of the legislation to create Canada Disability Benefit, C-22.
Bill C-22 has passed second reading in the Senate of Canada and is now up for consideration in a Senate committee. The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science & Technology (SOCI) will consider Bill C-22 and offer recommendations for the Senate to consider before Third Reading and the final vote on its passage.
The bill is at a critical stage in its legislative process. Inclusion Canada is calling on the Senate to pass C-22 without further delay or any substantial amendments. This will ensure that we can move on to the regulatory process as quickly as possible with the objective of getting this new benefit to people with disabilities as soon as possible. The need is urgent and the circumstances are dire.
On Wednesday, March 22, Krista Carr, EVP of Inclusion Canada, spoke to the first meeting of the Senate SOCI Committee. She urged Senators to seize on the opportunity to make a historic impact on the lives of people with a disability in this country. She requested that they do everything in their power to ensure that the legislation is passed as quickly as possible so the work on the design of the benefit can start.
Support People with a Disability & Send a Letter to the Minister of Health
March 7 marked the 2 year anniversary since medical assistance in dying (MAiD) became law. To mark the day, we have sent a letter to the Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos. The letter expresses our concerns with the committee process that has led to recommendations about the further expansion of MAiD, the stigma and discrimination disability advocates faced as committee witnesses, and the urgent need for changes to the law that protect the lives of people with disabilities.
We encourage everyone to do the same.
We need to speak directly to the minister about the disability community's concerns with MAiD and prevent further human rights injustices against people with disabilities.
Inclusion Canada in Action
- Kurt Goddard, Executive Director of Legal & Public Affairs, attended the Pre-budget Consultation with Minister Boissonnault on February 1, 2023, where he spoke about Inclusion Canada's recommendations for the Federal Budget 2023. These recommendations include funding the Canada Disability Benefit, improving access to the Canada Housing Benefit, and making mental healthcare inclusive for people with intellectual and other disabilities.
On February 28th, Kurt Goddard, Executive Director of Legal & Public Affairs, spoke at a webinar discussing if Canada is meeting its obligation to provide access to inclusive education for Canadian students and learners. The discussion focused on the joint submission by Inclusion Canada and Inclusive Education Canada to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education.
- The Access to Justice position statement group, in line with Inclusion Canada's strategic plan, continues to meet regularly in their efforts to produce a brand position statement on Access to Justice.
Director of Community Justice & Health Equity Natalia Hicks and Executive Director of Legal & Public Affairs Kurt Goddard continue to support ARCH Disability Law Centre, which is leading a large coalition of Canadian disability organizations. The coalition recently met to discuss its latest options to challenge the expansion of euthanasia internationally.
As of the end of Phase 2 (October 31, 2022), Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) has exceeded 3,700 employment outcomes and undertaken employer outreach to more than 17,900 employers. Effective November 1, 2022, RWA, with renewed funding from the Government of Canada, has been extended to October 2025, and over that period the project anticipates that an additional 1,800 jobs will be generated.
On March 1, Executive Vice President Krista Carr spoke as a panelist at the University of Manitoba College of Rehabilitation Science's Listen Up speaker series. This session, titled "MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) social inequalities and structural vulnerabilities: why it matters" featured leading experts on MAiD in Canada discussing how MAiD is negatively impacting historically marginalized groups.
Proposed Settlement Reached in Class-action Suit over abuse at Manitoba Development Centre
Inclusion Canada is celebrating the proposed settlement that has been reached in a class-action lawsuit about the abuse and neglect people with intellectual disabilities experienced while confined at the Manitoba Development Centre (MDC). Spearheaded by People First of Canada and other disability allies, this undisclosed compensation will go directly to the people who suffered in institutional care in Manitoba.
We want to send a special congratulations to our friend, survivor and former resident of MDC, David Weremy, who launched the class-action lawsuit as the representative plaintiff on behalf of his fellow residents.
This victory cannot be understated - it brings us one step closer to closing every institution in Canada and rectifying the injustices experienced by people with an intellectual disability and their families at the hands of government.
Last Month to Apply for One-time Housing Top-Up Benefit
For many people in Canada, it is increasingly challenging to find safe and affordable housing. The Government's new one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit aims to help low-income renters with a one-time tax-free payment of $500.
You may be eligible if you:
- were born on or before December 1, 2007
- have a family net income for 2021 of $35,000 or less for families, or $20,000 or less for individuals
- are resident of Canada for tax purposes in 2022 and principal residence is situated in Canada on December 1, 2022
- paid at least 30 per cent of family net income, based on their 2021 income tax return, on rent in the 2022 calendar year for principal residence in Canada
Applications are open until Friday, March 31, 2023.
Ross Ulmer Family Foundation Makes $100,000 Donation to Inclusion Canada
We would like to thank the Ross Ulmer Family Foundation for their dedication and commitment to the work of Inclusion Canada.
This past year, the Ross Ulmer Family Foundation made an amazing donation to Inclusion Canada of $100,000, which matched the $100,000 prize awarded to local association Inclusion Lloydminster from the 2022 Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup following the Lloydminster U13 Blazers win.
Pictured left to right is Zuhy Sayeed, Chair Inclusion Canada Foundation, Karen Ast (Ulmer) and Ross Ulmer, Robin Acton, President of Inclusion Canada
The Ulmer family are true leaders in their community, and we are fortunate to have their support. Together, we are building an inclusive Canada by strengthening families, defending rights, and transforming communities.
Upcoming Dates & Events
April 7-9 - Easter Weekend (Inclusion Canada offices closed)
Our work to strengthen families, defend rights, and transform communities would not be possible without your financial support.