March 2024

Inclusion Matters

March 2024

Bill C-62 Passes - MAiD for Mental Illness Delayed Until 2027

On February 29th, Bill C-62 passed the Senate of Canada.

Through this bill, the federal government has delayed the legalization of medical assistance in dying on the basis of mental illness as a sole medical condition until 2027. If Bill C-62 hadn’t been passed, MAiD for mental illness would have automatically become legal on March 17th, 2024 due to a “sunset clause” in the existing legislation.

Although we are relieved that MAiD for mental illness has been delayed, we remain steadfast that more sweeping changes are needed to protect the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.

Inclusion Canada will not stop our push for change until the sunset clause and Track 2 MAiD are repealed in their entirety.

Read our press release here. >

Webinar: New Position Statement on Access to Healthcare

On March 27, Inclusion Canada hosted a webinar on our new position statement on Access to Healthcare. We heard from self-advocates, family members, and other professionals in the disability field.

The event was moderated by Robin Acton, Inclusion Canada's Past-President. Our lineup of speakers included Ken Pike from Inclusion New Brunswick, Manel Mhiri from Inclusion International, and Donna Brown from People First of Canada.

We hope takeaways from this webinar and our new position statement will help individuals and families, healthcare providers, and governments take meaningful steps towards equitable access to quality and inclusive healthcare for all.

Thank you to everyone who attended. For those who couldn't be with us, recordings are now available!

View the following relevant materials:

March 8 was International Women's Day

Every March 8, we join the disability community and the rest of the world in celebrating International Women's Day. Since 1911, this date has been devoted to celebrating the impact of women and serves as a reminder of the work that still needs to be done to achieve gender equality in all aspects of society.

We want to send out a special thank you to all the amazing women at Inclusion Canada. Whether you are in a leadership role, board member, staff or volunteer, we appreciate your amazing contributions on so many levels.

For International Women's Day, our placement student Nada wrote a blog post about women with disabilities and work.

Read "Invest in Women with a Disability!" here >

Where's the Canada Disability Benefit?

In addition to Inclusion Canada submitting our own federal budget recommendations, supported by our federation, we have been working collaboratively with 34 national disability organizations on a six-week campaign to urge the government to adequately fund the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) in the next federal budget. The C DB was passed in June 2023, but people with disabilities have not benefited from any funding yet and continue to live in poverty.

The federal budget will be presented in the House of Commons on April 16. Our campaign and the collective efforts of others are having an effect. Just this week, over 60 Liberal Members of Parliament (MPs) issued a letter to the Prime Minister and Finance Minister calling for the CDB to be adequately funded in the upcoming federal budget. We have also seen other MPs of other political parties raise the issue in Question Period.

As well, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance released its pre-budget report to the government. You may recall that we presented to this committee several months ago with our recommendations focusing on the CDB and urging them to call on the government to make significant investments now for the CDB. We were so pleased that this all-party committee of MPs included a recommendation that the upcoming federal budget contain adequate funding for the CDB to bring people with disabilities out of poverty.

Over the next two weeks, leading up to the budget, we and other organizations will be amplifying our message to the government to #FundTheBenefitNow and ensure that adequate funding is included in this year's federal budget. Please re-post and share our social media campaign. 

We believe we have momentum behind us.

You can still help.

If you haven't yet, please take a moment to tell your MP. This link makes sending a letter very easy.

Write to your MP here. >

Alberta Injunction Case to Have Implications: Can MAiD Providers be Held Accountable?

Inclusion Canada raised awareness of the potential implications of a court case reported by CBC Calgary News on March 11, 2024.

The father of a 27-year-old woman with autism wishes to prevent his daughter from ending her life through medical assistance in dying (MAiD). The father is seeking a Court review of the process for which his daughter received approval for MAiD. As the story above points out there were questionable processes which led to the approval.

This case was important enough to highlight our concerns and we issued a public statement.

Read our statement here. >

Partners 4 Planning Network to hold RDSP Webinar

RDSPs can be a useful tool to save for the future. Yes, we know there are problems with the program which we want addressed as we continue to work to push for changes. But if you are a current plan holder, our friends at Partners 4 Planning are organizing a webinar on April 3 @ 7pm EST.

There will be lots of great information and important tips. Even if you are not a plan member and just curious, you may find this webinar useful.

Register for free:

Register here ->

Inclusion Canada in Action

  • From March 11-13, Inclusion Canada's Foundation Board met with senior leadership in our offices in Ottawa, ON, to discuss fund development campaigns and priorities for the coming year.
  • On March 22, Krista Carr and Don Gallant, as well as other members of the Deinstitutionalization Taskforce were in Winnipeg, MB for the premiere showing of the documentary film These Four Walls

These Four Walls

On March 22 at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Inclusion Canada joined our partners at People First of Canada who hosted the premiere screening of the new documentary These Four Walls.

This powerful film traces the path of survivors of the Manitoba Development Centre and the class action lawsuit launched by David Weremy in his lifelong quest to close the institution he and others were forced to live in. Over 300 people joined survivors and filmmakers to view this impactful film and speak to the challenging but necessary contents.

These Four Walls aims to ensure that all institutions in our country close and remain closed for good. The film is a call to action for all of us, that the work is not yet done. Closing large-scale institutions is only part of the step. If people with disabilities and their families do not have choice and control over their own lives they are still living in institutions with just a different look and name.

The film is not yet available for wider distribution but stay tuned for more information on its future availability.

Inclusion International & Inclusive Education

On March 13, we joined Inclusion International in celebrating the 30th anniversary of the UNESCO Salamanca Conference, where the historic Salamanca Statement was drafted. This statement is a global call for inclusive education for all students.

We know there is still much work to be done on this front. Segregated classrooms, isolation rooms, and exclusionary practices continue to plague education systems across our country.

We join disability community allies worldwide in calling for an end to these practices and for governments to prioritize ensuring that every child can learn alongside all of their peers in regular classrooms.

Learn more from Inclusive Education Canada. >

Inclusion Canada in the News

Toronto Star - They've waited years for the help they say will improve their lives. Where is the money the Trudeau government promised?

CTV - Sask. food banks, non-profits push for Canada's new disability benefit to be 'fully funded'

Upcoming Dates & Events

March 29-31 - Easter Weekend (Inclusion Canada offices closed)

April 2 - World Autism Awareness Day

April 12-13 - Inclusion Alberta's Family Conference

April 16 - Federal Budget Day!

April 19-21 - Inclusion Canada Federation Meetings - Halifax, Nova Scotia

April 21-27 - National Volunteer Week

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