October 2024

Inclusion Matters

October 2024

15th Annual Policy Forum - Registration still Available!

Registration for our 15th Annual Policy Forum is still open and the event is just two weeks away! This year’s policy forum will focus on accessible and affordable housing.

On Day 1, we will look the current state of housing in Canada for people with an intellectual disability. We’ll discuss the barriers that prevent the creation of true inclusive housing. On Day 2, we’ll look at innovative housing solutions that promote real inclusion and talk about the steps we need to take individually and collectively to make this a reality.

This is a virtual event via Zoom webinar. It will be held in English & French. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided. English and French virtual CART services, ASL and LSQ will be available. To help us provide an accessible event, please indicate your accommodation needs when you register.

We hope you will be able to join us.

Click here for more info and to register. >

Ready, Willing and Able celebrates its 10th Anniversary

October is Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM)! As of October 2024, the Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) program celebrates it’s 10th anniversary. 

RWA has transformed the inclusive employment landscape in Canada by rethinking inclusive hiring practices for people with an intellectual disability and/or on the autism spectrum and employers alike. An initiative of Inclusion Canada and the Autism Alliance of Canada (AAC), RWA has generated over 5,000 employment outcomes, operates in over 20 communities, and has engaged with over 20,000 employers.

Read the Inclusion Canada and Autism Alliance of Canada’s message about RWA’s 10th anniversary here. >

October is Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) Awareness Month!

October is also RDSP Awareness Month, when Canadian disability organizations recognize the important role that an RDSP can play in building savings for the future. It is a special savings plan, with extra contributions from the federal government. This plan is designed specifically for people with disabilities and their families which can increase to a substantial investment for future needs.

To celebrate the month, we've linked to some useful resources to explore this important savings tool:

Click here to read our blog post on the RDSP. >

Check out the Plan Institute's RDSP resources. >

Inclusion Canada in Action


  • Ready, Willing and Able recently posted results for the second quarter of the 2024-25 year, reporting 175 successful employment outcomes for job seekers with an intellectual disability or autism. 

  • Ready, Willing and Able National Director, Don Gallant, participated in the Government of Canada’s “Workforce Summit 2024,” on October 16th in Ottawa. This year’s summit brought together approximately 250 thought leaders, including senior leadership from across sectors, to gather diverse views on how to foster a modern, inclusive, and productive labour market for the 21st century.

  • On October 23, Inclusion Canada held its annual fundraising event. We had an incredible turnout and are grateful to everyone who attended. We'll have more details about the success of the fundraiser in the coming weeks! If you'd like to donate, please click here.

  • Dulcie McCallum, a key member of Inclusion Canada’s Strategic Litigation Committee, has released a new reader-friendly book that sheds light on the pervasive legal challenges and barriers faced by individuals and families in their pursuit for equality. The Audacity of Inclusion is available for purchase now. Click here to read more about the book release.

Source for Inclusive Education Feedback Requested!

Source for Inclusive Education has been available to the public for over 1 month! This new on-line resource provides teachers, school leaders, and parents with the foundational knowledge of inclusive practices in schools and classrooms that they need to move forward.

We invite everyone to visit and explore the site and share broadly within your networks and communities. We are also seeking feedback to improve the overall user experience on the site. If you have a few minutes, please check out the survey below.

Click here to check out our website. >

Click here to take our survey. >

Disability & Work Canada Conference 2024

Join Inclusion Canada's Executive Vice President, Krista Carr, and national disability partners from across the country at this year's virtual Disability & Work Canada (DWC) Conference.

Taking place from 12-3:30pm EST on November 27-28 and December 4-5, this virtual conference aims to bring together change-makers to build momentum and reduce barriers to employment for persons with a disability and employers alike.

This year's conference will have a particular focus on renewing the Pan-Canadian Strategy for Disability and Work.

Click here for more info and to register. >

Our Federation - Provincial/Territorial Member Updates

Did you know that Inclusion Canada has a federation of 13 provincial/territorial and over 300 local member associations across Canada? In this new section, you'll learn more about their work to advance inclusion across the country!

  • Inclusion BC recently made a submission to the federal government for their engagement about building a Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care System. Check it out here.

  • Introduced at Inclusion BC's 2024 Everyone Belongs Conference, the British Columbia Self-Advocate Leadership Network Society (BCSALN) has released Part 3 of their Thinking about Language Guide. Read it here.

Inclusion Canada in the News

Associated Press (AP) - Private Forums show Canadian doctors struggle with euthanizing vulnerable patients

Upcoming Dates & Events

November - National Indigenous Disability Awareness Month

November 11 - Remembrance Day (Inclusion Canada offices closed)

November 13-14 - 15th Annual Federal Policy Forum on Inclusion (virtual event)

November 25 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

November 27-28 & December 4-5 - DWC 2024 Conference

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