Grammarly is a digital writing tool that provides grammar and spell checking, plagiarism detection services, and suggestions about writing clarity, concision, vocabulary, style, and tone.

Grammarly was first brought to campus by Dr. Jim Ranalli, Assistant Professor in English, as part of a Miller Faculty Fellowship funded through the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. Dr. Ranalli shares:

"As a teacher of courses in which writing is a big part of the assessment and in which the students are often writers of English as a second language, I really value Grammarly for its capacity to reduce the number of distracting grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that can undermine my ability to focus on higher-level issues—things like demonstration of learning, critical thinking, and use of genre conventions—that I'm usually more interested in. I also find that requiring students to use Grammarly as part of course assessment helps them recognize its benefits and integrate it into their normal writing workflows."

Grammarly is not just for students! Dr. Ranalli also uses Grammarly in his professional communications: "even one minor error is more than I want going out in any of my professional communication with colleagues, students, or other audiences."

See how you can sign up by visiting the Grammarly page in MyCanvas Teacher .