Increased Traffic Enforcement - Amsterdam Road

Fort Wright, KY (January 22, 2025) – Unfortunately, we continue to receive legitimate complaints from residents across the City about dangerous driving behavior including speeding and ignoring stop signs.


We take these concerns seriously and we will increase traffic enforcement by the Police Department as necessary to ensure the safety of our residents, businesses, and visitors.


Recently, concerns have been raised about Amsterdam Road, especially in the vicinity of Redwood and Morris Roads, by residents that live in this neighborhood.


Amsterdam Road has a posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour and has numerous stop signs requiring vehicular traffic to come to a full stop allowing for the safe crossing of vehicles from intersecting roadways, such as Redwood Drive. They also provide for the safe crossing of pedestrians and bicyclists in the area.


As a result of the rising number of traffic violations that are routinely occurring in this area, and the need to keep traffic flowing in a safe manner for the convenience of everyone traveling Amsterdam Road and all connecting corridors, there will be a heavy police presence in the area for the foreseeable future. 


Please be aware that traffic citations will be issued to anyone not complying with traffic laws anywhere in the City, and especially in this neighborhood.


The City of Fort Wright takes great pride in its long-standing motto “Neighbors Helping Neighbors”, which includes working together to ensure a safe, efficient commute for everyone traveling throughout our community. We prefer not to issue citations and we kindly ask you to be considerate of your neighbors by complying with traffic controls and laws. 


If you have any question or concerns, please contact Chief Jonathan Colwell at 859-331-1700 or via email at


We wish everyone safe travels in and around Fort Wright. 


Thank you.