Volume 6 Issue 47

December 1, 2023

Renew or Join TODAY, to be included in

the 2023-2024 IFDF Membership Directory.

IFDF Trade Show Exhibitor Signup


We are delighted to announce that the exhibitor sign-up portal is NOW LIVE! If you are interested in exhibiting at the 2024 IFDF Trade Show at Hammock Beach May 30th & 31st, please go here to select your booth and complete the registration process. 

The vendor room block is also open. Please reserve your room ASAP.

If you have any questions, please contact Heather Bernier. See you at Hammock Beach!

Next 497 Board Meeting - December 7

The December 7th Board of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services meeting will be held virtually, beginning at 10 a.m. (EST). If you wish to attend the board videoconference as well as earn CEU credit for your attendance, please follow these instructions:

  • Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone BY EITHER clicking this link OR by dialing (571) 317-3122 and entering the Access Code: 871-959-717 once prompted, followed by the # sign. (PLEASE CONNECT WITH ONLY ONE DEVICE TO AVOID DISRUPTIVE FEEDBACK). Please do not try to transfer the call or put it on hold, as this may disrupt the meeting. Connect to the meeting from the device you will be using.   
  • New to GoToMeeting? Click here to get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts.
  • In order to receive CEU credit, licensees must provide their name, license number, meeting date, email address and the phone number that they will use to login to the meeting. This is very important as the phone number (or email address if you connected via the web) will be used to confirm your attendance and the length of time you were on the call.
  • Please email ALL of the requested information to

Click here for a list of upcoming 497 Board meetings.

Following last month’s article discussing the importance of support networks and with the holiday season and family gatherings soon upon us, I felt this an apt time to discuss healthy communication techniques to help or avoid conflict. “I” statements and assertive communication are essential to having your feelings heard as well as ensuring your wants and needs are met. These techniques are useful in all forms of interpersonal communication, including business where whether we like it or not feelings come into play!

Types of Communication

Most people fall into three broad categories of communication: passive, aggressive, or assertive. Someone with a more passive style of communication may not express their own needs or wants, lack confidence in both body language and verbal tone, and prioritize the needs of others. Someone with a more aggressive style of communication can be unwilling to compromise their wants or needs, may interrupt or not listen, and can be disrespectful of others. Someone with assertive communication practices good listening skills while using confident body language, is willing to compromise, and stands up for their rights while clearly stating their needs and wants.

“I” Statements

Part of miscommunication is that sometimes a person can feel they are being blamed and react defensively when discussing problems or sensitive topics. This defensiveness can often lead to more conflict and sometimes a blowout. One way to help curb this miscommunication is to practice using “I” statements wherein you center your own feelings to help describe the problem that you’re trying to address with the other party involved. This looks like: “I feel (emotion word) when (saying what bothered you).”

Combining “I” Statements and Assertive Communication in Context

Ideal usage of “I” statements and assertive communication is best shown in context. Here's an example: your partner works very late and does not call to let you, and you react by saying, “You need to call me to let me know you’re coming home late!” This is not an ideal usage of conflict-avoidant communication. This can appear aggressive and does not show the emotions impacting your reaction. Instead, by practicing the skills we have talked about, you might say, “I feel scared and worried that something happened to you when you don’t tell me you’re coming home late. I would appreciate it if you could send me a short text when you are working late so I don’t have to stay up worrying.” Both in your home life and in work that is layered with emotionality every single day “I” statements and assertive communication can allow you to express your feelings without defensiveness as well as help you to get your wants and needs met.

Author's Bio:

Aaron Pelchat, LCSW is a psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker specializing in grief counseling and supporting deathcare professionals. He is a practicing clinician in Rhode Island.

If you have a question you would like answered or topic you’d like discussed in a future column, you can send them to Aaron at

Next Straight Talk - December 13

About the Course

Embalming chemicals play a crucial role in the preservation of human remains. In this talk, we will explore the intricate composition of these chemicals and their significance in the embalming process.


  • Understanding how to interpret information on a Safety Data Sheet.
  • Define the modifying agents in embalming chemicals.
  • Differentiate between the options for supplemental chemicals and modifying agents.

Register here.

If you wish to be included in the membership directory, please renew your membership today, December 1, 2023, if you haven't already done so. You can call the office at 850-222-0198, or go online after login, to renew your membership. We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

Update Your Member Profile Information

NOW is the time to update or check the accuracy of your member profile information before the 2023-2024 IFDF Membership Directory is printed.

Three ways to update or confirm your member profile information:

  • Online. Log into your member compass on the website here.
  • Phone. Call the IFDF office at 850-222-0198 to confirm your contact information.
  • Email. Send an email to Justine Almquist with your correct contact information.

Please update your profile by Friday, December 8. Thanks!

Advertise in the

2023-2024 IFDF Membership Directory

E&M Consulting, Inc. is working on producing our Membership Directory. The publication will be available in both print and digital formats. E&M is currently contacting all members about advertising opportunities available. The publication will be mailed to new members and to members who have renewed their memberships for the 2023-2024 membership year – a great opportunity to promote and give your company additional exposure.

To view the ad rates/options and sign-up online, please visit:


If you have any questions or want to advertise, please contact an E&M sales associate at 800-572-0011 ext. 0104 or As always, your support is greatly appreciated! 

First Annual Conference on Terramation

to be held in February 2024

TerraCon 2024: Embracing the Future of Human Composting

Immerse yourself in the transformative world of terramation – leading the charge in eco-conscious death care. This event offers a comprehensive journey through the science, legislative triumphs, cultural contexts, industry perspectives, and personal narratives surrounding body composting.TerraCon 2024 will be happening in Tacoma this coming Feb 21-22. Learn about the disposition sweeping both America, and the rest of the world! TerraCon will be ground breaking, with attendees coming from as far as Germany and Australia. Both in-person and virtual options available. Students receive a 50% discount - write Conference details are HERE

Wanted: YOUR Classified, Position Wanted or Position Available Ads

Do you have a vehicle or equipment to sell? Are you hiring new staff or looking for an intern? Are you looking for a new employment opportunity or an internship? We encourage our members, suppliers, and sponsors to post classified ads on the Association's website and here in the newsletter's Classified/Employment Corner.

Seeking employment? Submit your free ad here

Looking to hire new staff? Submit your free ad here.

Seeking funeral home goods or equipment? Submit your free classified ad here.

Selling funeral home goods or equipment? Submit your free classified ad here.

Questions? Please contact the Association office at (850) 222-0198 or email Ruth Bedell

Position Wanted

NEW Seeking Intern Funeral Director/Embalmer Position

NEW Seeking Funeral Director & Embalmer Internship in the State of Florida

NEW Seeking Full-Time Internship

NEW Seeking Funeral Director and Embalmer Position

Positions Available

NEW Internship Available in Bradenton

Florida Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Position Available in Gainesville

Florida Funeral Director/Direct Disposer Position Available in Jacksonville

Part-Time Funeral Director/Embalmer Position Available in Riverview

P/T Crematory Operator Position in Daytona Beach Available

Licensed Funeral Director/Embalmer Position Available in Inverness


December 7

497 Board Meeting


December 13

IEI Straight Talk

"Unveiling the Alchemy of Embalming: Exploring the Composition of Embalming Chemicals"


January 4

497 Board Meeting


January 17

IEI Straight Talk

"The Dirt on NOR with Return Home"

January 29-30

2024 IFDF Legislative Days in Tallahassee, FL

February 1

497 Board Meeting

(In-Person, Tallahassee)

February 5

IFDF Regional Dinner:

Palm Beach

(Details TBA)

February 6

IFDF Regional Dinner:


(Details TBA)

February 7

IFDF Regional Dinner:


(Details TBA)

February 21

IEI Straight Talk

"Ten Ways I-Succession Benefits You"

February 21-24

TerraCon2024: The 1st Annual Terramation (Body Composting) Conference

Tacoma, Washington

March 5

IFDF Regional Dinner:


(Details TBA)

March 6

IFDF Regional Dinner:


(Details TBA)

March 7

497 Board Meeting


March 20

IEI Straight Talk

(Details TBA)

April 4

497 Board Meeting


April 10-13

2024 ICCFA

Annual Convention

& Exposition

Tampa, FL

April 28-30

NFDA Professional

Women's Conference

Savannah, GA

May 2

497 Board Meeting


May 7-9

2024 OGR Annual Conference

Savannah, GA

May 29-June 1

2024 IFDF Annual Conference

& Trade Show

Hammock Beach Golf Resort & Spa, Palm Coast, FL

June 27

497 Board Meeting


July 17

IEI Straight Talk

(Details TBA)

July 15-17

2024 SCCFA Annual Convention and Family Reunion

Hilton Head, SC

July 24-27

2024 FCCFA Annual Convention & Trade Show

Bonita Springs, FL

August 3-7

2024 NFDMA Annual National Convention and Exposition

National Harbor, MD

August 21

IEI Straight Talk

(Details TBA)

September 11-13

CANA's 106th Cremation

Innovation Convention

Chicago, IL

September 18

IEI Straight Talk

(Details TBA)

September 25-28

2024 Selected Independent

Funeral Homes Annual Meeting

DisneyWorld, FL

October 2-4

IFDF Leadership Retreat

Wyndham Clearwater Grand

Clearwater, FL

October 16

IEI Straight Talk

(Details TBA)

October 20-23

NFDA International

Convention & Expo

New Orleans, LA

November 20

IEI Straight Talk

(Details TBA)

December 11

IEI Straight Talk

(Details TBA)

Continuing Education Credit Available for 497 Board Meeting Videoconferences

The Division of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services have developed a process for 497 licensees to obtain CEU credits for attending the Board meeting videoconferences. In order to receive CEU credit, licensees must provide their name, license number, meeting date, email address and the phone number that they will use to login to the meeting. This is very important, as the phone number (or email address if you connected via the web) will be used to confirm your attendance and the length of time you were on the call. Please email ALL of the requested information


Click here to read and review the minutes of previous Board meetings and teleconferences, so you can be informed of the written actions taken by the Board.

IFDF Membership

Join Today to Access Amazing Benefits!

If you have any questions regarding renewing your membership or joining the IFDF, please contact Ruth Bedell.

Thank you for reading the weekly e-newsletter!

The Association of Independent Funeral Directors of Florida (IFDF) promotes, preserves, and protects independent funeral home, crematory, and cemetery firms throughout Florida. With more than 300 member locations, IFDF works tirelessly to support these businesses, their employees and the families they serve. Our association cultivates strong bonds, deepens trust, and helps maintain the integrity of the funeral profession. Together, we are "FAMILIES SERVING FAMILIES."

For more information, contact the IFDF office at (850) 222-0198.


Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET

Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET

M. Juhan Mixon, EdD

Executive Director

Heather Bernier, QAS

Associate Executive Director

Ruth Bedell, PhD, QAS

Associate Director for Outreach

Justine Almquist

Administrative Assistant

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