
May, 2021

This month I asked Sanjay Saraiya, National Responsible of India, to tell us about what the situation is like for our Marianist Family in India.

We are reading much about the health disaster there, so I wanted his perspective as a trusted, "on the ground" source of information.

Well, he really gave it to us! As you can imagine, the situation is quite dire there.

I want to thank Sanjay for his honesty and vulnerability. He asks for our prayers and I know our readers will be sending extra thoughts and prayers to our beloved Family members in India.

And just to let you know who some of those Family members in India are, Sanjay sent some pictures of the Day of Recollection they hosted in December of 2020--before the Covid pandemic became so bad for them.

It shows a happier time and brings the MLC Hope for the future we all want when this terrible plague is over!


Marceta Fleming Reilly