August 15: Student Schedule Pick-Up (9:00-12:00pm), Senior College Kick-Off (6:30pm)
August 18: First Day of School (8:00am - 2:45pm)
August 23: Application Boot Camp (during the school day)
August 31: 9th/10th Grade College Night (6:30pm-7:15pm), 9th-12th Grade Naviance Night (7:30pm - 8:15pm)
Bulletin Board
Be sure to check your email for last week's Summer Mailer, which contains a plethora of information relevant to the start of the school year.
Please contact the office (513-272-4500) if you have not received this important communication.
We use Final Forms for academic, medical and athletic information. Your electronic signature is required each year to confirm your important information is up to date. Both Students and parents must read and digitally accept each form listed as soon as possible.
My #IHPromise - to work tirelessly for our students, providing them with the most exceptional educational opportunities & experiences to help ensure that they develop into outstanding academic students and future ready individuals!
My #IHPromise - to be intentional about making all students feel seen, heard, comfortable sharing their voices, and motivated to be the best persons they can be as well as successful, contributing global citizens.
My #IHPromise - to provide the best athletic experience possible for our student-athletes and to be a servant leader to our students, our coaches, and to our community.
IHHS Snapshot
Indian Hill High School
6865 Drake Road
Cincinnati, OH 45243
Classes Begin: 8:00 a.m.
Dismissal: 2:45 p.m.
Phone: 513-272-4550
Fax: 513-272-4557
Attendance: 513-272-4705
School Safety: 513-272-4701
Transportation: 513-272-4531
We are a campus committed to kindness; click here to report an incident, and administrators will be notified.