News from the Indiana Chapter of the American College of Cardiology
 Indiana-ACC Newsletter, December 2018
President's Message
Raymond E. Dusman, MD, FACC
Raymond Dusman, MD, FACC
Dear Indiana-ACC Colleague,

I would like to report that our 22nd Indiana-ACC Annual Meeting held on October 13th was excellent. Take a look at the photos and presentations here. We had the opportunity to hear from our own Richard J. Kovacs, MD, FACC, ACC president-elect, about what the ACC's priorities are as we navigate MOC and the new ACC strategic plan 2019-2023. Linda Gates-Striby, CCS-P, ACS-CA gave an outstanding update on all things document and coding related. Kevin Coss, MD, spoke on Provider Burnout, which resonated all too well with attendees. The panel talk on TAVR offered perspectives from Joel S. Corvera, MD, Michael GeRue, MSN, RN, Kim T. Kiesel, ACNP-BC, and Andrew J. Sampson, MD. To round out the day, Kelly Carlson, MD and Rajeev Singh, MD, MBA moderated an interactive session on imaging cases presented by Kathleen L. Morris, DO, Emily Ruden, MD, Parin J. Patel, MD, FACC, Kavita Khaira, MD, and Pantila Bateman, MD, FACC. Utilizing an audience response system, attendees were able to weigh in on diagnostic decisions and next steps.

The meeting also featured the very popular Fellow in Training Oral Competition and Poster Competition. Congratulations to our winners:
Oral Presentation 1st place: Rajeev Singh, MD, MBA, IU
Oral Presentation 2nd place: Hassan Mostafa, MD, IU

FIT Research 1st place: Shannon Lyon, DO, IU, Riley Hospital for Children
FIT Research 2nd place: Benjamin Maatman, MD, IU

FIT Case 1st place: Kathleen Morris, DO, St. Vincent
FIT Case 2nd place: Ryan Mallory, MD, IU
FIT Case 3rd place: Jasen Gilge, MD, St. Vincent

Please mark your calendar for Saturday, October 19, 2019 for the 23rd Indiana-ACC Annual Meeting. If you have topics that you would like to hear about, please let us know!

Election Outcome
Our own president-elect Don Westerhausen, Jr., MD, FACC, Indiana-ACC President-Elect, ran for state office in Indiana House District #5 which includes the city of Mishawaka and the Granger areas. While Don lost by a mere 400 votes, his incredible dedication to advocacy is a goal to which we all should aspire. I know that Don will continue to make an impact, and our Chapter is privileged to have him serve as our next president beginning in March 2019.
Indiana-ACC Career Achievement Award
I am pleased to announce that  Michael J. Mirro, MD, FACC , is the winner of the 2018 Indiana-ACC Career Achievement Award The Indiana-ACC Career Achievement Award recognizes an Indiana-ACC member, who has practiced for 25+ years, for his/her contributions to cardiology in Indiana and support of the Chapter. Congratulations to Dr. Mirro.

Holiday Wishes
Wishing you all a very happy holiday season!
Contact Us
If Gwen Goldfarb, our chapter executive, or I can be of assistance to you, please let us know.


Indiana-ACC Council:
Nominate a Colleague - or Yourself
Election Nomination
Please submit your recommendations  by Dec. 31 for the upcoming Indiana-ACC Council election.
Nominee Qualifications:
You may recommend a colleague or yourself for a two-year term on the Indiana-ACC Council. Nominees must be Fellows, Associate Fellows, Affiliates, Distinguished Fellows or Honorary Fellows of the American College of Cardiology.  

Councilor Responsibilities:
Here is the full description of the Indiana-ACC Councilor Role. Primarily we are seeking your counsel as we work to build a strong voice for cardiology in Indiana. The time commitment is reasonable. The responsibilities of a councilor include:

  • Demonstrated leadership qualities and willingness to work as a team member.
  • Willingness to devote the time required to attend one in-person Council meeting a year (held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting), the Chapter Legislative Day, and the Annual Meeting.
  • Knowledge of ACC programs and activities.
  • Maintain an active email address and communicate with the Council as needed and requested.

The Indiana-ACC Council election will be held in early 2019.

Please assist your Chapter by helping to select its leaders. Submit your recommendations!
Help ACC Estimate Physician Work in
RUC Surveys
In the coming weeks, you may be randomly selected to complete a survey assessing the physician work necessary to perform myocardial PET, myocardial strain imaging, pericardiocentesis, septostomy, remote physiologic monitoring or the management of patients who submit self-measured blood pressure. Annual updates to the physician work relative values are based on recommendations from the Relative Value Scale Update Committee, and data from these surveys are used to determine Medicare payments. If you are selected, please take time to thoughtfully complete the survey. The process should take 10 – 30 minutes, though a large family of codes can take longer. Access instructions for accurate survey completion and learn more through this video. Contact James Vavricek, team lead of Medicare Payment and Coverage Policy for the ACC, at with any questions.
Make Your Voice Heard on Feb. 6, 2019:
Attend the Indiana-ACC Legislative Day
Sen. Donnelly's District Office
You are cordially invited to join the Indiana-ACC for a special legislative day in Indianapolis on February 6, 2019, to speak with Indiana legislators in a strong, unified voice about the importance of fighting heart disease. Attend a morning workshop and then put your skills to the test when you meet with your state legislators about this year’s policy priorities facing you and your patients. Building relationships with your state lawmakers will help ensure that the Indiana General Assembly remains aware of your important issues.

There is no charge for the event, and appointments with your lawmakers will be made for you. Register for the February 6th Legislative Day.
Education of the Communities We Serve
One of our missions is to provide primary prevention education and serve as a resource for our communities for cardiovascular health. If you have community oriented talks that you enjoy giving, please let us know. We would like to compile a listing of our members who are available to speak in community settings, so that we stand ready to assist when an opportunity arises to provide community education.