Indigenous Sustainability
Throughout my 20+ years of serving as a youth pastor in the U.S., I can’t think of a time when I used the phrase “indigenous sustainability,” and I’m quite sure I never had to locate the African town of Malindi on a map (hint: it’s on the southeastern coastline of Kenya)! The last couple of years have certainly expanded my knowledge about our world and the ways in which God is drawing the younger generation to Himself from country to country. My prayer is that newsletters like this one expand your knowledge as well, as we collectively praise Him for all He is doing, and intercede to Him regarding the challenges and issues our leaders face as they bring the Gospel to Generations Z and Alpha.
Indigenous sustainability – When we use this phrase, it encompasses a focus on three objectives: 1) steward our exponential growth, 2) create an environment that will encourage, equip and empower our leaders more effectively, 3) and, most importantly, create indigenous ownership and leadership of the ministry in each country with “guardrails” to ensure long-term sustainability. 
Part of this philosophy involves a growth of indigenously funded projects. Throughout 2021, several of our African leaders accomplished select Reach Out Youth Solutions’ forums and outreach in this way. The impact of this is enormous! This allows monies raised for Africa to expand into new countries and opportunities that have started knocking on our front door! We celebrate with Country Leaders Billy Banda (Malawi), Christopher Ochieng (Kenya), and Zemen Endale Lashetew (Ethiopia) who have championed these indigenously funded ministry opportunities. Pictures below:
In 2021, Billy Banda has really been pioneering the way for us in Malawi. 25% of the forums they hosted were funded from within their country!

20 participants in a JFYM Forum last month in Malindi, Kenya, at Mtangani Baptist Church, hosted by Obadiah Ogosi and Issac Okoth.

Public school ministry in Kenya this month (6 students made professions of faith).
A JFYM Forum was led several weeks ago in the Guarge Region of Ethiopia by Zemen Endale and 40 youth leaders attended. 
Although the ongoing civil war in Ethiopia is a huge concern for Zemen, with many pastors subjected to serious suffering and even starvation, he remains optimistic regarding the current state of missions in his country when he described that young people…“are embracing the gospel in unprecedented ways.” 

Join us as we thank God for opening the hearts of many and as we also intercede before our Heavenly Father regarding the war, suffering, and starvation of so many there.

2022 in Russia has started out with both TRAINING and OUTREACH!
JFYM training continued with two churches in Kaliningrad! Pasha describes the attitude of these churches in this way:
“The guys are very responsive and dedicated to the apprenticeship process.” 

Let’s commit to pray for these churches as they work toward building healthy youth ministries that will reach the younger generation in their communities for Christ!
Creating Outreach Opportunities! 

Last month one of our trained teams in Russia rented out a space and hosted a “Christmas” outreach event…yes, in January! (History lesson – many Russians celebrate Christmas on or near January 7, operating from the Julian calendar, rather than the Gregorian calendar – the difference of 13 days.). Sixty students showed up, danced, ate, and heard the Christmas story and Gospel presented! 
Thank you for partnering with us through your prayers and financial commitments! In 2022, Reach Out’s “reach” continues to expand! Opportunities are growing in number! Leaders are multiplying! Students are finding Jesus and being discipled! And God is using our partnership with you to accomplish His mission. Thank you! 
Philippians 1:3 “I thank my God every time I remember you.”